My Life Changing Wish



The suddden loud noise woke me up and I found myself lying on the floor of my bedroom. I must have fallen down from the bed in my sleep. Then I grab Ace from the bed and gave him a hug. Wait a minute.... ACE?!! "What are you doing here?"............................. =_= I can't believe that I just talked to a plushie. No! Wait! This isn't my room! Where am I?!!!


Characters :



Lee ________ ( YOU )

- An 18 years old baby-faced chinese girl from Malaysia

- Is still a senior in high school

- Goes to an international school

- Is sometimes introverted and sometimes outgoing

- Is a huge fan of Exo

- Knows taekwondo


Wang Yuxy

- Your bestfriend

- Chinese and 18 years old 

- Also a senior in high school

- Is also a huge fan of Exo

- She likes to cosplay

- Hot tempered


Lee Mary

- Your big sister

- 20 years old

- An university student

- An ice princess


Exo-K and Exo-M

- 12 wonderful guys from SM Entertainment

- Hot rookie group



Ok... So this is my first non-applyfic ^^ I got this idea when I was in tuition and I started to write down ideas. And that made the teacher threw a book at me for not listening in class :P Ok I admit I wasn't listening to the class at all.... I was still tired from the trip to Japan... So I went blank and my mind wasn't there for a while.

So I hope that you guise like it. I'm not really good at writing stories but I'm still going to do my best. Hope you guise will like it and if I have any grammar errors don't be afraid to judge. Since english is not my first language so I was hoping to increse my writing skills along the way. 


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Nice story & keep it up - Yuki