Under The Rain

Under The Rain

You leave your aparment with a big smile plasted on your face. Yesterday night, you had received a test from your one-month boyfriend: Oh Sehun. You and him had been a happy couple, despite his reputation as a player. You had ignored others' statements about him. He was sweet, caring, and loving, and he told you he changed for the better, just for you. Having been inlove with him for three straight years, you believed him, despite the small feeling of doubt in the pit of your stomach. 

On the first two weeks you had been together, you felt very much loved. He would take you out on dates, surprise you with his almost-too sweet personality. But after those two weeks, your relationship with him started falling apart. Bit by bit. When you asked him for a day of you and him being together, he would say we was too busy. You understood. You really did but you felt suspicious of his actions. His calls and texts became shorter and shorter, ranging from one word to one sentence. Heck, he even runs or hides when he sees you at school. 

You were hurt, of course. Who wouldn't be when their special someone doesn't even want to spend, or worse see, you anymore. You were confused, but you shook the negative thoughts from your head.

He hasn't been able to contact you for weeks, until yesterday night. 

In the text he sent you, he mentioned that he wanted to talk about something important and that he would meet you at the park near your apartment, which you shared with your older brother.

You arrived at the park and looked around, craning your neck once in a while. You puffed your cheeks in slight dissapointment when you saw no familiar face around. Fixing your peach-colored dress, you sat down on a nearby bench.

Earlier that day, you pondered on what to wear: simple jeans or a dress. You went with the latter idea since you wanted to dress pretty for your first ever boyfriend. 

You fished your phone out of your white clutch and checked the time. 9:50 a.m.

Out of excitement, you woke up early. You mentally smacked yourself for not asking what time he wanted to meet up, but later on shrugged. You'll wait for him, even if it took a day.


- - - -


3:20 p.m.

You sighed as your eyebrows furrowed. Where the hell was he?

You bit down on your bottom lip and rubbed your flat stomach, wondering if you should go back to the small restaurant you had went to earlier that day for lunch.

You shook your head and sighed once more, throwing your head back softly. Gray clouds welcomed you, making you sigh for the umpteenth time.

I guess it's going to rain.


- - - -


By now, it was 5:15 p.m.

The sun was already going down the horizon, and clouds started to darken even more, yet, there was no Oh Sehun to be found. You stood up with a heavy heart. Bitter emotions filled you up. Anger, sadness, hurt, and most of all, disappointment. Great and utter disappointment. 

You had waited for him the entire day, here in the park, on the same bench, from a month ago, when he asked you out.

You turned around, gulping down the upcoming tears, to head home, when you froze. Your eyes widened at the all too familiar face, which was walking towards you in a leisurely manner. He had his hands shoved inside his pockets, indifferent eyes staring ahead. 

"Lay?" You asked. What was he doing here?

He stopped infront of you and nodded in recognition. Yixing, but prefered to be called Lay, was a close friend of Sehun. He looked cold and rough, but he was a real softy inside. 

"What are you doing here? Where's Sehun?" You asked in worry, "Did something happen to him?"

Lay softly bit down on his bottom lip and avoided eye-contact, "Sehun's fine."

"Then why are you here?" You asked once more, "Where is he? I've been waiting for him the whole day! I've been calling and texting him but he won't reply!" The other sighed and remember what the younger male had said to him earlier. Do it quick.

Lay put a soft hand on your shoulder and made you sit back down on the bench. You looked up at him in confusion, "Lay- What-"

"Look," He sighed once again before continuing, "I'm going to do this real quick, okay? Sehun wants to break up with you. Your relationship with him was only a stupid bet. I'm sorry fo his behalf."

You blinked at him, disbelief in your eyes. Then you chuckled, rather humorlessly, "Is this some kind of sick joke you and Sehun are playing? Because I don't think it's damn funny." He looked at you with a mixture of pity and slight irritation.

"You know he's a player," His eyes softened for a bit, "I'm telling the truth. I'm sorry." Lay patted your shoulder softly before turning around, walking away, leaving you to stare at the empty spot where he stood once. 

Beep. Your phone went off.

Gulping, you checked your phone and almost dropped it when you read what your best friend sent.

Hanye. 5:48 p.m.

you will not believe what i saw in the mall just now!!

Beep. It went off again.

Hanye. 5:49 p.m.

your boyfriend just kissed another girl!1!!1!!

And with that, the skies above broke down with you.


- - - -


You absentmindedly stare out on the wet surroundings before you. You were soaked to the bone, but you didn't care. You felt numb, broken, and lost. Is this how heartbreak feels like..?

You had stopped crying an hour or so ago, but the skies kept on crying for you. It was like they felt your sadness, your pain, your emptiness, and your disappointment. You closed your eyes and began choking out a sob. 

How could he do this to you?

And you sat there, under the rain, painfully thinking things through. if you knew that he didn't change from the beginning, you could have saved yourself from the trouble of going through this painful heartache.

Under the rain, you regretted everything.


- - - -


His heart wrenched in pain as he watched you in your state. He loved you, and if he had told you the whole situation earlier, he could've saved you from his bestfriend. But he couldn't even betray his bestfriend, whom he treated as a brother, for the girl he loved.

I'm sorry.


oneshot ft. sehun but he doesn't even appear. =="

yay for cameo lay o/



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Chapter 1: it was so heartbreaking, omo, lay why didn't you do something T^T
yannchann #2
Chapter 1: Nice to meet you, author! I like this story so much! Do you mind if I take out and trans it to Vietnamese? Full credit ^_^