Chapter 9: Pull Me In Deeper

The Same, but Different

Hye Su’s POV


After playing innocent for about five hours, the cops finally left my house without arresting me, which is more than what I can say for Kang-Dae and his friends…how did they get handcuffed to the bed anyway?

I shrugged.

Oh well, not my problem!

I retreated into my room as the maids and butlers continued to clean the mansion.

All I could think about was Tao and Ae-Sook and how happy they looked at the party.

I honestly hated that girl.

I mean how was she better than me? Was she prettier? No. ier? Puh-lease! I mean hell, she’s probably still a for crying out loud!

So, what the hell did Tao see in her that made her so special?

I huffed and turned my laptop on.

Mi Hi was another that I had to get rid of.

Her bizarre style is a menace to us all, not to mention her odd manner pisses me off every time that sunshine would come into the classroom every single day.

I sulked at the failure of my plan tonight before I logged into Facebook.

Cho-Hee was on, so I messaged her.

What happened tonight with the plan?

Cho-Hee replied two minutes later.

Idk. I thought you knew…I thought that the police had talked to you about it.

I face palmed myself. I forgot that Cho-Hee’s an idiot…

No, I meant about the guys being tied up…do you know what happened or who did it?

A message was sent right after.

No clue. I left the room after I made sure that those two freaks were tied up…

I sighed and said goodbye. Cho-Hee responded and I signed off.

I guess I’m going to have to take care of these two myself…


Mi Hi’s POV


“YOU DID WHAT?!” I pulled the phone back as Kris continued to yell at me from the other end. “Mi Hi! If you knew that she didn’t like you and was planning something for you and Ae-Sook at the party, then why would you go?”

I looked down at my lap, my eyes already filling with tears.

“Answer me now!”

“I-I don’t know…” I couldn’t stop my voice from breaking. “I’m so sorry, Kris…”

Kris’ voice was lower now, the tone had softened a bit.

“You shouldn’t be apologizing to me, I believe you owe two other people an apology. You could’ve been killed tonight! Not only you, but Ae-Sook as well had Tao not have showed up when he did.”

I nodded and he sighed.

“I’m coming back.”


“I’m coming back to town. I’ve got a friend that I can stay with while I’m Seoul. From now on, I’m not leaving you by yourself. Hye Su may try something else…she’s not the type that’ll give up easily.”

My eyes widened.

“Kris you don’t have to do that, what about school?”

“Oh, but I do. Besides, my college’s in driving distance even if I do move.”

There was a pause.

“Despite what happened, I think Ae-Sook will be fine.”

“What do you mean?”

I smirked.

“I saw her and Tao making out in my driveway.”

“You’re lying aren’t you?”

I shook my head.

“Nope, if you don’t believe me, then I’ll show you the proof because I taped most of it on my phone.”

“Mi Hi!”

Kris yelled, but this time I could hear the smile in his voice.

“I’m sorry, but that was just too good to pass up. You have no idea how long I’ve waited to see Ae-Sook happy with someone.”

“Here’s an idea, why don’t we all go to Gwangalli Beach tomorrow? Make it a double date?”

I smiled.

“Kris, that’s a great idea! I’ll ask Ae-Sook and Tao tomorrow!”

Kris yawned.

“Well Mi Hi, I gotta go…I’ve pretty much been studying all night. Bye baby.”

“Bye Kris.”

I placed my phone on the dresser and dove into my purple polka-dotted covers. Hopefully she’ll say yes.


Your POV


I felt a ray of sunlight on my eye and rolled over. It’s too early for even the sun to be out right now. Now feeling uncomfortable in the small area of my bed that wasn’t exposed to the morning light.

I pulled myself to my knees and pulled my curtains together when I heard my phone play Rainbow.

“Morning, Ae-Sook. Listen, Kris and I are heading down to Gwangalli Beach today in the afternoon along with Tao, you wanna come?”

“Uh…sure. I’ll be there.”

Mi Hi caught the hesitation in my voice.

“What’s wrong?”


“Liar. I hope you’re not nervous because you certainly weren’t in my driveway last night…haha.”

I paled.

“I didn’t do anything last night!”

Mi Hi burst into a fit of giggles.

“I certainly wouldn’t call lip locking with Tao nothing. I gotta go Sookie, see you and your boyfriend later.”

I said goodbye before the connection ended.

The beach huh? Now the only question was, what was I going to wear?


Tao’s POV


So we’re all going to the beach…good. I want to see Ae-Sook again today after last night.

I swear when I kissed her last night, I didn’t expect her to kiss me back. I don’t know what I expected, but it definitely wasn’t that! Maybe I thought that she’d push me away?

I couldn’t even begin to express how happy I was when we made out…it was just…wow.

I shook my head, still smiling. I still can’t.

I threw the stuff that I needed for the beach in the back of my car and decided to call my new girlfriend for the first time.


Your POV


I was eating breakfast when I heard my phone ring. It wasn’t Mi Hi this time, it was Tao.

“Hey.” He said when I picked up the phone. “Are you ready for the beach?”

I smiled.

“I just need a swim suit…I’m about to leave with my brother to go get one.”

Kwan emerged from his bedroom, waving at me when he saw that I was on the phone.

I waved back.

“Do you have enough money?”

“Yeah, my brother’s paying this time.”

“Alright, call me when you’re done, okay?”

“Alright. Bye, Tao.”

“Bye Ae-Sook.”

“Awww! My little sister has a boyfriend!”

I yelped as my brother embraced me tighter.


The redhead released me.

I took a moment to get some air back into my lungs.

“Are you ready to go now?”

Kwan shook his head.

“On one condition. I have to approve of the swimsuit.”

I smacked my forehead. With Kwan’s strict manner, he’ll have me in scuba gear.

“Fine as long as it’s not too outrageous.”

Kwan grabbed his keys and opened the door for me. We both got into his car and he took off towards the mall where there were a lot stores that were selling swim suits at this season.

“Hm…which one catches your eye Ae-Sook?”

I pointed to a store with a black and white sign and we went in.

Fortunately, I managed to get some pretty good beachwear. I picked up a black bikini.

“Oh no you don’t!” Kwan seized the revealing garment from me and put it back on its place on the rack. “No sister of mine is going to the beach like that. Try again.”

“Kwan seriously? I’m eighteen years old for crying out loud!”

“And still not mature enough to handle the responsibility of a bikini.”

“The responsibility of a bikini?”

Kwan shook his head.

“See? If you have to ask, then you don’t even understand…no.”

I sighed and went for a red one piece.

“Absolutely not!”

He shouted, making me jump from the sudden increase in volume.

“What’s wrong with red?”

“It’s too provocative a color!”

The other customers in the store had grown quiet. Some had even sat down to watch the show that my brother and I were engaged in.

“It is not! Your hair’s red!”

“I’m a man in college! It’s okay if I do it!”

I huffed in frustration and went for another bathing suit.

I saw a one piece with the sides out.


I saw a strapless one piece.


I saw a low cut swim suit.


I plopped down on a bench outside of the eighth store that we’d tried.

“Kwan if you keep this up, then I’ll never get a swimsuit!”

“I’m just looking out for you. You have no idea what guys see when they see a girl in a bikini or in a red swimsuit. I don’t want anyone to eye you like a piece of meat.” I sighed. “Fine. I won’t be so strict.”

“And I’ll try to stay away from the provocative swimwear, deal?”

Kwan smiled and shook his head.


“Let’s go then.”

We stepped into the next store and my gaze immediately went to the bathing suit on the mannequin in the back of the store.

“There! That one’s perfect!” I screamed while running to the mannequin. “What do you think Kwan?”

It was a black one piece bathing suit with a twist. It was the first swimsuit that I’ve ever seen that had the best of both worlds. It had the iness of a bikini and the coverage of a one piece! Sheer fabric connected the would be bikini together and tiny pale blue scales ran up the left side and descended down the right, stopping just under the torso. The opening in the front only revealed the bust line.


“Please oppa…” I said, imitating Mi Hi’s aegyo to the best of my ability. “Oppa!”

“Alright, alright, just stop it with the eyes already! You can have the swimsuit!”


I hugged him and he rolled his eyes.


We bought the swimsuit and left the mall with some black shorts that went with the bathing suit perfectly.

I dialed Tao’s number.

“Did you find a swim suit?”

He asked.

“Yes. After eight stores, we finally found it.”

There was a low whistle from the other end.

“Ae-Sook, that sounds tiring. It must’ve been quite a find.”

“It is. I’d tell you, but it’ll ruin the surprise.”

Tao chuckled from the other end.

“That’s fine.” His voice deepened a couple of octaves. “I’ll see it later on today anyway…”

“B-bye Tao!”

“Goodbye Ae-Sook, see you at the beach.”

I ended the call to see Kwan looking at me suspiciously.

“You two had better not be having phone over there!”

I rolled my eyes and leaned on my hand.

Kwan obviously needed professional help.


Tao’s POV


My heart beat faster as I thought of seeing Ae-Sook soon and in a swim suit.

A one piece? A bikini? A tankini? What did she have?

My mind shamelessly wondered over more possibilities as I increased the speed to her house. The wind filtered through my window as I went, finally slowing down to turn into her driveway. She came out a couple of minutes later dressed in a black swimsuit and matching shorts.

I almost had a heart attack.

She was beautiful!

Her hair was pulled in a long silky ponytail that fell over the shoulder and her brown eyes looked even more attractive than usual in the afternoon sun. Her body was covered by the swimsuit modestly, but the erogenous aspect was still captured with the sheer fabric across her flat stomach.

What is this girl doing to me?

“Hey Tao.” She said, smiling before she got into the passenger’s seat. “Where’s your swimsuit?”

I nodded towards the back of the car where the bag I put in earlier sat.


“Sorry I couldn’t put it on right now, I didn’t want you gaping at me the whole way there.”

Ae-Sook crossed her arms over her chest before lightly punching my arm.

“Well, aren’t we cocky?”

“Nope, if you’d think about it, you’d see that I was being considerate of you. I didn’t want you going blind from staring at my hot body for too long.” I watched Ae-Sook struggle for a protest. Before she could get a word out I interrupted her. “Don’t act like you haven’t noticed.”

My girlfriend’s jaw promptly dropped and I took the opportunity to kiss her surprised face, this time making her gasp.

“Close your mouth baby, you’re catching flies.”

Her shock faded as she smacked my arm with a furious blush on her face.

“Oh, just drive!”

I smirked and started down the road.

It was fun playing with Ae-Sook like this.



Author's Note: I know this is a short chapter, but hang on because I'm adding three new characters to the story that we all know and love. Why? I'm in the mood for it of course, so it shall be done! See you guys on the next chapter!

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Chapter 18: Yes! A sequel!!
JennyPark2ne1 #2
Chapter 18: You should do a sequel <3
minzysantamaria #3
Chapter 18: I loved it and you should definitely write a sequel. I would be willing to help if anything I could at least proofread the chapters before you upload them.
Chapter 18: OMG the ending was really something. I liked it a lot. It would be awesome for you to do a sequel
JennyPark2ne1 #5
Chapter 17: Please Update!!
Chapter 17: Ohmygoshwhywouldthatcrazygirldothisomfg SERIOUSLY THIS GIRL NEEDS TO BE SHOT D:
Chapter 17: What the hell! Why would she just kill Eun! She wasn't great and all, but she had more sense than that stupid Hye Su!
Shizaya #8
Chapter 17: I'm crying. And I'm soo on edge right now. ;O;
the-totoro #9
Chapter 17: Ohhhh I have the chills!
Shizaya #10