Ending ~

My 1st meet up with him.

Daehyun and you were out shopping together..

As you walk with him,fans immediately knows you and Daehyun,you were kinda of feeling awkward even though you had already went out alot of time with Daehyun..

Feeling your awkward and uncomfortable,Daehyun hold your hand tightly and whisper into your ears..

Daehyun : *whisper* Everything is fine,am here with you <3 /smiles/

You : Oppaa..it so awkward ../hold his hand back/

Daehyun : They are just thinking and looking at you for being so lucky to be with me /smiles//pinch your cheek/

You : /smiles/ Am so lucky to meet you../rest your head on his shoulder/

Daehyun : Me too ~ /walking/ 

You : Oppa..Shall we go and grab dinner?Am hungry ~

Daehyun : Me too ~ /laugh/well lets go ~ <3

So both of walk to a near by fast food restaurant and Daehyun open the door and let you go in 1st.. You waited for him to walk in and stood there looking at the menu..


You : Oppa,what are you having ?

Daehyun : Molla../looking at the menu/

You : Shall we have fish fillet burger..?

Daehyun : Then lets have the same thing too since I cant decide either :P /laugh/ 

You : Haha nae ~ 

Daehyun : Babe..go find a seat , I will be back later with the food :) /kiss your forehead/

You : Alright ~ /smiles/

So you went to find seats and sat down waiting for Daehyun to come back with the food..


When Daehyun was done paying and everything,he came walking to you with the food and settle down opposite you..

Daehyun : /givng you the food/ here ~ /smiles/

You : Eat well !^^ /smiles/

Daehyun : You too babe ~ /pinch your nose gently/

You : /smiles/

Daehyun : Look at how messy are you eating~ /wiping your lips with his thumbs/\

You : Aigoo..Oppa dont just look at me,you are suppose to eat too <3

Daehyun : But I cant get enough ,all I want is to look at you cause am never tired of looking at you..

You : /blushed/ aigoo..everyone is looking at us..

Daehyun : /laugh/ lets continue later when there is only us then ~/tease/

You : /giggles/

You were enjoying time with Daehyun..


When both of you has finally finish dinner,Daehyun held your hand and left the restaurant..

Daehyun : Where shall we go next?/smiles/holding hand tightly/

You : Let's go to the park ~ /smiles/

Daehyun : Alright ~ <3

As both of you walk to the park,Daehyun was teasing you and joking around you..

You : Oppa.. would we even be together forever?

Daehyun : Mwo?/stop walking/ whats with the sudden question..

You : Molla..It just suddenly came into my mind..

Daehyun : /hold your head/ I promise you no matter what happen,you are gonna always have me here for you <3 you got it ?

You : Arraseo../smiles//puff mouth/ 

Daehyun : /peck your lips/ good babe../hug you tightly/

You : /hug back/ mianhae Oppa for scaring you with that question..

Daehyun : / your hair/ it ok babe..my heart it not that weak..I can take whatever you are saying :)

You : /let go/ You have a weak heart?

Daehyun : /putting your palm on his chest/ it start beating fast because of you <3

You : aishh I thought you really have a weak heart~/giggles/

Daehyun : /kiss your forehead/ Probably is you having weak heart and not me 

You : Wae?

Daehyun : Because I have been kissing you too much and you cant take it .

You : I can kiss other member too /laugh/

Daehyun : Aniya ~ /hold you tight/ you only belongs to me and no one else ~ ><

You : /laugh/ Oppa I was just kidding ~ You probably might kill me if I ever kiss anyone..

Daehyun : I wont kill you but I will make you marry me <3 because you belongs to me only <3

You : How can you be so sure that I will marry you ? 

Daehyun took down 1 of his ring and put it on your finger..

Daehyun : With this <3 /putting a ring on your finger/

You : /look at the ring/ it too big for me ~

Daehyun : Well at least it gonna show that you and me are together <3 /kiss your lips/ I love you <3


So Daehyun hold you close and smiles..

You were happy that Daehyun is here for you..

He does everything for you <3

And yes..your future would be with him forever<3 



Sorry if it ended fast and short ><



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Chapter 10: I love this story Author nim
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