A New Pull



It feels like forever when she's in my arms. If it's a dream, I'd never want to wake up from it. Be it a sweet one that I'll yearn for more or a terrible nightmare that'll chill me to the bones. If it's the former, I'll make sure the sweetness last for eternity. If it's the latter, I'll make sure to convert it into the former. Kwon Yuri never gives up, dreaming or not.
"I...I'm sorry Yuri, my..*sniff*..my tears stained your left sleeves. So sorry...", she said while pulling herself away from our hug that started since I don't know how long ago. When she pulled away, it felt as if she took away something from me and my frame felt emptier than ever.
 Why does it feel like this? It felt as if my heart strings are being pulled and damn, it didn't feel too good.
What are you and why are you making me feel like this?
I've never been in love before and could never emphatise with whatever my friends were feeling when they're hugging or kissing their respective halves. Sure I've seen Yoona kissed her ex boyfriend back in year one of high school.  I wondered if she ever felt that weird pull inside her atrias and ventricles during that moment? Is that what love feels like? But it didn't feel that good, at least not how stories or movies described it to be. It makes me greedy. What Tiffany 'took' away, I'd just crave for more. Her touch, her words or just having her around me. I need more. Being a psychology student, I can't help but over-analyse human beings & emotions. Experiencing this  unusual feeling of greed for the first time, this emotion will be added into my knowledge of human psychology. Something I learn outside from texbooks for sure.
"Ahh it's nothing. Water will evaporate, no need to apologise. If you miss your family, why don't you ask them to visit you or vice versa?", I genuinely ask of Tiffany.
"It's possible but impossible at the same time. I can't find the proper word to describe my situation. It's complicated, Yuri."
"Hmm... what do you say if I uncomplicate it for you?" I added with an implish grin, trying to make her feel less tense.
"I wish it's the case. Nevermind about it and I appreciate you for hearing my story, that'll probably be kept inside me & only me for god knows how long... Really, thank you. I feel so much better now after telling someone how much I miss my family."
"No problem. Al..also, I don't mind getting more hugs too. It's not everyday that a normal peasant like me gets a hug from the great celebrity Tiffany Hwang, eh?" I replied with a playing wink. Gosh that's pretty damn cheesy but come on, I need to hint her that I'm probably the best candidate for her to share her secrets with. Kwon Yuri's definitely a keeper for Tiffany Hwang, I can assure that.
"You're so cheesy. No need to belittle yourself Yuri, I already said I'm just myself when I'm not having any schedules. Please don't treat me as celebrity Tiffany because I'm actually tired of people being nice to me just because I'm celebrity Tiffany. It hurts me, Yuri."
"Nonono I don't mean that Fany ahh! I'd more than love to get to know my student  Miss Hwang Miyoung and not celebrity Tiffany. I was actually teasing you, nothing more. Please don't get hurt, I'm sorry."
"Yahhhh who says you can call my full name without prior permission?!" 
Tiffany gave Yuri another 'slap' on her arm, but it's more of a playful slap. Yuri returned the favour by tickling Tiffany. The latter could not contain such act as she's a really ticklish person. She can't help but ran out of the study room with Yuri chasing her. 
"Stoppp it Yul.... Stop chasing meeeeeee!"
"Don't you think of escaping anywhere, this is my house! MUAHAHAHAA~", Yuri feigned a sinister laugh which sort of frightened Hani. With that, the little pomeranian ran inside Yuri's room back to her little personal space.
Split seconds later, the clumsy Tiffany tripped by the sofa leg and fell on the floor, with Yuri falling over her. Oh wow what is this, is this a scene from a drama? Like it or not, it happened and Yuri's on top of Tiffany, both facing each other. Their faces are so close to each other, they can feel each others' breath and water vapour condensing on their cheeks.
Can you spell awkward? 
A-W-K-W-A-R-D. Yep, that's the right word.
"Urmmmm....I.......", the startled Yuri stuttered while trying to ease the awkwardness (apparently failed as it's still awkward) and at the same time, try to get herself off Tiffany's. Her heart's pacing so rapidly, she sweared she'd be the champion of a marathon if she's running right now. Too bad she isn't and she's still quite stucked. Okay, move your left leg over and stand with your right. Push yourself off and you're done!
While she's mentally calculating those steps to get herself off the current situation, she felt herself closer to Tiffany's head instead. Wait, Tiffany actually pulled her in! 
Without further thinking, Yuri stood up in a heartbeat and pulled Tiffany up too. She can sense the other girl's disappointment even from the slightest & subtle movements. 
"I errrr will be in my study room till morning. You better get some rest before the sun rise. Goodnight."
Yuri tried to walk away while she felt Tiffany grab her wrists.
"Kajima ( please don't go)."
At this point, Yuri knew exactly what Tiffany wanted
Point 1: she's really lonely. 
Point 2: breakdown. Tends to be really fragile emotionally.
Point 3: she wants instant companionship to ease away the lonliness. Meaning she wants someone to hug or kiss with, I'm sure. Or more.
No, she needs her damn rest or the schedules are going to torture the hell out of her. As her number one fangirl, her basic needs are my priority. As much as I want her as well, she needs to perform her schedules well. Hence, I hugged her and assure her that I'll not go anywhere (duh, it's my house and it's so late).
"Not going anywhere, am I? Tiffany, please sleep for at least an hour. It's already nearing 4am. You need to get prepared and  reach Myeongdong at 8am. You need rest.", I stood firm and and sent her to my room, with Hani fast asleep inside too.
"Please have some rest Tiffany. You're not iron man, you know? Jal ja yo-~"
I switched off the lights and slowly closed the doors. Went back into the study room and heaved a big sigh. I don't know what it meant though. Either it came out because I finally managed to convince her to sleep or because of something else. With nothing much to do, I took out my phone and called YoonA.
"Supppp beeeeech?! Y'know you call at the wrong time? So noisy here. Ahahahahahaha!!!"
Yes, it totally slipped my mind that she's probably not sober that this time since she's out clubbing with Hyoyeon & Sooyoung. 
"Right. I geddit. Just want to make sure you're fine. Don't drink too much ok?"
"Yaaaaaaaaaa...... OK! Hehehehehehe I won't...*yahhh Syoung ah, ask that nugu to get us another dozen of Jager Bomb shots! Pali pali~*..won't. Yoouuuuu should've came along!"
Lying to me at my damn face. Tsk Yoona, you sly drunkard. I already know I can't take her words seriously when she's obviously high. I just hope she won't have a terrible hangover next morning.
"Have fun Yoona yah and you friggin lying of a drunkard. Heol~bye."
I shook my head while I hanged up. I simply don't enjoy watching her wasting herself away and feeling miserable the next day. Why club in the first place?
Putting my phone away, I took out the thick stack of documents that Jessica threw on my lap earlier and started going through  it.
Tonight will be a long, long night.
Here you go with chapter 5!
Please promote & share my stories in twitter or snsd forums as I need exposure since I'm a nee writer here. I'll repay your help with fics request in the future. Hehe. Enjoy!



Today's Girls' Generation Girls & Peace 1st ever show in Seoul! I heard that there's A LOT of YulTi moments! Please give me a moment to sob at my OTP being so obvious and showing Soulkeepers "HOW TO TREAT YOUR LOVER RIGHT". Sure I'm being delusional about the latter part but really, there're tons of YulTi moments. Can't wait to meet them again in real life!

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You will continous this story right?? *puppy eyes*
Chapter 11: Pleaseeeee update... I really love this *-*
I hope Yuri don't start to avoid Tiffany or something like that... This is surelly hurt Tiffany more, Yuri have to stay by her side and protect her no matter what....
I hope you update soon
maomao88 #3
Chapter 11: i've just finished reading it and i love it,please update soon.. :)
imusayo #4
writer please update your story
I've been waiting for you and yulti T.T
Chapter 11: wtf, don't over analyzed the situation, not all the things that you knows best was the best things for others also XD
Chapter 11: it is a nice chapter
please update
hiotmihagiwara #7
Chapter 11: i hope yuri not leaving tiffany. she already lonely. if yuri doing that she will be more devastated.
KwonStephanie #8
Chapter 11: Jessica is a strict person, no wonder cause she just do what she has to do..
And i love YulTi sweet little moment here ^^
Chapter 10: :) tiffant-ssi was something hehehe
hiotmihagiwara #10
Chapter 10: what did fany means by "let's just continue from where we left off"?