Chapter 2

Sushi Date

A/N: Okay I know I said I'd write for this but I just can't idek why lol BUT I will write it later I promise. I think I'm just gonna write this for canon GTOP moments untill GDWT(more like GDAT, since it's just Asia..smh) is over. And between that period, I will write a ..or maybe after GDWT I'll write it as the finaleee~ haha Anyways, enjoy~

The next morning Jiyong woke up, feeling a little warmer and better than he normally would, he hate staying in hotels because it's cold and lonely. But for some odd reason he doesn't feel like that now. As he mused in his hazed state, he felt the pillow underneath im rise and fall slowly. Okay, weird. He thought as he slowly opened his eyes and rubbed the sleep off of his eyes. Holy . Hyung. What's he doing here? Oh my g- The memories of their outing yesterday and the sweet make up they had rushed through him and he couldn't help the insanely pathetic big grin forming on his face. He slowly pulled away and sat up, staring at his hyung's peaceful sleeping face. He lightly brushed his hyung's cheekboned and jaw with his knuckles. Seunghyun in impossibly beautiful and he wishes his hyung would see that. Yes, they make fun of how Seunghyun always looks at himself in the miror and play it off as him being somewhat vain, but in all honesty, Seunghyun only does that because of his insecurities and he keeps questioning as to why he was loved by not only the fans but those who are close to him. It is maddening to think that such a beautiful person, not only physically but his whole soul is just beautiful, fails to see that. 

He leaned forward gently and kissed Seunghyun's lip softly, not wanting to wake him up. He pulled back and smiled as his hyung merely scrunched up his face and turned over the other way, still sleeping. He got up and decided to take a very much needed shower after their cercise session last night and maybe plan something today. 

Seunghyun heard the soft sound of the shower as he rolled onto his back and stirred awake. He sighed contently at the memory of yesterday and couldn't wait to go back being close to Jiyong. Truthfully he had missed being the person Jiyong would go to for everything. Yes, it annoyed him so much that he had cursed Jiyong to the pits of hell before but that was them. Jiyong might be the leader or arguably the biggest Korean boy band, and have such a tough and devil-may-care look but he's still a boy inside and Seunghyun was and is his anchor and float. As he heard the gently spray of water and noises from the bathroom he reminisce about his relationship with Jiyong and also the band. How hard it had been for all of them and how they've braved to everything togather. He never wants them to part. And even if they do, he hoped for it to be on good terms. He'd always imagined Bigbang, and even the rest of YG Family sending their future kids to the company to train and just keep being a family. He laughed a little when he realised how sappy he was as he heard the shower being turned off and the door opened.

"Morning, Kwon Leader." Seunghyun said with a smirk as he tilted his head to the side a little to look at Jiyong without getting up.

"Ha. Morning, Choom Top." Jiyong said with a roll of his eyes. They enjoy calling each other by the nicknames the fans gave them.

"Hmmm.." Seunghyun sat up and ruffled his hair a little. "Are we going back today?"

"Nope." Jiyong walked over to the closet to find clothes to wear. "Maybe tomorrow. We have a free day today. So I was thinkin-"

"Free day?" His eyes sparked up with glee like a child's who heard that there was a free all you can eat ice cream buffet "I need to get new figurines at that shop we visited before on that show. I forgot what it's called." Seunghyun said as he got out of bed in all his ness.

"Hyung..does figurines really matter that much to you? And get some clothes on or we'll never get out of here.." Jiyong said as he trailed his eyes down Seunghyun's body slowly, remembering how good it felt to touch it, and taste it and...

"Ya!" a pillow came flying right to his face."Stop being such a ert." Seunghyun sauntered over to the bathroom to clean himself.

"You know you love me hyung!" Ji yelled back to his hyung as he got dressed. Knowing Seunghyun, it will take quite a while for him to get ready so Jiyong decided to search for places to visit and of course, the name of the shop that Seunghyun had wanted to visit. He is going to try his damned best to be eligable for the world's best boyfriend award from now on.


They were both in the car now, waiting for their driver and translator to get ready. It's ridiculous how they're the stars and they're taking longer to get ready, really. Jiyong thought in his head as he browsed through instagram and laughed at some fan edits of them. He showed Seunghyun some and tried to convinve his hyung to get an account on it but failed. Soon the were on their way out and they were both pretty damned happy to be spending time together. Jiyong has specifically picked out places to go were the chances fo them stumbling into fans were close to zero as he wanted today to be about him and his hyung.

First, they went to the figurine shop, thought it's not where Seunghyun had wanted so much to go since it was so far away, it had many new and limited edition figurines. Seunghyun was surprised that Jiyong had taken the time to search for this shop for him and had awarded him with a tight hug and a sweet little kiss in the car. Seunghyun couldn't stop thanking Jiyong which caused the younger man to blush a little. He shoved his hyung out of the car and into the shop before he died from his hyung's cuteness. Seunghyun is such a child most of the time. They spent a couple of hours in there as Seunghyun went through everything and fawned over some limited edition things that Jiyong honestly had no interest it. But it was cute. He shook his head at how his hyung can be so manly and mature at times and be such a kid on the other.

Soon after, they went to a mall and went shopping. Jiyong looking for good pieces of bizarre clothings to add to his own personal collections and his hyung merely looking for whatever bits and pieces that might attract him. 

They walked into a clothing shop and Jiyong went straight to the distressed section of the pants and his eyes raked through all the jeans and skinnies with ripped fabric and cut outs in it till he heard someone clearing his throat. He turned to see his hyung looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" He said as he went back to looking through the racks.

"Jiyong, I think you need an intervention.."

"What intervention? I'm not on drugs..I don't drink much..and you can't tell me not to smoke because you do to. And ? I only do it with" Ji said with a shrug, not paying any mind to his hyung.

Seunghyun took both of Ji's hands and turned him towards himself, making Jiyong look him in the eye. 

"Now I know you might not like what I'm going to say.." Jiyong looked up at Seunghyun with innocent, puzzled eyes. "but pants are not supposed to have squares cut out in the knees, Jiyong."

Jiyong blinked in shock "But hyu-"

"No buts. I saw the airport pictures and you in CL's MV. What the hell Ji? I know you like making bold statements but seriously, no. You're 25 and you will dress like it, okay? And besides, your legs are mine, only mine. Stop showing it to the world."

"fine..." Jiyong sighed defeatedly. If it was anyone else, he would've put up a good fight, threw a hissy fit and stormed away but this was Seunghyun and there's no way his hyung would give in to him and let him do what he wants. He pulled his hand away and walked towards the skinny pants' section with his shoulder slumped muttering curses under his breath.

After Jiyong picked out a pair or pants and a couple of shirts that was approved by his hyung, he decided to wonder off into the bookstore they passed by. He wanted to buy some magazines and a few comic books since he has read all of his collections already. As he browsed through the magazines in the store, he came across some with Daesung on the cover. He squealled like a fan girl and dragged his hyung over to see. They both had a happy and proud smile on their faces seeing their dongsaeng on the cover of multiple magazines. Jiyong took his iPhone out and gave it to his hyung.

"Hyung, quick, take my picture!" Jiyong took two of the magazines and posed with it as Seunghyun chuckled at took the picture.

"Daesung looks so good here." Jiyong said as he opened his twitter, he wondered what to write as the caption for a bit and posted it with a smile, proud of himself. Jiyong thinks that he is pretty damn funny and adorable, so his fans should love his tweets and instagram posts. 

After a whole day of walking around, they got hungry and decided to head back to the hotel and call room service for dinner. After all, why be in public when being in private would be so much more fun?


The next day, Jiyong and Seunghyun had to go back to Seoul and it was their first public appearance as the duo after a long while. On the plane ride back home, Jiyong had heard Seunghyun ask him something he thought he would never hear.

"Hey, Ji...I know you already have Ri as a guess for Bangkok. I was wondering if you had one for Jakarta? I felt bad about the China maybe..I can be a guest for Jakarta..?

"Hyung..." Jiyong said with a big grin plastered on his face.



A/N: So sorry this took me forever to put up...and that it's short. >< Been having the stomach flu anddd food poisoning and it just KILLS me. =___= 
What did you think? ^^ Next chap will most probably be when something about these two happen again~

PS: Can you guys see this story in recent stories or whatever? Because AFF is displaying this story weirdly in my story list. I can't view the number of views and all that from my story list. D:

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shistea #1
Anchovy i'm still waiting for this update. *judging*
Atenais #2
Chapter 2: I like the way you keep the distance between them, even if they're in a relationship. We use to forget how formal Koreans are.

Your interpretation of Jiyong's pictures at Jiro's sushi is very good and sweet. I would love to know the true, but your story is a very nice replacement. Thanks for sharing!
thya-aryssa #3
Chapter 2: aren't they the cutest ever??
aww this is so cute and perfect for the little new gtop moments lately :3
galileo268 #5
Chapter 2: oh gosh that picture you've got is SO DAMN CUTE omg I remember GD's instagram post about that >.< *completely obsessed* anyhow…to the story - I love it!! ^^ its so wonderfully cute and I'm so glad they talked it out instead of fighting and getting all angsty. As for your currently nonexistent …im looking forward to when it comes into existence ;) Thank you~
Chapter 2: Shjsjduekwkajdiwowla I read this in the library and I was biting my book as I do. Ejsjwkwka I was giggling in my seat, face beet red.

I hope you recover soon! Be extra careful next time :)
youngforever #7
Chapter 1: Ah I want to read more! This is so good and it's refreshing to read something that's so canon and so lovely. Poor gtop, it would be really hard to have a relationship in their situation and it breaks my heart to read about the crazy fans. There's so much of that craziness going around recently, I just hope that Top doesn't return to the depths of his cave lol!
Thanks for writing this, I needed it :)
anechanlovesGTOP #9
Chapter 1: Goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is so so so so soooooooo perrrfect OMG I'm loosing my brain right now!!! so precious that I can cry! girl... even if this is only a little oneshot.. you can do SO GOOD a canon fic... really, Idon't know what to say? I just shjhsdfgksjahgf'ed lol I'm totally melted... I think is perfect just like is but if you wanna do a second part I would be more and more happy *A*
Chapter 1: SERI ;_; HOLD ME PLS. ILYSM.

"infamous cave and private parties with friends"
omfg this is why i freaking love you so so much ahaha.

ADORED how badly Ji baby wanted his hyungie to stay a little longer with him and how he was plotting the ways to keep him closer for longer. omfg. srsly girl. stop pulling on my gtop heartstrings. right in the feels baby girl~ right in the feels. I have such a weakness for Ji calling him 'hyung' because it does things to me. not just naughty things >_< but innocent butterfly tummy things too. because it's the fact that even though he is the leader of their group, seunghyun is still his hyungie who he can go to when he needs a shoulder to lean on or someone to hold him or tell him everything will be okay omg and im tearing up again ;_; my ship has been sailing off into the sunset on beautiful crystal clear waters lately and my heart is sailing off with it.

"in fact they are still together now very much just for the fact that no one had said they were over"
seri no ;_; dun make me cries no more. this pain is all too real... I... no. I'm moving on from this sentence now *sniffles*

You have now completely ruined me and as payment, you must snuggle me until my heart is functioning properly again.