Chapter 8

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╔═ Author’sNote ══════════════════════════════════════════════╗

I’m such a liar…I felt guilty that I said I wouldn’t be releasing the next chapter soon but I left it on a cliffhanger. Besides, this really is a big chapter to put off…so I pushed myself to write it. I really hope you will all enjoy it. So far this is my favorite chapter.







Woohyun stared at the phone not sure what to do. Was Minho allowed to answer Key’s phone? While he contemplated his rights, Onew watched on confused.

“Are you going to answer it?” He asked, worried it would stop ringing. Woohyun looked up at him.

“It’s Sungkyu.” He said, still looking lost. Onew took the phone from his hand and answered it.

“Hello? Hey Sungkyu, this is Onew. Key stepped out for a minute. Want to wait for him to come back or do you want to leave a message for him?” Onew nodded his head listening to the other team’s leader. “I understand. I’ll ask Key but I’m sure he’ll say yes. It’s been a while since they had time alone anyway. I’m sure it will do both teams some good.” He said with a caring laugh. Woohyun was trying not to be obvious but he was hanging on every word and trying very hard to hear the other boy on the line. Were they talking about him? Or not really him anymore, but…Woohyun? Onew laughed at something Sungkyu had said making Woohyun even more anxious to know what was being said. “I’d like that too. I’ll get it from Key’s phone. I’ll call you later to confirm it.” He laughed again. “Ok. I’m hanging up.” Woohyun’s eyes were glued onto the leader as he put the phone back into Key’s bag.

“So what did he say?” He asked, not trying to sound as anxious as he felt. Onew didn’t look at him and instead looked around to see if Key was back yet.

“It was about Woohyun.” Is all he said. Woohyun felt annoyed. He had gathered that much but apparently Onew had no intention of telling Minho more than that.  




Minho had his eyes closed but he wasn’t sleeping. The others had either left already or were being extremely quiet for once. He assumed they were gone since the second option seemed impossible for those six. He rolled over in bed to look up at the ceiling. They really had left him. He couldn’t decide how he felt about that. Maybe they didn’t know how to react. Perhaps the real Woohyun would never act this way.


The idea of the ‘real’ Woohyun angered him again. He wasn’t sure why he let it get to him. Of course there would be people in the world who had a problem with his feelings for Taemin. If there weren’t there wouldn’t be any need for them to be so secretive about it. The thought made him angry again. If only there weren’t people like Woohyun in the world. He realized what it was that bothered him so much. What was a guy like that doing being friends with Key? Wasn’t the blonde the most obvious of them all? To think Jonghyun had been worried what their relationship was. The idea almost made him laugh.


He faintly heard the sound of knocking from the front door. Minho sat up looking shocked. Should he answer it? What if it was a fan? He stood up and walked into the living room. There was knocking again but this time he heard something else. A familiar voice.

“Woohyun! It’s hot out here! Let me in!” Fussed the voice. Minho practically ran to the door. When he opened it he was greeted by the boy he was just thinking about.

“Key! What are you doing here?” He asked. Key sighed.

“First let me in.” The blonde complained and moved inside. Minho stepped back allowing him in. Key looked around the room. “You need to clean up.” He nagged instantly. Minho let out a light laugh.

“Is this your first time coming here?” He asked without thinking. Key looked at him confused.

“Of course it is. Why would I have been here before?” He asked, his eyes studying Woohyun. “No wonder Sungkyu is worried about you. You’ve lost your mind.” Key said, again turning his attention to the messy room. Minho felt sorry towards Sungkyu. So he was worried and sent Key? The blonde turned to him. “Are you going to show me around or do I have to snoop?” He asked impatiently. Minho laughed again. Key was such a blunt friend.

“Come on then.” Minho said, reaching out and taking Key’s hand. He didn’t think anything of it and didn’t catch the look Key gave him. “This one is the living room.” He said, motioning to the room they were in. “That room is Hoya, Sungyeol and Sungjong’s room.” They walked together to the room and Minho opened the door letting Key peak inside.

“It’s so messy!” Key complained. Minho laughed and dragged the boy to the next room.

“This one is Dongwoo and Myungsoo’s room.”

“At least this one isn’t so messy.” Key said as he looked around. “It’s kinda small though isn’t it?” Minho dragged him off again.

“This is Woohyun and Sungkyu’s room.” He said, opening the last door. Key looked at him weirdly but Minho was too happy to notice. “and that’s the kitchen.” He turned to Key, releasing his hand, as he concluded the tour.

“Does that door not go anywhere then?” Key asked, gesturing to the bathroom door.

“You want to see the bathroom too?” Minho asked with a laugh. Key blushed.

“Why do I feel like you are suddenly judging me?” Key asked, stepping back a bit. Minho stopped and thought for a moment. He had honestly forgotten for a moment that he wasn’t Minho anymore.

“Wanna sit down and talk? That’s what you came here for right?” He asked. Key smiled at him.



They made themselves comfortable on the living room floor, or as comfortable as Key could be in such a messy room. Key started the conversation.

“Sungkyu told me you said you were gonna sleep in all day today. Said you’ve been acting weird and he’s worried about you.” Key went quiet obviously thinking about something else the leader had said but he decided not to share it. “So what’s going on?” He asked. Minho almost smiled. He had a feeling this moment would come. Key was always so helpful to his friends through things like this. He was a secret keeper so people often felt comfortable confiding in him. Minho wasn’t the kind of person to confide in others but apparently Woohyun was.

“Just been stressed about a lot of things lately.” Key looked at him curious but realized Woohyun wasn’t going to elaborate on his own.

“Does this have anything to do with Minho?” He asked. Minho looked surprised. How did he know? His expression must have spoken his thoughts because Key responded to them. “He’s been acting weird too.” Minho nodded understandingly. Then he t

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dgh2673 #1
Chapter 23: i reread it again
and like it
thanks 😍😘
Simran20 #2
Chapter 22: I really loved the fic. This made me remember the time when "SHINFINITE" was a hot topic in kpop industry.
Chapter 9: I'm really laughing so hard when Key figured what happened ^v^
Chapter 5: It's really fun
I can completely sense different between each of them
Chapter 1: It seems good I don't know shinee group but now I can imagine them
Chapter 23: Awww it's was so cute authornim the SHINee INFINITE interaction I loved it. It was daebak!!!
Chapter 23: ^_^ wow~ this is really good and I thought of sunggyu and minho pairing since they were in fluttering India and were so adorable!>< I love the way u wrote this ♡ good job~
U knw it should be minho x sunggyu after fluttering india
Chapter 23: New reader here! ¤.¤
The story is really great incredibly awesome.. I can't help but to get emotional when I was reading this :)
thekeenkpopper #10
Chapter 22: SHINfinite forever man! Really emotional fic! I'm glad that SHINee and INFINITE are also close in real life