Tears In Heaven


Moon Jongup from B.A.P is diagnosed with cancer.



He is the first mainstream K-pop idol to be diagnosed with cancer. Leukemia, to be exact.
At the budding age of 18, on July 26, 2013, Moon Jongup is diagnosed with Leukemia.
Of course, this receives attention from the media. Attention for B.A.P, but not for their music, for their member that has cancer. Moon Jongup couldn't be more disappointed. Disappointed in the media, yes, but mostly in himself. He wants B.A.P famous for their amazing songs and kick dances.
Yet here he lies hooked up to multiple machines receiving chemo every other day, his body refusing to do what his mind desires. He's only thankful for all the supportive fans and for his band mates who've been by his side this entire time.
Now, more than a year later, he lies in his hospital bed and thinks.
He thinks about the last time he danced, the last time he stood on stage, and then of all the members of B.A.P. He knows his time is coming soon, but he's not sure if he's ready to leave everything behind yet.
A/N: Hello everyone ^-^ This is my first fic that I'm writing and I know I have much to learn, so constructive criticism would be a big help. Also since it's around the end of the school year for me I probably won't be able to update for a week or so, and I apologize for that but this story just kept nagging at me, so here it is. And that's pretty much it, thanks for viewing this :)
Also, I was inspired by the song "Tears In Heaven" by Eric Clapton. And I do not own B.A.P or the song, only this story.


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 1: I wonder if you will finish this one...
At this point is impossible to hope jongup will get better, just hope that his remain time will be meaningful for him...
Chapter 1: Im scared already of what might jongup say :(
Chapter 1: Wow, the first chapter and you're already dealing us some heavy blows. I don't know what to do first--applaud you or take some to regain my composure (because I just so happened to have the song playing since it is one of my favorites)! Although the chapter was short, it was heartfelt. ;;

Thanks for updating! ^^