Should I Keep Writing?


This was just something I was writing because I was watching Titanic... and well it has different scenarios I guess. And I was bored too. So please write in the comments whether or not I should continue? And if somethings F'ed up its because I began writing this like right after I woke up.


Story ~ Have you ever been so close to death, that you can taste it... smell it even. Its right in your eyes, but you panic and try to calm yourself down. Its happened to me. A few times. But the only reason I've ever survived is because of him. His name is Jung Daehyun. And he's always been here for me. ~ *together, we met on a ship years ago* "Hello ma'am, my I have this dance?" His hand was out to me, they were a bit calloused but perfect and big. That night I denied him several times but he never stopped trying to talk to me. He was truly...handsome and beautiful. When we all were warned about an iceberg that was ahead. The boat couldn't avoid it in any way... we all would die. "Miss... please come with me?" His eyes sparkled with worry and hope that I would now take his hand under the circumstances that we were in. I reached out slowly, and took his large hand. "Alright." I breathed, worried. I didn't want to die tonight and Daehyun didn't intend on letting us die, either of us. As we heard the sirens go off on the ship, warning us that the time of death was ahead, we ran to the top of the ship, hoping to get out together on a tinier boat that hung off on the side. I began to cry, wondering what I or any of us did to deserve this. "Please don't cry Miss, everything will be alright. Just close your eyes," His voice was soft, as he petted my hair. I was pulled towards him as he held me close, and comforted me by rubbing small circles into my back. The moment I heard the ship crash into the iceberg, I cried harder but leaned against him. "I told you to close your eyes," his whisper calmed me, as I did as I was told. The moment I closed my eyes, I heard nothing but complete and utter silence.


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