I – New Life

Your Photography

Rain. It was raining again. Since the day I came to my grandma’s house I haven’t seen a sunny day, and it’s a bit depressing, seems like the weather is as angry as I am.
It’s been a month since my life suffered a big turn and I thought I would learn to live with it, but its hard losing all the privileges all of a sudden. My dad was dumb enough to lose everything we had because of a stupid game. I still can’t forgive him.

I got up and stretched before smiling a bit at my camera that was on top of my books. That camera is so precious to me, nobody knows why, but inside that small machine, there’s a whole life, pictures of nature, animals, kids, interesting things I find here and there and those pictures are my source of money nowadays, it’s not much but I can’t complain, it’s better than nothing, right?
Smell of pancakes came in contact with my nostrils and I growled. I needed to get up to eat, there’s no maids to bring me the breakfast in bed, and is so unfair.

“Nina, breakfast is ready; get your lazy out of the bed now.” I heard my mom yelling at me.
“I’m not hungry mom.” I yelled back, lying in bed again, and covering my body with the soft sheets.

That comfort didn’t last long, because my mom immediately came upstairs to literally push me out of bed. What the hell is wrong with her? It’s not even Monday, today is not school day, and I seriously don’t get it why I need to wake up so early.

“Do you think you are going to spend the whole morning in bed? There’s work to do in the fields of rice, your grandma and I won’t do all the work alone when we can have your help. Go take a shower, eat something and meet us there, arasso? “

All that conversation came as ‘blablablabla’ I wasn’t listening, I was just moving my head so this way she could leave me alone, and she did. Thank God.

I would lay down again and sleep, but it would be kind of disrespectful, so I got up and took a quick shower and ran down stairs, eating like a pig when no one was watching.

“Hungry hun?” I heard a voice behind me, making me yell and drop my pancake on the floor.

I turned around and saw my annoying cousin, Hyungseok. Good looking but a jackass.

“Hungry? No, I lost my appetite now!” I smirked and rolled my eyes, before throwing an evil glare at him. Stupid little brat, always showing up when he doesn’t have to.

“You could’ve had eaten with us last night.” He continued, sitting next to me and handing me a glass of milk.

I looked at him and then at the milk and crossed my arms above my chest. “That milk is taken directly from cows?” I asked with an eyebrow raised, yet with a small smile playing on my lips.

Hyungseok rubbed the back of his neck and laughed softly, before nodding, grabbing my hands and placing the glass between them. “Drink.”

Aish, as bossy as always. But I was hungry, I couldn’t deny the fact that last night I wanted to join the rest of the family at dinner, but I am stubborn and I waited for someone to give me the tray with my food, but no one did it, so I decided to do an hunger-strike. Obviously didn’t last long. I drank all the milk and sighed happily, it was really delicious.

I caught Hyungseok staring at me with a soft smile and I looked behind me to see if someone was there, but no, it was just us, alone in the small kitchen.

“Do I have something on my face?” I asked with an irritated tone of voice. I hate when people stare at my directly like he was doing, make me…uncomfortable.

“Well, in fact you do. Here, let me help you.” The blue-haired boy grabbed a napkin and carefully cleaned the corner of my mouth, making me blush a bit, because his face was relatively close to mine. “There, your milk mustache is gone now.”

“T-thanks.” I muttered but cleaned my throat right away, because I didn’t wanted to act like a fool in front of my cousin. And why the hell am I blushing because of my cousin? It’s not like I have a crush for him or something.

I got up and bowed a bit before running upstairs to my room and closing the door. My room was already clean, the bed was made and the sheets smelled like flowers. My grandma was there, obviously. I looked around and sighed deeply, sitting on the edge of the bed. My room here is not big, not compared to my old room in the mansion. The house itself, is small and there‘s just 2 rooms. My mom and my grandma sleep together, I sleep in this room and Hyungseok sleeps on the living room, in the couch. Even though I think my life is a hell now, I can’t hate this people, they are my family. Even my dad…I can’t hate him.
Oh by the way, my mom and my dad are getting divorced. It’s being a pain in the , I feel like a doll in their hands. Day after day, the questions are all the same: Nina, do you want to stay with mom or dad?

For God’s sake, I have no idea; if I could I would stay with both. But since the mess is made already, I just pray for my mom to don’t get widow, it would be the end of me.

I grabbed my camera and sat near the window. From there, I had the full view of rice paddies. I lifted my camera and started to take pictures of that amazing view. A small chuckle came from my lips when the camera lens focused my mom’s . I took a picture of it anyways, just to later.

See? I am feeling pretty calm now. That’s the effect of my pictures. When I am picturing something in my head, I feel so good; it’s like flying through fully clouds.
I grabbed my laptop, and sat on the bed, viewing the pictures I’ve been taking since I bought my camera. There‘s so many of them, those in black and white are my favorite ones.

Suddenly, Hyungseok came running inside my room, jumped on the bed, grabbed the remote control and the television.

“Look how good Taeyeon looks in those shorts.”  He whispered, eyes glued on the television. I followed his gaze and stopped at the image of Girls Generation singing and dancing ‘I Got a Boy’. He really is a fan boy of them, especially of Taeyeon. Oh well, who doesn’t? They are so beautiful, skinny and popular.

“Yes, she looks good.” I said with a small roll of eyes, before returning my attention to the computer screen.

“Good? She looks like a goddess.” Hyungseok was almost drooling all over my blankets. I even placed my hand under his chin, to prevent his saliva from falling.

Suddenly, the MC’s appeared with 6 good looking boys behind them. All of them looked so good, so well made, like they were some kind of draw.

“Who are they?” I asked, placing my laptop to the side and lying next to Hyungseok, never taking my eyes off of the television.

“Are you kidding me right?” He asked, looking at me as if I was some kind of alien.

I shook my head with an innocent look. I am not really found of KPOP you know? I know some bands and I listen their songs but, nothing much.

“Those are just the most popular boys all over Asia now.” He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I kept staring at him and he growled in frustration. “EXO! There are just 6 of them, and these are EXO-K, but they are twelve. The other 6 are EXO-M.”

I returned my eyes to the television and smiled when a very cute boy appeared in front of the camera, doing wolf sounds. I don’t know why but I felt myself blushing and those butterflies in my tummy. Am I becoming a fangirl?

“Oh, I see you liked Kai, hun.” I looked at Hyungseok and blinked.

“What? Kai? Who is Kai?” I asked confused.

“That boy over there, with his hair braided.” Hyungseok placed a finger against my cheek and turned my head to the television.

I looked at the boy with widened eyes. “Kai.” I whispered, biting my lip with flushed cheeks. “He would be such a good model to photograph”.


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