Baby Don't Cry

Baby Don't Cry

O.o o.O

Tao looked down at the dagger in his hands.

His brothers were silent, their shorn heads a painful reminder of what his family was willing to give up just to have him return to them.

He shook his head, biting down hard on his lower lip. I can't.

"You must," Minseok said. He reached out of the water and grasped Tao's ankle lightly. "You do not belong here. You must return to us. We love you."

Tao shook his head again, holding the dagger to his chest.

"We know you love him," Luhan said. "But it is not enough."

"Do we not have your love also?" Sehun asked.

Tao sobbed, clutching the dagger so tight his knuckles were white. He nodded desperately. You know you do.

"Then come back to us," Baekhyun said, and Tao couldn't even look at his brother, his beautiful brother who was so proud of his naturally curling brown hair and who cut it all off for him, patches of skin on his head and long red cuts where the blade had come too close in his haste.

His cries were silent as his brothers watched. Behind them, on the horizon, the sun slowly set, painting the sky brilliant shades of red and orange.

"You have until the sunrise," Junmyeon said once the dark blue night sky began creeping over them.

Kyungsoo's eyes were deep and sad. "You know what you must do."

"You belong with us," Chanyeol said firmly.

Tao shook his head. It was too much.

"He doesn't love you," Jongin said. "Come back to us."

"He's already married another," Jongdae said, desperate. "Do not be so foolish and throw away your life for his."

Yixing swam up closer, tugging gently on Tao's wrists until he lifted his face, red and wet with tears. "Do it. Do it for us. Do it for yourself."

O.o o.O

The way to the prince's room was burned into his memory, and Tao's painful footsteps left bloody prints with each step he took. It was starting to happen already; dawn was approaching. Soon, the sun would rise, and soon, Tao would melt into foam.


Unless -

The prince's bedroom was dark, moonlight painting everything in shades of black and silver.

Tao walked up to the side of the bed, and he watched the prince sleep peacefully. Where was his new bride? It didn't matter. He stepped closer, until the soft mattress hit his thighs.

Slowly, he lifted the dagger.

And lowered it again immediately when dark eyes opened and blinked up at him.

"Tao?" The prince sat up, blinking away the last traces of sleep.

Tao took a step back before biting down hard on his lip and raising the dagger again.

The prince just looked up at him calmly. "Do you hate me now?" he whispered.

Tao shook his head. No. I love you. I will always love you. Please understand.

He took one step closer, hands trembling uncontrollably. The moonlight glinted off the blade, sparkling in the dark.

I can't.

Tao raised his hands again, blade pointed towards himself.

"No!" Kris shouted, leaping off the bed and grabbing Tao's wrists. "Don't, Tao, don't."

Tao shook his head. He had to.

"I won't let you!" Kris shook him, one big hand over Tao's and another on his forearm, trying to force him to release the dagger. "Please," he said, voice breaking. "Please. Take my heart."

How did he know?

"Your eldest brother - he..." Kris shook his head. "It doesn't matter, not any more. What matters is I love you. I love you, Tao. So please, do it."

Tao wrenched himself away suddenly, breaths shallow and quick, tears hot on his cheeks. He had the blade turned towards himself again when Kris tackled him, knocking him to the ground.

"I love you," Kris said again desperately. "And if my heart is what will free you, take it. It is yours to take."

Tao shoved Kris off him, lunging for the dagger, but Kris was faster, the tip of the blade already pressing into his chest when Tao wrenched it away.

"No! I won't let you die like this!" Kris shouted, taking him by the shoulders and shaking him violently. "I love you, Tao! And if my heart is what the sea witch wants, then take it, for it is yours. It's been yours, since the day we met."

Tears clouded Tao's vision as he shook his head. No. No, I love you too much. I can't. This is the only way.

Outside, the sky began to lighten, and Kris' eyes widened in panic. "Do it. Tao, please. Don't hesitate any more."

But Tao couldn't. He dropped the dagger and fell to the floor, sobbing silently.

And so Kris lowered himself onto his knees, folding Tao into his strong, warm arms. "I love you," he said. He lifted Tao's chin and pressed one sweet kiss to his trembling, salty lips.

His other hand reached for the dagger, and as Kris pulled back, he plunged the blade into his chest.

No! Tao's voice was still taken, and no one heard his soundless screams as Kris fell forward, Tao catching him just in time from hitting the floor. Why? Why did you do this?

"Tao, I love you," Kris said again, voice strained and weak. He reached for Tao, smearing blood onto his cheekbone as he wiped away his tears. "Don't cry."

O.o o.O

Tao stood at the balcony of the prince's room, overlooking the sea.

The very tip of the orange sun was peeking over the horizon, and Tao looked back over his shoulder at Kris, who lay on his bedroom floor in a puddle of warm blood.

Tao took a deep breath and jumped.

As his body touched the water, he dissolved into foam.

O.o o.O


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pleaseletthiswork #1
Chapter 1: *cough cough* choking on tears. This was beautiful.
mnafb134 #2
isnt this the little mermaid children tale?
Chapter 1: :,c right in the feels
baekhyunblah #4
Chapter 1: <3333333333

As much as I hate not knowing if they end up together in the afterlife, and as much as I love Taoris pairing, I have to admit I think Taoris is the best pairing for angst. Not that they dont deserve happiness but Idk, I just can imagine angst better with them other then other pairings.

And this is a wonderful story! ^^
Chapter 1: I see, a true story about their song "Baby Don't Cry".
You change it into Taoris, you just make me crying~ T^T /sobs2/