When I was your man.


Hi, I was hearing to sad songs and bang this happened.
I was going to do two things, but I chose to do the saddest one. As always.

Sorry for the grammar errors!


"We're holding on and letting go."


"I remember how that summer I made you fall in love with me as well, how we both tried things we would never plan to do alone, you took me to be on a boat, rich ones, you took me to picnic, you took me to libraries and told me all your dreams in writing poetry, your own book. Then I took you to dance, showed you all my pictures in my own apartment. Remember how we used to be in just underwear, dancing with weird music and romantic as we would drink vodka bottles till it was finish, we would connect with our souls. Oh and remember how I used to lay down on bed and you would sit next to me reading poetry and I would just listen to it. I still remember what you once read"




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baekhyunblah #1
Chapter 1: <3333333333
Chapter 1: TT_TT crying TT_TT
Chapter 1: This.. is beautiful :')
I'm reading here, alone at midnight and the scene just make it so perfect for me to cry even harder. I just love the plot and the way you write. It's refreshing! Thanks for this :) I'll be happy if you write more story or one-shot of this couple. Heh
Sitinuraisyyah #4
Chapter 1: I crying :( make another story! Fighting
Chapter 1: I cried. OMG. This is amazing... Just beautiful. The sad story. DAEBAK!
Chapter 1: There were a few grammar issues with this one, but what I loved about it was that the story and the raw emotion that especially came from Suzy and Chanyeol's interaction with each other was absolutely beautiful and shined so brightly through the grammar issues. I absolutely loved your depiction of Suzy in this as well. You seem to be like me in the means that I like to write the typical good girls as girls with a "bad" twist, while they still have a good heart. That was Suzy in this, to me. She kind of reminded me of Norah from "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist," and I also got a Lisa from "Girl, Interrupted" vibe when you wrote about her drug use. That part alone made me wish that this was a multi-chaptered fanfic. I would just advise that you re-read future fics a few more times and maybe look up some words' meanings that you intend to put in the fanfic, since you were close with some, but still a bit off. You do have an undeniable talent from what I see, though. You write with such an artistic, raw emotion and I love reading stuff like that. I was very impressed by this. Just proofread your stuff a bit more and I'm sure that your work could be well known in this fandom. :) Oh, and one more thing (I swear), I usually don't read fanfics with music, since I get distracted easily, put the song that you chose for this particular fanfic was perfect, and I now love this song, lol.
VSvania #7
Chapter 1: this story is awesome, you did a really god job :D
The title of the story really got me. lol