If I Could Change One Thing.

If I Could Change One Thing


if i could change a thing ;;


Park Chanyeol likes a lot of things about Baekhyun. Far too many, Jongin tells him. But Chanyeol doesn’t care about Jongin’s stupid opinions anymore.

“Amazing people deserve to be loved.” He states, matter-of-factly. Jongin only stares at the tall boy in amusement with a raised eyebrow. “And by ‘loved’ I’m guessing you mean ‘obsessed over’?”

Chanyeol scoffs. “I do not obsess over him!” Jongin ends up laughing his stupid off for the next two hours.

Park Chanyeol likes a lot of things about Baekhyun. He ends up realizing that... well, maybe he does like far too many things about the shorter boy. But to Chanyeol, Baekhyun was amazing and perfect in so many ways. He could talk about the boy for hours, forgetting to stop in between his words for even a short breath, a grin on his face and his heart almost ready to jump right out of his chest.

Chanyeol likes Baekhyun’s eyes. His eyes have an undefinable, luring, yet soft sparkle to them with a hint of mischief that no one else has. They’re brown - but not too dark and not too light. They’re the perfect shade and his eye smile might just be the cutest thing Chanyeol has ever seen. They’re the type of eyes Chanyeol loves to look into and get lost in everyday of his life.

He also likes Baekhyun’s hair - it’s soft, bouncy, and dyed a different color almost every week. But Chanyeol likes his natural hair color the best. Whether it’s up, his bangs hanging over his eyes, or even his messy bed hair, Chanyeol has always liked Baekhyun’s hair - perfect enough to run my fingers through it on cold, lazy nights, Chanyeol thinks.

He likes Baekhyun’s hands. He had always been known for having such pretty hands and Chanyeol could see why. His fingers were long and slim, nice enough to intertwine together with his, Chanyeol believes. They were small compared to his hands, and Chanyeol always made fun of him for it, but the jokes aside, Chanyeol thought his hands were adorable in every way.

Chanyeol likes his voice. Whether it’s his speaking or singing voice, his voice is always pleasant to listen to. His voice is strong and powerful. Yet it can also be soft, gentle and soothing like the rain Chanyeol loves to hear tapping on his window on a spring night. It’s gentle enough to make any grumpy stranger warm up to him with just a single word. Chanyeol especially likes to listen to it on sleepless nights when his eyes are wide open and mind about to explode from so many thoughts running through his head.

Chanyeol likes the way Baekhyun can always find a way cheer him up. Chanyeol is always happy, he’s the type to set the perfect mood in a tense situation. After all, he is the happy virus.  But like any other human being, he has his downs - those moments when he feels like he’s not good enough, when he feels like nothing is worth it anymore, and when that urge of leaving everything behind and running away is pulling at his long legs again.

“Of course you’re talented, Yeollie! Don’t give up, okay? You can do it!” Baekhyun assures him one day with a smile, but this smile is different. His smile is sincere and the way his brown eyes are beaming only proves that Baekhyun really does mean everything he just said. Chanyeol only smiles back because he knows that at least one person believes in him when he doesn’t even believe in himself, and only one person is enough because at the end of the day, it’s Byun Baekhyun.

He likes that Baekhyun doesn’t mind him grabbing his arm when the walk side by side. Chanyeol’s size and voice can often be intimidating to some. But behind that giant man is a dumb, soft-hearted baby giraffe, as Baekhyun would always call him jokingly. He has a habit of holding on to people’s arms when they walk and always has, even when he was younger. He’s often socially awkward and he dislikes walking along large crowds of people without having someone he knows by his side. It’s a way for the taller boy to feel protected and safe. And while the other members are usually annoyed by Chanyeol’s habit, Baekhyun doesn’t mind a single bit. And that’s all that matters because Baekhyun by his side seems to be what makes him the happiest.

He likes Baekhyun’s love for music. Never in his life has Chanyeol ever met anyone with such a strong love and passion for music. He likes listening to  Baekhyun practice his singing in the dorms when there’s nothing else to do. He likes the way he gapes and the way his eyes beam when Chanyeol finally manages to get two concert tickets to see Baekhyun’s favorite singer live. He likes watching the way his slim fingers fiddle with the strings of the guitar despite the fact that he’s only started learning how to play it a few weeks ago. He likes his determination for wanting to learn how to play every instrument he possibly can. He likes the way his eyes shine and the way his smile can brighten up the room when he’s finally able to reach that high note he’s been practicing for months.

Chanyeol likes the way Baekhyun will stay up just to talk to him even when he’s sleepy. Chanyeol has a sleeping problem. He thinks too much about life and ends up questioning himself - questioning everything he’s said, everything he’s ever done and he wonders things about s, himself, the world. He wonders too much. He thinks too much and by the time it’s time for him to be fast asleep, his eyes are still wandering around the room and his mind is racing with questions, waiting to be answered.

“Baekhyun... What do you think would happen if I weren’t here right now?” He asks him one day. Baekhyun wants to groan  because he know a question from the curious Park Chanyeol most likely means a two-hour long discussion. But he only sighs and looks up at the ceiling, trying to distinguish the small details about it despite the pitch dark blackness filling the room.

“Well, Chanyeol... My life probably wouldn’t be as hilarious and entertaining without you.” Baekhyun confesses. At this, Chanyeol grins.

“Really?” He asks.

Baekhyun chuckles a little, “Yes, Chanyeol. Really.”

The two end up talking for the next two hours, Chanyeol doing most of the venting because he has so much on his mind and Baekhyun only listens, nodding although he can’t see him and mumbling at the things he says to let him know he’s listening at every worry or question Chanyeol has about the world. By the time it’s 2 a.m., Baekhyun’s mumbles fade and he slips into a deep slumber. Chanyeol stops when he realizes this, but he’s thankful that he listened.



Park Chanyeol likes a lot of things about Baekhyun. He comes to realize and admit to himself that, yes, he does like far too many things about Baekhyun. Baekhyun was perfect to him in every way possible and there was no way Chanyeol could deny that.


But if there was one thing he dislikes about him, it’s the fact that he’ll never be his. They were friends, yes. Best friends, perhaps. Or so Chanyeol believed. But best friends was all they’d ever be. Baekhyun already had someone else. He had someone he truly and honestly loved with all of his heart and Chanyeol could see that by the way he talked about this boy -  Kyungsoo - and by the way they looked at each other, with the enormous amount of love they had for each other shining in their eyes. Chanyeol would admit, they were perfect for each other. And compared to that boy, Chanyeol was nothing. He was talented - he had a voice to die for, he could dance, his smile was enough to make anyone fall for him, he was popular, and he was smart. He was all Chanyeol could never be. Chanyeol was just an awkward tall giant and nothing else.

But Chanyeol still loved Baekhyun with all of his heart. And if only he had the power to change the way Baekhyun felt about him,

he would.

finished c: I finished it today during my sixth period because the class was longer & i didn't have a final exam in that class so i had lots of time to finish this. I haven't edited yet, though. So excuse me for any mistakes I made. the ending is kinda meh, but i still hope you guys liked it. Commentttt? that would be very appreciated. (: Thanks darlings!

OH! And you guys should follow my tumblr too & we should be friends~ c:

My Tumblr.




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Chapter 1: TT_TT Channie!!!
maknae09 #2
Chapter 1: Hwaiting, Yeollie~! ;-;
Chapter 1: Feel so sad for Chanyeol :( Chanyeol-ah, I am here! Haha! Great job, anyway! :)
Chapter 1: I started crying right now.
I felt like you read all my feelings and wrote them down.
Of course I am not Chanyeol and I am nothing like all that. But I know how that is. I know it all too well.
Way too well.
Chapter 1: aww that ending was kinda sad :'( poor Chanyeol. It would be nice if Baekhyun knew about Chanyeol's love for him..
Chapter 1: Aww!! I agree with everything Chanyeol said. Everything he talked about Baek is so sweet and cute. It ended up with BaekSoo. Aww!
Chapter 1: Ahhh right in my feels~
you know I love my baekyeol <3
and this was super cute,(sad though..) baby giraffe Chanyeol gahhhh ^^
I admire that you wrote so much in a short time. I can only ever write like a paragraph in a period :<
good job beanie
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D
I'm looking forward for this :3 hahah!