Heechuls thoughts:


This girl,~~>really don’t want this once-in-a-life –time experience??

Why?? Almost girls are running after me, but she,,,,, hohohohoho *self-smile* she  is different, I don’t know w/ her?? Maybe she just don’t know  SUJU or that being different to be noticed. But she seem to be true, she didn’t know me.… that’s why she’s reaction’s like that… But,, *deep breath* she’s totally different.. she seem not to be a girl, why does she didn’t flirt at me even a bit?? Whats wrong w/ me*look her self in the glass*  .almost everybody say I’m good-looking *self-smile* he looked at her while she was listening music to her ipod w/ her eyes close. Indian-sitting , and leaning on the corner of the elevator eating chips….this girl has a different aura.. he took his jacket off , shook his head, sit & leaned too…


_____, offered him a chip, and smiled at him, now feeling relieved w/ the music that her ipod playing…heechul moved closed to her and got chips from the offer…..she take one earpiece off and and give it to him,… they sat together at the corner of he elevator, both enjoying every word of the song…while still eating chips….


“this is your song right?” she asked him while the song “no other” was playing on her ipod..


heechul was shocked, when he heared the song,, “do you know this???”


“I love this song ,,,  and by the way please don’t ask me back when I ask you”


“*laugh* ok , I didn’t believe that you know our songs,.. you know the song but you didn’t know who sang it” he looked at her still have that silly smile   on his face


“of course I know who sang it” she said while she was upside-downing  the chip wrapper oviously nothing left at all….


“your so cute~!!” he exclaimed, but he didn’t know why this come out of his mouth..


“huh??” she smiled a him.. and realized what she have done…. “oh, sorry , I’m just like this , understand me I’m crazy sometimes” and smile at him..


Whoah, that smile sink him… why do I feel like this… ?? he ask himself…


“ if you know superjunior , why did you have not come to know me??” he ask like sobbing..


“it doesn’t fits your attitude Mr. kim, don’t try to sob, like a baby,, .. *smile* of course i know super junior, but I don’t know the members of it that much, I don’t have time”


“why??” he ask confusedly


“what why??” she  grinned


“oh never mind, ~~> ^__^ but  mind to introduce your self??” he ask like back in his world now after a minute  of shocked…


“oh, I’m ________, 19 years old…” what you want to know else??”

*stare at him w/ a naughty smile*


“oh really,?? Can I know more about you??” he bounced him back w/ a naughty smile too.

 as the elevator began too move…. She quickly answer “yes”  &   “ friends???”  she added…


“sure” heechul  stood up and gave her his hand to help her stand-up…


“room 782” he said.. while fixing himself…


“Huh??” shocked


Heechul stop a bit , and look at him straight…. Little bit of silence~~


Yeh~` Heechul realized that she was being insulted of what he have said….


“I’m sorry” he said.. w/ a serious look now..


“plz, don’t thought me wrong,” she pouted ~~~~~~~~~ ^_^


“ oh by the way, you look much better good in serious mode” smiled at him..


Oh, we have similrities, she change mood easily , like me..


Sorry again” he said.


Its ok now… bye…” as the door opened…. She steped out first and walk staright, also Heechul’s way is there too,  she stepped in her room, and bid goodbye to Heechul . just one room between his dorm …


“hmmm.. bye~!!” and smiled back.. didn’t move until the door close…

hmmm room 780~~>

then he walk merily now.. chirping like a bird.. don’t know why he is like that…

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