...Problems Problems...

A day with SHINee
"uuugh daebak.....These bags are so heavy..Why do you guys always make me carry the heavier items.." Said Minho leaning against the wall holding four bags filled with soda and other heavy stuff.
"I would help you but  I have no strength left in me, I can't lift any heavy things if I don't eat" Onew responded 
"Will you two shut up already? Seriously you've been complaining ever since we went to the market this morning!" Key said, his eyes rolling at both of them.
"Oh my gooooodness, Onew can you hurry it up, it's really not that hard to grab a pack of chicken, my legs are hurting by just standing here!" Key yelled while checking his messages on his phone.
"But...we've only been here 15 seconds---" "Hurry...up"
"Would it be better if I got these or..these? Hmm...This one has a lower price, but I heard these have a much better taste..." Minho was quietly talking to himself in the kimchi aisle when Key walked up to him with Onew  trailing right behind him.
"Are you done? I'm starting to feel claustrophobic in this store" Said Key giving people dirty looks every time someone would pass by them.
"Key  stop whining,  you spend more time on your hair than we spent inside this store." Minho said walking past Key and Onew before putting the highly priced kimchi into their shopping basket. 
".........'Is key being serious?'......." Minho thought 
"........'Heh,  this guy has problems'..." Onew thought a animated sweat drop appearing on the side of his head.
Key just rolled his eyes again while turning the door knob and pushing the door open
"Anyway, we're already heeEEEEREEE-----UWAA" THUMP.  Onew and Minho both peeked inside to see Key laying face down on the floor. 
"Hyung! are you alright!?" Minho rushed to Key's side almost slipping himself
"What the hell? Is this oil one the floor?" Onew asked confused helping Minho pick up a flabbergasted Key.
As they looked around the living room slash Kitchen area the three of them saw Taemin, who's clothes were also covered in oil, looking back at them like a deer staring at up coming headlights.
"Y-you're back already..? Heh.." Taemin said giving his hyungs a small smile trying to hide his fear.
"What on earth happen here? The whole floor is covered in oil" said Minho in  a stern voice.
Taemin looked around the area with a shameful look across his face "Well....You see..um.." 
"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE!? Taemin I leave you in the house for two minutes and this is what you do!?" Jonghyun yelled dramatically as he walked into the house from the back door.
Taemin turned around quickly to face him "What? But you---" "Taemin I'm really surprise, you finally became a man yet you're still pulling these little kid stunts, tsk tsk" Jonghyun cut him off while slidding his way towards Key, Onew, and Minho's side.
"Just clean it up...I had enough problems for today" Key silently said walking away from the scene with Jonghyun snickering behind him, Onew and Minho grabbed the bags and placed them on the counter.  
"......'That sneaky snake, acting as if he wasn't even part of this whole mess!'..." Taemin thought, glaring at nothing.
----(30 MINUTES AGO)----
"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Taemin said a bit nervous about the whole idea of them making their own 'slip and slide' inside the house. Jonghyun grabbed two bottles of vegetable oil, handing one to Taemin "It'll be fine~!  Plus the guys won't be here for another couple of hours."  Giving a curt nod Taemin followed Jonghyun's movements by dumping the oil all over the floor. 
"Hahahaha, hyung you look like a fool!!!" Taemin laughed as Jonghyun tried standing up from the floor  but the slippery floor wouldn't allow him from doing so. "Says the one who 's on his stomach sliding left right as if he's a penguin" Jonghyun joked back. 
The two played for ten more minutes until they heard the sound of a car coming up the drive way.
"Hyung! It can't be them already!!" Taemin said starting to panic.
"Keep calm Taemin it's not them." Jonghyun said crawling towards the window, giving a little peek. "...It's them"
"What are we going to do!?" Taemin started to hyperventilate, watching as Jonghyun made his way towards the hallway.
"Wait for me Hyung!" Taemin rushed towards him.
"uuugh daebak.....These bags are so heavy..Why do you guys always make me carry the heavier items.." 
"I would help you but  I have no strength left in me, I can't lift any heavy things if I don't eat" 
"Will you two shut up already? Seriously you've been complaining ever since we went to the market this morning!"
"Sorry Taemin..." Just as Taemin was about to enter the room that Jonghyun went into, he was pushed back onto the hallway "I really can't take the blame for this" Jonghyun shut the door in front of Taemin and locked it. 
Taemin was in full panic mode now "Hyung!! Hyung please open up!!" Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes. 
He suddenly heard the turn of the door knob...Guess he will just have to face them like a man.
"I hope Taemin doesn't hate me forever.." Jonghyun quickly took off his oil stained clothes throwing them into the closet and pulling out a clean pair of sweats and a t-shirt, putting them on as fast as he could before climbing out the window and running towards the back door.
A wash cloth fell on top of Taemin's head causing him to lose track of his thoughts, turning towards the direction it came from he saw Minho giving him a smile "To get you started" 
"Aish..." Taemin whined, bending down trying to wipe away the damn oil from the hard wood floor. 
"Hey Jonghyun why do you smell like oil?" Key asked giving him a confused look. Jonghyun choked on his drink of cola "Oh um...." 
Onew smirked, taking a bite of his fried chicken "Key, you probably have some oil still left on your nose from when you fell flat on your face earlier! Hahahahaha!!" 
"Hahaha, you have to admit Key...That was one funny fall!" Minho joined in laughing
"........SHUT UP!....." Key yelled in embarrassment his face turning red.
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onewsbutt69 #1
Chapter 1: lol Of course jonghyun would let taemin take the blame~