
Mid-day Snuggles


Today was one of those days. One of those days where my ambitions were gone and my depression levels shot through the roof. Where I only got up three times: once to get food and the other two times to go to the bathroom. Where all I wanted was for someone to come crawling in my bed so we can snuggle and mindlessly play with each others hair. Where we could drift in and out of sleep even if it was almost four in the afternoon. My problem was simple: I was lonely.
I grabbed my phone and texted the first person I saw on my contacts who I thought I was worthy enough to bother. Texting him a short "Wanna come over?" before placing my phone back on the nightstand. 
The vibrations startled me about a minute later and I tilted the phone towards me so I could read the message through the lock screen: "be there in 5 mins" he wrote. I smiled lightly and thought about telling him that my door was unlocked but didn't bother as he most likely already knew that. I always kept my door unlocked during the day unless I went out because if someone wanted to come in, let them. 
Shortly after, I heard the front door open and close along with light steps that made the old floors creak. Quietly and slowly slipping into my bedroom the other boy had realized from my text exactly what I wanted without me even telling him. He slipped into the bed next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist so my back was flush against his chest. It felt nice: the warmth radiating from his body onto mine. 
Sighing contently, he kissed my head and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. Before we both fell into dreamland though, I turned around so that I was facing the other male. 
His big doe eyes and his nice plump lips. His prominent cheekbones and slightly tosseled hair. He was so beautiful that I wish he were mine. Although he belonged to someone else so all I could do was wish.
I smiled brightly, him mimicking me before I nuzzled my face into his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair comfortingly while I hummed in content.
"Thank you, Daehyun." I told him, gratefully thankful he was here in my time of need.
"Anytime, Jongup."


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Chapter 1: WHUT. Someone else?! .__. Poor Uppie...
Chapter 1: AWWW! :( sad he already belongs to someone else? poopie