Strong Heart: Shindong

Strong Heart: Shindong

"Taemin-oppa!" I called from the couch.


I am curled up against one side of our long couch. Taemin came running in with his arms spread like an airplane and plopped down on the couch with a huge grin. I could not help but grin back; his grim was so infectious. He lay his head on my thighs and the T.V with the remote.

"This time on Strong Heart~, we have Super Junior guest-starring!" 

"Yay! Ahh! SUJU!" 

I giggled. Taemin just smiled at me. He wasn't paying attention to the T.V. He just closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of my fingers running through his hair; ocasionally smiling at the jokes. I-on the other hand-was fascinated by the humor and attractions of the show.

"Wah! Shindong's chubby cheeks make me want to pinch them, so adorable!"

At this, Taemin's eyes shot open and he pulled on my arm.

"Jagiya~ what about MY cheeks?"

Poor Taemin was pouting and his cheeks were puffed up even more.

"Neh, your cheeks are nice too! You are 100 times more adorable than Shindong!" I assured him. He smiled at my praise and snuggled back content. This time we were both sitting up and I was leaning onto his chest. Near the end, the spokesperson was comparing Shindong to a bear. They proceeded to bring out a 6 foot, tall, giant, fluffy, stuffed bear. How they managed to find a bear that big was unexplainable; but hey, I didn't care.  I had a grin on my face.

"Hm, hugging Shindong must be like hugging a fluffly bear!"

I said with enthusiasm.

"I wanna hug Shindong and see."

Unknown to me, Taemin was frowning to himself.

'Doesn't jagiya like hugging me?'

He wrapped his arms himself thinking if there was something wrong with HIS hugs. 

"Jagiya~, I'll be right back." I just continued laughing at SUJU's gags. My laughing was cut off but the sound of Taemin stumbling down the stairs. I looked up and gasped at the horror that I saw. Taemin was standing at the base of our staircase. It seemed like he stuffed all of our pillows in his shirt. He looked like one of those sumo wrestlers. On his feet were his best insoles. He wobbled towards me with his arms open wide. My body was  frozen but my eyes followed his every movement. I was brought out of my stupor when a mass of plush pillows pinned me onto the couch. I tried and managed to push him onto the other side of the couch. I heaved in huge gulps of air. I spun around to look at him.

"What were you thinking?!"

He looked down at his lap. His long bangs that I loved covered his eyes.

"Why do you like him more than me?"

He looked at me accusingly, but I could tell his eyes spelled out 'HEARTBROKEN'.

"W-what are you talking about?"

"SHINDONG! That's what I'm talking about!"

He exploded and he looked down again. My posture relaxed and my eyes softened I walked towards him. I cupped his face and tilted it up until his eyes met mine. 

"Honey, yes he's cute but you don't have anything to worry about. It's called fan-girling. This is just like all the fans that you have out there. Don't you think that I get jealous when they are all over you?"

I ended with a giggle. He just pouted but I could tell he was no longer mad. I tugged out all the pillows from his shirt. His shirt slipped back against his tall, lean but muscular form. I snuggled up against him again. Together we both watched the rest of Strong Heart.


Hi there, I know that it has been a LONG time since I last updated, and I wanted to apologise.


I really hoped that you like this. I know that at least a few people will think that I was bashing Super Junior's Shindong. However, I actually really like Shindong. The idea just came to me while I was day-dreaming during class.^^

Anyways, now that is it Summer, I will update more! Thanks for reading!





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xforeverwithyou #1
Chapter 1: Shindong is a total cutie pie~ Taemin's childlike jealousy is sooo adorable! Great story~ ^^