I think I might [Key One Shot]

Elizabeth8D's Magical Oneshot World

It was about 6pm on Thursday. My best friend Nicole and I had been sitting in one of SM Entertainment’s dance rooms for about an hour watching our best friend Tiffany practice dance routine, after dance routine.
"Aish, come on Tiffany. You are doing every move perfectly. You do not need anymore practice" I whined.
"Just let me go through Oh one more time and then we’ll go." She said.
"But I’ve been craving spicy food all day. You guys promised that if I did well on my final exams you’d treat me"
"You’re so smart, I don’t even know why we said that in the first place" Nicole laughed.
"It was because she never studied. Who does well on an exam if they never study" Tiffany said taking a drink.
"Apparently KyoRin does"
Just then my stomach growled. "That translated is ‘Tiffany hurry the heck up and practice so we can go’" I said with a smile.
"Fineee, Why don’t you and Nicole join me. I know you both know the choreography"
"Why not, it’ll be fun" I said getting up. Nicole followed.
"Nicoleeeee" I heard someone call at the door. I turned to see Shinees Almighty Diva in the doorway.
"Oh hello Key" Nicole said with a smile.
"What are you doing here?" He asked walking up and gave her a hug.
"Promised to take KyoRin out for supper if she did well on her exams. We are just waiting for Tiffany to finish."
"I see. Congratulations on doing well on your exams." He said to me.
"Thank you. I’m KyoRin. You might have already assumed that, but I thought I might as well introduce myself" I said with a bow.
"And I’m Kim Kibum, but you can call me Key" he said with a smile.
I already knew who he was, but this was my first time meeting him. I’ve always gone to SM events with Girls Generation, so I usually saw him around. It might sound weird to some people, but I believed in love at first sight. To be honest I felt something the first time I saw him, but saying ‘I think you’re my soulmate’ isn’t exactly the best way to start of a conversation.
"So are we going to practice or just stand here?" Tiffany said.
"Practice!" I smiled.
"What are you guys practicing?" Key asked.
"Oh" Nicole answered,
"May I join you?" he asked,
"Of course" Tiffany said as she the music and we all started to dance.
I honestly didn’t know the choreography to this as well as I knew it for Run Devil Run, and Gee, so part way through when I looked over and saw Key laugh at me I wasn’t too happy.
"You know what" I said stopping, and walking over to my bag. "I’ll just meet you guys there"
"No, I’m done, I’ll go get changed just give me five minutes" Tiffany said as she turned off the CD player and headed to the change room.
Ringgg Just then Nicole’s phone rang. "Its Jinwoon, I’ll be back in a minute" she said walking out into the hallway leaving me and Key alone.
"Aish" I said as I just leaned against the wall.
"You seem angry" Key said.
"You don’t say"
"Wow, mood swing"
"Shut up. First you laugh at my dancing, now you’re being rude. Feel free to leave."
Wait..what? I wasn’t laughing at your dancing"
"Sureee you weren’t"
"I wasn’t. I was laughing at how into it you were. It was cute"
"Aish" he said running his fingers through his hair. "I’m sorry"
"You’re forgiven" I said nonchalantly.
"I am?"
"You are" I said turning around to pick my bag off the ground. Just then I felt two arms wrap around my waist. "Ummm..Key?"
"Your hair smells nice" he said nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck and hugging me tighter.
"I…umm…thank you" I said not knowing what else I could say.
"So do you believe in love at first sight?" he said into my neck.

"What?" I said shocked as I pulled away and turned to face him.
"Well do you?" he smiled.
"Yes, I do"
"And soulmates?"
"Well.." he said stepping closer causing me to back up till my back was against the wall. "I think that’s silly" he whispered into my ear before pulling away and flashing me a killer smile.
"You’re starting to annoy me" I said flicking his forehead.
"Ouch! That wasn’t very nice" he whined
"Neither are you" I laughed.
"KyoRin, you should laugh more. Its cute" he smiled.
"Huh?" I said confused.
"Oh..I don’t know what’s cuter. When you laugh or when you’re confused"
"Stop it" I said turning around to hide my reddened face.
"Awww, you blushing is definitely the cutest" he laughed as he turned me to face him.
"What are you doing" I said flicking his forehead again.
"Aish! Stooop. I’m not being irritating, or making you angry am I?" he whined again rubbing his forehead.
"Nicole said you were only violent when you were irritated or angry"
"What?" I said.
He looked up at me with eyes that looked like a kid who just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Crap"
"NICOLE!" I shouted, and she entered a minute later still on the phone.
"Yeah, I’ll call you back later tonight, bye-bye" she said hanging up before looking over at me. "What's up KyoRin?"
"Explain" I said pointing over to Key.
"Whaaa? You told her! I said I would tell you stuff about her as long as you never told her I did. That was the deal" she sighed.
I was about to say something when Tiffany came back.
"Key broke the deal!?! Aish, I had to practice for an extra hour because YOU were late showing up. All because you wanted to meet her. We even had to make a bet we knew we would lose. My goodness Kibum. We kept our side of the bargain, was it so hard for you to keep yours?" Tiffany let out.
All I could do was stand there dumbfounded, I looked over at Key who had one arm crossed and rubbing his temples with the other hand.
"She only found out about Nicole telling me stuff about her, but thanks Tiffany" he said.
"Oh.." Tiffany said. "Well Nicole and I will meet you down in the lobby" she grabbed Nicole and rushed out of the room.
"You guys better think of a good explanation for when I catch up with you two!" I yelled after them.
"Sorry" Key said and I turned to look at him,
"Explain" I said crossing my arms.
"I just saw you at some SM events with Tiffany, and wanted to meet you. I knew you were friends with Nicole so I called her and asked her a few things. I didn’t mean to trick you. But once both Tiffany and Nicole found out that I wanted to get to know you better they got a little too excited."
"Well that only leaves me with one question"
"What’s that?" he asked.
I gave him a smile before walking over, taking his hands into mine, and pulling him closer so I could whisper into his ear. "Do you believe in love at first site?" I asked pulling away to face him.
He gave a little chuckle before resting his forehead against mine. "I think I might"

Hopeee you liked it!
I actually had this written in my head for a while.
I just wanted to finish the first request.
Now here it is!
And before my dads midnight internet curfew!
So yeah, sorry for the super long wait.
Again, hope you enjoyed it!

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JennyL #1
Update when you can~!
aqisoo #2
um. . . I dnt wnt 2 sound dense but, u dnt mind me making a request do u? ( i dnt wnt u 2 think tht i praise u 2 get u to do me a request or anything but. . . Yeah, im a consious person. . . But i cant really link pictures, im using ma phone for internet so, idk how to do this. . . *im feeling awkward now~*) ur not mad r u? I knw this is a request one shot and all, i jst dnt wnt to get things mixed up (im sorry >-< this is a habit of mine. . . But my praises for u are all real ^^) but, yeah~ um, generally having trouble with the form and sorry if u get awkward reading this also (some people could tense up after i write these kinds of texts)
aqisoo #3
wow ur story is always awesome and i just read 2 of them (patience was ma 1st one, and im definately gonna read more of ur stories. . . 'Awesome' is jst an awesomd word, so i kind of been over using it ^^' ehe~) anyways, its so overly cool tht ur into writing stories like these (i envy u- in a good way) n u really put effort into it as much as u can in the story, im a fan of ur work now- i respect u author-nim (^-^). I wish u more inspiration, hwaiting! <3~
KyoRin #4
OMG! I LOVE IT!!!!!!! <br />
Its exactly the type of oneshot I wanted! =D<br />
The whole Nicole and Tiffany being cupid thing was so cute!<br />
And the part where me and Key were alone had me blushing in real life~! XD<br />
Its just so cute and romantic!!!!!!<br />
Thank you SO much for writing it!!!!!<br />
Good luck for your other oneshots!<br />
Thank u so much for the one-shot really liked it!! \(^w^o)/<br />
He sure is!!! d(*⌒▽⌒*)b and a awesome actor keke~ So glad he's on his feet again~ love those game halls \(^◇^)/<br />
6am ohh~ Hope u had enough sleep!! cuz u shouldn't overdo urself of course!<br />
It's 7:17am right now >< Just can't sleep,, I guess... keke~<br />
Ahh couldn't defeat him~ It's okay if it's Daito(≧ω≦)<br />
Daito-kun stalking xD lol~ still stays cute (*゚▽゚ノノ゙☆ *Glomps him*<br />
Okay now I talk to much (><) gomen~ *bows*
minka_ichigo911211 #6
btw, i forgot to put picture of my boy, sorry.. Here's the link http://absolutemblaq.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/0576629001256026000.jpg<br />
thanks b4 n hwaiting!:DD
minka_ichigo911211 #7
Your name: Park Euncha<br />
Your age: 18<br />
Your personality: Euncha's a junior in high school. She's smart but a bit clumsy. Sometimes can be very stubborn and annoying. She's a picky one. Always dreaming of prince charming. She's a crybaby and immature.<br />
Some likes:<br />
-chocolates, candies and ice creams<br />
-reading manga<br />
-playing basketball<br />
Some dislikes:<br />
-spicy foods<br />
-bugs, snakes and dogs<br />
-darkness, heights, and horror movies<br />
Picture of your boy<br />
Your appearance: http://us.detikhot.com/images/content/2008/06/15/230/nr_d.jpg<br />
Extra: seungho plays his role as senior in my high school. And yep, it's the 1st time i meet him.<br />
<br />
Hope u can make one for me^^<br />
thanks b4 and hwaiting!:DD
KyoRin #8
Your name: Jung Kyo Rin<br />
Your age: 18<br />
Your personality: Kyo Rin is a girl does whatever she wants to do no matter the time or place. She has MAJOR mood swings, is very random and has violent tendencies when she's irritated or angry. However, she forgives people easily, is quite stubborn, strongly believes in love at first sight and soulmates and is also very strongly opinionated. She is also a blunt person who says whatever she thinks her IQ though, is above average and she does well in school.<br />
Some likes/dislikes:<br />
Likes; <br />
-SPICY food! <br />
-Sleeping <br />
-Dancing <br />
-Bowling <br />
-Listening to music <br />
-The beach<br />
Dislikes; <br />
-BUGS!! <br />
-Jeans <br />
-Waking up early <br />
-Being teased <br />
-Alcohol<br />
Your boy/girl: Kim Key Kibum!!! <333 [SHINee]<br />
Picture of your boy/girl: <br />
http://i619.photobucket.com/albums/tt271/weareshining/KEY/b0095906_4badb664e6e81.jpg<br />
Your appearance: <br />
http://lh6.ggpht.com/_lP_3L6XUkXA/SSzpNSy81RI/AAAAAAAAA7g/pyWKavtsMFs/liu+yi+fei+(320).jpg<br />
Extra: Can I have a back hug scene and SNSD's Tiffany and KARA's Nicole as my best friends?<br />
I'm meeting him for the first time! ^^<br />