chapter oo4

The Fallen's Vengeance

chapter three; where i'd be your prince


»  Jessica silently opened the door, gently making her steps way in to avoid waking her sisters. Krystal, on the other hand, took her tracks normally.

"Unnie, you don't have to do that. They're fast asleep."
She stood up straight and realized that Krystal's right and more to that, she looks stupid doing that. She raised her eyebrows and started interrogating her sister.
"Why were you outside? I told you to sleep."
"I did." She protested but then she realized that she didn't and so she added, "More or less."
"You know you scared me to death. I left you here at home safe and sound then i'm suddenly gonna see you wrapped with nothing but your underwear and a piece of jacket with two hot guys beside you - I mean boys, normal
"Okay?" Krystal said with a confused tone. She chuckled and muttered, "You seem to like them."
"What was that?"
"Nothing. Nothing..." She smiled playfully and started to take her tracks on her way to her room.
"Where are you going? I'm not yet done talking to you little lady." Jessica shouted annoyingly as she placed her hand on her waist and the other one had her fingers pointed at her sister.
Krystal wiped off the sweat dripping on her forehead. "Okay. Okay. I get it. You want me to take care of myself and be a lot less careless as in a lot so I won't get myself into trouble again and I won't be making a mistake that I would regret in the end."
"Y-Yes... that's what I wanted to say." Jessica nodded, I guess... she told herself silently.
"Now can I go to my room and take some rest because I'm really exhausted." She requested, casting a hopeful smile.
"Oh... okay."
"And sis, I did that because I was worried. You see I don't want to place our lives in danger and of course none of us wants that. And I'm really sorry for worrying you. I promise not to do that again." She apologized.
Jessica smiled and went near her sister to hug her. "Alright sis." She hugged her sister's fragile body and kissed her cheeks. "Goodnight. Oh, goodmorning, I mean."
"Goodmorning." She smiled and at her sister and went on her way to bed.
Jessica went to the fridge and drank a glass of water. It was her usual habit before going to bed. Perhaps, water made her comforted her everynight. It was an effective way of her forget what happened to her lately. 
As the water swims down into , her thoughts flashed back into her mind.
"You're new here, aren't you?"
Her eyes were miles away to the extent that she can't even understand whatever he was telling her. "W-What?" She asked, trying to go back to her senses.
He gently smiled and said, "You seem scared, so... I figured you're kinda new around here."
"Well, yeah... yeah... you can say that," she replied, she looked back into the window and closed her eyes, letting her thoughts drift, releasing herself from all the pain that she has.
"So, what brought you there.... at the park?" He broke the silence and asked her again.
She opened her eyes, quite annoyed that he keeps asking unecessary questions. She just rode his car for easier way of going home, not for some chit-chat with somebody. She never knew that the payment will be these random questions.
"I said... nothing," Jessica replied with a little hint of her being annoyed. "Do you mind if I would ask you to stop asking questions? You're making me feel a lot worst, you know?"
"Sorry... I just wanted to help. Give you some advice..."
Jessica smirked and darted a cold glance at him, "Trust me you won't like me upon telling you the truth, you'll hate yourself and the world. Well, that is... if you're a man who gives a damn for the universe."
"Oh... well, that seems... a little bit... personal?"
"Nah, not really. I just really hate this world. Everybody's a and yeah, you know... life goes on for everyone. And I hate it so much that it's easy for everyone while we're here... having a hard time, suffering the consequences of the things we've never done."
"I just want my old life back that's all. I'd give up everythiing and do anything for me and my sisters and my people."
She suddenly started crying again. "Damn these tears!" She shouted. "Why do I have to keep on crying. Damn! I feel so hopeless." She wiped her tears and said, "I'm sorry I'm being so dramatic."
"You're not dramatic and you don't have to say sorry for crying" He said with his soothing voice.
"Whatever. But I'm surely be getting back on those s."
"You know revenge is a dangerous word." He told her, he shook his head and said, "It won't do anything good for you and whoever you want to revenge for."
This is getting on my nerves... she whispered as her eyebrows furrowed, "Look, mister! I didn't go there to that stupid park to be picked up by someone to be lectured inside the car. I already know all those things because I'm intelligent. More intellectual than the smartest person here on earth and I don't need any of your opinion okay?! Now you shut up and KEEP DRIVING!" She ordered.
"Okay." He scratched his head in confusion. As far as he knows he never did anything wrong. He didn't even laid his fingers on him. He stepped on the gas and drove a little faster.
But as they were near to their destination, she saw her sister with two guys beside her. Her sister looked harmed and in addition, she was (partly, she only had her underwear and a jacket that didn't even helped covering her body)
"Stop the car."
"Are you stupid? I said stop the car, you !"
He stopped the car and Jessica immediately went to her sister to check on her.
On her way to her bedroom, her sister Seohyun blocked her way, her arms fixed on each other as her left eyebrow raised and her back latched on the door, she asked, "Where were you last night?"
"Uhm, no you're not! I checked on your rooms and you weren't."
"I was outside. I was been... relieving stress... and stargazing."
"Since when did you enjoy stargazing, huh?" Seohyun said with an annoyed voice. As expected, her sister can't answer her question and so she rolled her eyes and walked on her way to the bathroom with the towel placed on her shoulders her arms remained fixed on each other.
"You're gonna take a bath?"
"Duh?" Seohyun retorted.
"Where are you going?"
"Somewhere you won't find me." Seohyun answered then slammed the door. Jessica went running after her and banged her knocks shouting, "You really don't know how to respect me, don't you?"
"Do I have to?"
"That's stupid! Of course you do!"
This ... Jessica walked back to her room and rolled her eyes, she just can't tame her sisters well. I won't be shocked if  she'll get herself into trouble herself... 
She slammed the door and locked it. Yoona and Yuri were already awake, thanks to those slamming doors. It wasn't new to them, it was their alarm clock, actually.
Seohyun changed her clothes, rubbed the towel on her hair, drying it. She brushed her hair and applied powder on her face. She picked up her bag and picked up her shoes.
"Seohyun, where are you going?" Yuri asked.
"Yeah, where are you gonna go?" Yoona added.
"Oh, please stop acting like you care." She inserted her shoes in her feet. "Do we have a bike?" She asked.
"Y-yes... it's in the... g-garage..."  Yuri answered.
"Tell Jessica I'm using it." She went to the garage and rode the bike on her way to the city. It was a long way if you hit the roads so she chose the way out in the forest, it was no problem, their bicycle is version 5.0 it has pre-installed GPS and it has it's defensive guns incase of emergency.
As she reached the city, she immediately took her route into the bookstore but suddenly a sports car was trying to show off which almost bumped into her bike.
The guy inside the car did nothing but to place his hand outside the window and wave it  proudly as he raised his middle finger.
"!" Seohyun added. She snorted and memorized the plate number of the car driven whoever that may be.
She entered the bookstore and scanned the racks. Skimming the book's cover and reading each one's foreword until she saw a line from one interesting book closely related to her.
She did everything to fit in to be at least half of what are sisters are. She did - but it failed.
She just smiled and stepped out of the bookstore. It's useless thinking about it. That she's an outcast from her family and they don't seem to care.
It started on her 13th birthday, she prepared everything to surprise her parents. She helped baking the cake, prepared the ingredients to needed to be cooked by their chef and gathered everything needed.
She also prepared her little sister's (Krystal) dress as well. She lend her dress to be worn by her sisters, Yuri and Yoona. They all worked hard. Her sisters helped her preparing the venue.
Placing the flowers on the table as a centerpiece, she smiled, impressed of what they did. She's an introvert, actually.
And she prefers celebrating her birthday with her family alone.
The time flew fast, seconds, minutes and hours had past and their parents weren't there.
Her sisters were alone and there she was, waiting at the table, tapping it with her fingers, letting time pass.
She almost fell asleep when the gate had suddenly opened. She ran through those gates wearing a big smile on her face.
Her father got out from the vehicle with her sister. She was holding a box wrapped with a wrapper, her smile grew bigger as she opened her arms and welcomed them, awaiting for the gift to be given.
So that's why they're late... they were busy looking for my gift. She concluded.
"Hey dad..." She smiled as he waved her hand running towards him. She walked next to her sister and grabbed the gift.
"Seohyun, wait, this is mine." Jessica claimed.
"No, it's mine, right dad?" Seohyun asked confidently, perhaps it's one of Jessica's pranks again. Maybe it's surprise.
"No, it's not." Leeteuk answered. "It's a gift for your sister. She won the singing competition at her school's program." He placed his arm around his daughter's soldier and pulled her closer. 
"For her?" Seohyun asked, tears were forming in her eyes. She sacrificed her time over nothing.
Her dad smiled and hugged Jessica, "Yes. Now you two go to sleep." Leeteuk smiled brightly at her and started walking towards the main door.
Jessica went running after him and Seohyun was left there standing alone. But before she completely lost him, she shouted for the last time, "Dad!"
"What?" He asked.
"Don't you remember anything today? Any important thing you forgotten?" She asked again, hopeful for his answer.
He scratched his head and said, "Apart from you sister's competition - nothing."
"Nothing at all?" She uttered, disappointment can be felt with the tone of her voice.
"Oh," She said and darted her eyes away from her father.
"Anyway, goodnight, Seohyun," her father said as he gave his daughter a cheerful smile.
G-goodnight dad....She answered silently.
She took her slow steps and as she crossed the roads her eyes weren't focused on the steps she was making.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Beep! Beep! Beep!
The car horn beeped loudly she felt the urge to step aback. As she raised her head up high it was the same who almost bumped her a while ago.
This is really trying to show off, isn't he? Seohyun saw a rock just a few steps away from her. She pumped her feet and got the stone and threw it straight to the careless man's car.
He stopped his car as the rock hit the compartment of his brand new car. "!" He shouted. He opened the door and went to confront her.
"! I'm not! You are! You're the same who almost hit my bike!" Seohyun rolled her eyes and snorted. "You almost killed me, dumb !"
"Dumb?" He smirked and scratched his head, "it's your fault, you don't know how to keep your lane. That poor bike? So, that was you? I hope I bumped you earlier!"
"!" Seohyun almost slapped him but the he had a grip on her hands.
"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. No," he answered confidently and waved his index finger sidewards, "My name is Yonghwa. I prefered to be called by my name in our first meeting. You have so many days to hate me if we'll ever meet again."
"We will never meet again, ." She rolled her eyes and started to continue on her tracks.
"I told you I'm Yonghwa! Nice meeting you! And you're cute! I hope we'll meet again." He smiled and saluted.
She yelled back without looking at him, "I'd rather die than to see you again! Jerk!"


» author's ramblings:   Now it's time for Yongseo's meeting. I wanted it to be youknow. Uhm a bit striking. Haha! Stay tuned guys sorry for I'm taking so long to update XD
» layout credit


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i will update the prologue how the cygnome planet was created and how they got their powers and all...


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i like the premise of this story. i kinda miss your writing, author.
oOSHIneeGirlsGenOo #2
luyoooooooooon please ! Ajujuju !!!

LuYoon the deer couple should be paired up here pretty please >/////<
-wanderer #3
please update sooooon <3
sawa93821 #4
Chapter 5: yay for the yongseo moments^^ But I feel really bad for seohyun to be forgotten from her own family must be lonely. Looking forward to your next chapter ^^
Chapter 2: D: Really sad past :(
Your parents got killed in front of you.

Really glad that finally Seohyun agreed and joined her sisters.
myjojoz #6
Chapter 2: So sad! When are the guys going to come in to this story? OH and i <3 MinYul! :P
nerdviolence #7
Chapter 2: awwww so sad... seeing ur own dad died in front of you...
minstal_1 #8
Taestal and Haesica <3333333
Chapter 1: NO! It's actually interesting. Plus, I am in favor for the couples :) But seriously, Seohyun must cooperate now. I'm sure she just need to spare some time with her sisters and leave the library at least because of all five, she seemed to be the most hateful one
KaiserKawaii 12 streak #10
Chapter 1: ooooh. interesting