When Love and Death Embrace


It wasn't what I thought it would be. It was everything I had hoped for, and yet nothing at all what I had expected. I'd dreamt about it -- fantasized, even. I knew it existed, but I never imagined it would find me. But it did. He did. And I fell in love with him. Even as fragile and unremarkable as he seemed, he was an angel -- my angel. And he'd come to save me...from myself. 


Lee Ji-eun
- Vampire
- Quiet & withdrawn
- Somewhat of a loner
- The first in a new evolution of the vampire race


Yang Yoseob

- Mysterious

- Quirky

- Morbid Personality

- Borderline-obsessed with Ji-eun

- Has a dark secret






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Yeolliepop96 #1
You always leave it on a cliffhanger.........gotta love your style kekeke
Chapter 1: Please UPDATEEE sooooooonnnnn~~~~~~~