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Yongguk looked worriedly over his shoulder as he watched the maknae quickly run away to Youngjae's bedroom. He had immediately went straight to Zelo's room after hearing a loud deafening (and unmanly) shriek from the youngest.


After the brief incident, Yongguk was in a pile of nothing but confusion and disorientation. So what the hell happened exactly?


The leader took a glance into the younger's bedroom, curious as to why Junhong was so mentally afraid of him.


The room seemed quite normal really, clothes scattered everywhere like how an average teenage boy would make it like. The bed was poorly made, pillows tossed carelessly aside, blankets tousled and wrinkled.


The one only thing that was seemingly out of place, was a single silver laptop, gleaming by itself with pride. On its screen displayed a fanfiction, somewhat eager for its next reader to dive into.


Yongguk slowly approached the device, and picked it up gingerly. He quickly scanned the contents of it, before suddenly throwing it back carelessly on the bed.


“HOLY MOTHER OF GOD MY EYES! THEY BUUUURN!!!!” The oldest shrieked, running abruptly out of the room while covering his eyes. He frantically went in search of the nearest piece of furniture to land on, and immediately planted himself in the living room’s sofa.


Unfortunately, a certain someone was having a power nap on the couch to his dismay.


“WHAT THE HYUNG GET OFF OF ME!” Daehyun screeched ferociously as he shoved the older off the couch. The said person landed with a loud thud on the carpet floor, and laid there limply. A quiet moment passed before Daehyun realized that his hyung was unconscious.


He quietly crouched down from the piece of furniture and poked the elder boy several times in various places around Yongguk’s body, before deciding to give up and charging toward their refrigerator for his afternoon snack time.


Approximately one hour and 45 minutes passed when Yongguk woke up from his slumber, and squinted his eyes slightly in confusion. Memories from the past duration of time flooded into his head, as he suddenly began to recall the past events that happened before he fell unconscious.


He finally figured and sorted out who the culprit might have been  that caused his precious “son” to become so terrified of him after a cup of tea and a slice of cheesecake (courtesy of Daehyun and his food plushie pals).


He furiously “rolled like a buffalo” to the door that was neighboring the maknae’s room. A dark angry aura surrounded the elder’s body as he slammed the door open with a loud boom.


“Oh, Yongguk hyung, what are you doing here?” Jongup asked innocently, sneaking a peek at his hyung from his IPod.


Yongguk simply took a deep breath of air before his scolding was to begin. “MOON JONGUP YOU ‘LIL PIECE OF , WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!” He pointed a finger at the gleaming silver device that still had the fanfiction displayed on its screen.


Jongup, who was taken aback by the older’s furious outburst, could only reply back to the statement meekly. “Um, hyung, what are you talking abou-”




His right hand began to pull back, and then rapidly charged straight at the younger’s face, who was terrified of what was to take place, before a feminine hand suddenly pulled out to stop the punch. Yongguk looked up at the sudden block, only to realize that it was Himchan who was the one defending his opponent.


“Himchan, the are you doing?” Yongguk hissed at his boyfriend, who in return gave him a stoic expression.


“...Stay away from my precious son,” the younger calmly spoke in a stern voice, eyes glazed with overprotectiveness.


The eldest let out a sarcastic chuckle. “Your “precious son”? THE ONE THAT MY INNOCENT BABY BOY CRY?!”


Himchan scoffed a bit at the exaggerated phrase. “Oh, puh-lease, I’ve already seen him in his room watching like I don’t know...ABOUT 60 TIMES ALREADY?! Why do you think he’s in his room for 80% of the time?”


“GASP. YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT YOU . OH IT’S ON!” Yongguk suddenly leaped at Himchan, causing the younger of the two to stumble slightly back. He then let out a growl and pounced on the older, a cloud of dust forming around the two fighting each other, creating an illusion of that of a typical fight in an authentic cartoon.


Daehyun suddenly barged into the room, plopping his right next to Jongup, who was awkwardly watching the “mom” and “dad” argue. “Are they having their parental love fights over you and Junhong again?” He nonchalantly asked, tossing some freshly made popcorn from earlier into his mouth.


Jongup could only manage a small nod, his mind mainly engrossed on the live action scene right in front of him. Youngjae came into the bedroom soon after, seating himself next to his boyfriend. He grabbed some of the food from Daehyun with his hand, and was soon eating like his lover was too. “Let me guess: Himchan and Yongguk hyung,” The vocalist said, boredly scanning the situation.


“Yep,” the Busan man replied briefly, also too focused on the conflict.


Zelo was the last one to come in, offering himself a seat on Jongup’s lap. The older of the maknae line circled his muscular hands around the other’s lean anatomy, and Junhong rested his head on Jongup’s shoulder.


The two so-called parents abruptly paused the argument, taking notice of the two youngest. “Wait a minute, don’t tell me...” Himchan stopped for a second. “YOU TWO ARE DATING?!”


The maknae line let out a sigh, facepalming at their oldest hyungs, before responding back.  “Well, maybe, if you two took more notice at us instead of yourselves, maybe you would've noticed that. But no, you neglected us instead,” Zelo stated affirmatively, his voice dripping lightly with drops of sarcasm.


“You know, we could have been your parents instead if you had just asked,” Daehyun and Youngjae suggested. “At least we can understand you.”


“Yeah, okay. Daehyun and Youngjae are now our new parents!” The maknae line shook hands and fist bumped the other blonde couple.


“But...my baby...” Himchan suddenly dropped to the ground on his hands and knees, feeling the load of failure drop on him.


“We are...terrible at this...” Yongguk had also done the same as his boyfriend, only this time he reached an arm out to the other members.


The main vocalist immediately clapped his hands together, as if to break the awkward silence. “So...who wants dinner? I was thinking of BJ’s today.” (A/N: Yes, BJ’s is a restaurant...I’m not kidding...the service there...no pun intended.


Jongup and Zelo hummed sounds of agreement while his boyfriend simply let out a shrug and an “Okay”.


“Alright then, it is settled!” Daehyun clapped his hands again to end the conversation. The male then left the room, the three younger members following him in pursuit., leaving the two oldest to themselves.


However, right outside of Jongup’s bedroom, the members were currently discussing what to do with the sulking elders.


“Don’t worry guys, they’ll eventually have makeup , and then everything will be all right again! I mean, the hyungs are who the real idiots here, right?” Daehyun explained to reassure the others.


“Well, he’s got a point,” The maknae acknowledged, head slightly nodding repeatedly.


The door was then suddenly bashed open, revealing two very once again, pissed rappers. “JUNG DAEHYUN, AND THE REST OF YOU LITTLE RASCALS ARE IN SOME DEEP !”


HImchan and Yongguk rolled up their sleeves, and instantly began charging at the other B.A.P members, who seemed scared for their lives.


“Holy ...TO BJ’S GUYS!” Youngjae raised a finger in the air, before quickly running off in the direction of the front door, the younger group trailing behind him.


“OH WHAT NOW THEY HIRED ES TOO?!” Yongguk and Himchan yelled in surprise, before dashing after them, intent on killing them when they would get their hands on them. Well they aren’t actually gonna murder them, ‘cause you know, that’s illegal.




YAY I DID SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE! :D Hope you enjoyed this little gift Emma! :3 And to the rest of you...THANK YOU FOR READING!

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Chapter 2: That was so fun! Like oh my god!! :D
Now I can say I spend the time before my lecture right! XD
Chapter 2: HAHAHAHA <-repeat that 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999times
HighUp_HUE #3
Chapter 2: .........*re-reads*.............*sings EXO's What is love* I LOST MY MIND~ ;WWAOSHFKASQKLGDFIAEUHF HI THIS IS SOOOOOOOO FUNNEH!!!`
Chapter 2: XD!!! lol at the BJ's part!!
Chapter 2: XDD omg!Made me laugh so much!
More than I should have...
So good author!
DinoCarrot #6
Chapter 2: Teresa this is the best crack comedy etc i have ever read it's so perfect AND IT'S FOR ME TOO WOW BONUS THANK YOOOUU <333

can there be a sequel or...
Chapter 1: Omg. Hahaha. Poor Zelo. Hahaha. Youngjae so cute!
DinoCarrot #8