Awkwardly in Love


"Life isn’t like a manga, not all of us trip and fall into the arms of the one we love – some of us trip and fall and get a bloody nose and ruin their love’s shirt in the process." Myungsoo may or may not be about to ruin their first date...


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Chapter 1: omg this was so adorable! myungsoo is such a cutie pie xD i love how sungjong's shirt got ruined haha
Chapter 1: Lol i loveeeee this story !!
Amazing! <3<3
aozora7 #3
Chapter 1: myung kissed his chin instead??? omg such a dork XD. You pictured them perfectly cz thats also the way i see them, clumsy awkward dork myungsoo & a confident jongie :D
bohyemi #4
Chapter 1: Hahahahahahaaa
Chapter 1: I LOLed so hard at the ending... Dork Myungsoo and confident Jjongie is a perfect story for me. And this is just like the way i pictured in my mind about MyungJong couple... Good job author-nim... ;)
Chapter 1: Myungsoo is such a .
Chapter 1: wahhhhh!!!!!
Myungsoo you clumsy idiot!!!
but i find it cute though!!!!
Chapter 1: Hahahaha, I can't! This is awesome.
I love awkward Myungsoo!! The "That was my chin you idiot" was epic,I laughed my socks off!
Great fic author-nim!