Chapter eight: Hanging Out With Exo and Inhae

Weirdo's of the Century

Ana leisurely strolled towards Inhae’s table with Luhan and Sehun.

                        “Who are we getting noona?” Sehun asked.

                        “My friend.”

                        “Omo, you have a friend?!?” Luhan feigned surprise.

                        “Shut up!” Ana hit Luhan softly on the arm, earning a few snide remarks from other students.

                        “Omo look at her flirting.”

                        “I know, its disgusting.”

                        “OMG I bet she slept with the principal to get into that class.”

                        “Probably, I mean no girl could ever get into that class…and she did.”

                        Ana ignored them, but Sehun and Luhan glared at the girls menacingly. They jumped a bit then stopped talking.

                        “Inhae!” Ana exclaimed.

                        “What?” Inhae looks up to see Ana walking towards her with Luhan and Sehun trailing behind.

                        “Her name is Inhae?” Sehun asks.

                        Ana wordlessly nods and tugs at Inhae’s arms. Chisoo glared at Ana with hatred while Miri and Hyemi nervously hid themselves behind their books.

                        “Yes?” Inhae says slowly.

                        “Come.” Ana says.

                        “Come?” Inhae tilts her head.

                        “To their table.” Ana points at the other two with her head.

                        “Wh-“ Inhae was quickly pulled away by Ana.

                        They reached the table a few seconds later. When Ana arrived with Inhae Exo immediately erupted into loud chatters.

                        “Who’s this hottie?” Kai asked throwing Inhae a wink and a smirk.

                        Inhae looks at Kai, unaffected.

                        “This hotties taken.” Inhae deadpanned.

                        “OHHHH.” Exo snickered.

                        “Do we need to introduce ourselves?” Suho asked.

                        “No its okay, I’ve been in this school long enough to know who you guys are.” Inhae responds shaking her head.


                        Ana stepped outside of her apartment the next afternoon the same time as Kris.

                        “I’m starting to think you are secretly watching me.” Ana squint’s her eyes at him.

                        “Psh as if.” Kris scoffs.

                        “How else would you have come out the same time as I did?” Ana asked incredulously.

                        “Its called oh I don’t know coincidence.” Kris replies sarcastically.

                        “Neh~” Ana stuck her tongue out at him.

                        “Why do you even keep saying that? It’s like you actually want me to stalk you or something.” Kris pokes Ana’s flawless cheeks.

                        “Pfffffft. As if.” Ana slaps his hand.



                        They both arrive at the chosen destination, café world.

                        “Ohh, look whose coming in together,” Kai smirks.

                        There in the corner of the café sat Kai, D.O, Suho, Sehun, Luhan, Xiumin, Chen, and Lay.

                        “Do I sense…a couple? Hmmm?” Luhan teases.

                        “Would their couple name be Kriana? Or Anakri?” Kai suggested, smirking.

                        “No, that’s weird.” D.O scrunched up his nose.

                        “Psh, they’ll figure something out once they start dating later.” Kai said.

                        Ana smacks Kai while Kris smacks the other boys on their heads.

                        “What did I do?” Xiumin protested, “I didn’t say anything!”

                        “But you were about to.” Kris responds smartly.

                        Xiumin shrugs, “True.”

                        Kris makes movement to slap Xiumin on the head again when he dodges.

                        “Hey! I’m your hyung!” Xiumin glares at Kris.

                        “So? I always bother Luhan.”

                        Luhan lowered his head.

                        “Oh you two stop it!” Suho got in between.

                        “Hello.” A voice said breathlessly.

                        Everyone turns their head to see a panting and red faced Inhae. Kai nudges Ana on the waist excitedly.

                        “Ohmygosh! You brought the hottie! I love you!” Kai hugged Ana, making her wince.

                        -Click- Flash- There was a bright light.

                        “Hyung I got it!” Sehun exclaimed.

                        “Got what?” Luhan asked.

                        “Kai and Ana hugging!”

                        “Good job!” Lay pats Sehun on the back.

                        Ana ignored them and slapped Kai on the head again.

                        “She’s actually taken. Watch yourself crazy flubber.” Ana sneers.

                        “Flubber?” Kai asks confused as he rubs his sore spot.

                        Inhae sits next to Ana, “What are we doing today?”

                        “We are going to watch a scary movie.” Ana replies.

                        “Can you handle it?” Inhae teases.

                        Tao came bursting into the café, the customers and employees looked up startled.

                        “GE! HELP ME!” Tao screamed while running towards Kris.

                        Kris noticed the stares and glared at the younger, “Tao we are in a public. Lower your voice!”

                        Baekhyun and Chanyeol strolled into the café while cackling.

                        Tao yelped and hid behind the tall dragon. Kris eyed them.

                        “What did you do?” Kris asked giving them a dark look.

                        Baekhyun and Chanyeol froze and chuckled nervously.

                        “Nothing…” Baekhyun mumbled.

                        Kris raised an eyebrow.

                        “Okay, we may have…shown him a slug or two.” Baekhyun mumbled.

                        Kris gave them a hard look.

                        “We might’ve also showed him a lizard.” Chanyeol added, rubbing the back of his neck.

                        Kris crossed his arms.

                        “And there might’ve been a teensy small spider along with it…and it my still be on his back.” Baekhyun averted his gaze to a plant on the table.

                        “What?!?” Tao exclaimed.

                        “AHHH!” Chen squealed.

                        Everybody looked at Chen. Chen point at the huge black thing that was scurrying across the table.

                        “HOLY THAT AINT SMALL ITS ING HUGE!” Xiumin exclaimed jumping up.


                        “RUUUUUUUUUUN!” Luhan screeched as the spider went closer to him.

                        The café residents looked at them with irritation.

                        “Pfffffft. You guys can’t even handle a spider.” Ana chuckled.

                        “Yeah, look how cute it is!” Inhae squealed as she held the spider up close to Kai’s face.

                        “GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!” Kai screeched and shielded himself with his arm.

                        “.” Ana snorted.

                        The only calm people were Lay, Suho, D.O. Kris wass twitching nervously as the spider came close to him. He tried very hard not to show his fear, but he failed to when the spider crawled on his hand.

                        “GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME! SUHO GET IT OOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFF!” Kris screamed shaking his hand around.

                        Ana looked at him amusedly. The cool-calm collected Kris scared of a spider? Unbelievable.

                        They were soon kicked out of the café and were forbidden to ever return.

                        “Nice going.” D.O muttered.

                        Ana and Inhae shook their heads while giggling.

                        “What are these girls? They were unaffected by a spider and Kris was? Psshh” Baekhyun smirked.

                        Kris smacked Baekhyun’s head.

                        “Ow!” He yelped.

                        “To the theaters we go!” Chanyeol rushed off with an arm extended out and a hand clenched into a fist, imitating super man.

                        “That dork.” Chen laughed.

                        ~Movie theaters~

                        “If you’re scared of small spiders, I wonder how you guys are going to handle a scary movie.” Ana commented crossing her arms as they all entered theater 5.

                        “Pfft. Can you handle it?” Kris asked.

                        Ana smiled at him cheekily, “Maybe.”

                        Kris rolled his eyes but smiled.

                        “Aww look at the two lovebirds.” Kai smirked smugly.

                        “Yah!” Kris and Ana yelled at him together.

                        Sehun wanted to sit in the front so they all ended up being directly in front of the movie screen. Ana gulped nervously.

                        “Scared?” Kris teased.

                        Ana threw him a look and slapped him.

                        “Ow, violent woman.” Kris hissed.

                        Ana smirked at him.

                        The seating was Xiumin, Luhan, Sehun, Tao, Lay, Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Chen, D.O, Kai, Inhae, Ana, and Kris.

                        “Why am I at the end?” Kris pouted.

                        “Scared?” Ana mocked.

                        “Touché.” Kris replied.

                        Ana chuckled.

                        During the movie, Ana and Kris jumped and let out small whimpers. Both were too scared to even make snide comments at each other. Ana looked at Inhae who was sleeping soundly although everyone was practically screaming around her.

                        About exactly 2 hours and 45 minutes later, the movie ended and Sehun was shaking of fright.

                        “We thoudn’t have that in the front.” Sehun said his lisp coming out.

                        “Y-your f-f-f-fault.” Kai stuttered.

                        Inhae yawned and stretched.

                        “How was the movie?” Lay asked Inhae.

                        “It was boring.” Inhae yawned again.

                        “I can tell, you were sleeping while Kai was screaming his head off.” Ana smirked.

                        “Boring?!? It was boring to her?!?” Chanyeol exclaimed with shock.

                        Inhae wordlessly nodded and yawned for the third time.

                        “Dang, this girl…” Baekhyun muttered.

                        Inhae shrugged.

                        “Alright I’m leaving first.” Inhae said giving Ana a hug and waving at the other boys.

                        “Bye!” The boys chorused.

                        “Bye.” Inhae said and walked off.

                        Kai ran after her, “Wait for meee!”

                        “Aish that kid.” Ana grumbled, shaking her head, “I’m leaving too.”

                        “Bye.” The boys said.

                        “Wait I’ll go too.” Kris said and followed after Ana.

                        “Ohh~ Kris.” Xiumin raised his eyebrows suggestively.

                        Kris rolled his eyes.

                        “Why are you walking home with me?” Ana asked incredulously.

                        “Because I’m a gentleman. I can protect you from getting .” Kris replied.

                        “Pfft. I can take care of myself. Besides how can you protect me when you have no muscles?” Ana teased.

                        “I do, right here. Look.” Kris rolled up his sleeves and pretended to flex.

                        “Pffft. What muscles?!? All I see is fat!” Ana cackled and hit his arms making it jiggle.

                        “Never mind about the thing. The rapists would be scared that you would them since you’re like a guy.” Kris said jokingly.

                        “Shut up.” Ana kicked Kris in the shin.

                        “Ow!” Kris yelped holding his leg.

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caffeinate #1
Chapter 5: im reading everything again because I LURVE IT and did you ever realize how much kevin im resembled chanyeol damn. calling me noona and everything wowowowoww
caffeinate #2
Chapter 35: ugly tall poop and brown potato are a perfect match
i'll take the rainbow unicorn pls
caffeinate #3
Chapter 11: FINALLY
need a poster??
try visit this site
Chapter 34: "Rainbow pooping ugly dragon" GASP. " " GASP. This update was soooo good T.T
caffeinate #6
Chapter 34: YOU GO GIRL

personally I think she should have killed Ilhoon. I know I would have.
Chapter 33: Pwahahahaha Ana is the best. xDDD
caffeinate #8
Chapter 33: fINALLY YOU LITTLe .

man that dukkboki scene. That's exactly us when we eat with other people LOOOL we just split the fried fish and stole it from everyone.
caffeinate #9
Chapter 9: man I just remember where the hell is jung ilhoon that little er
Chapter 32: Lol Kai is soo cute.