Chapter six: Her monthly

Weirdo's of the Century

The sun, the sun, the sun, the BEAUTIFUL sun. PSH NO I HATE YOU WHY ARE YOU SO BRIGHT. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. IT BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURNS, GO AWAY FROM MEEEEEE YOU SHINY PIECE OF- Ana covered her eyes with her arm. A string of curses were going around her head. She turned to her side on the bed when she felt something leaking. *OH * Ana shot up quickly from her bed and ran to the bathroom.  

            ~                                              ~                                                          ~

                        “Uhhhhhhhhh.” Ana groaned and banged her head on the table, while her arms were dangling from the side.

                        “What’s wrong with the she beast?” Kai asked as he watched Ana.

                        “Something you’ll NEVER understand because YOU’RE A DUDE.” Ana lifted her head, growled at Kai, and then dropped it back down.

                        “Chill noona, you’re extra sensitive today.” Chanyeol said with his nose wrinkling in judgment.

                        “SHUT. UP. CHAN. YEOL.” Ana hissed.

                        “Is this by any chance…your time of the month?” Luhan slowly asked.

                        Ana wordlessly nodded and let out a muffled cry.

                        “Its okay noona, it’ll be over soon.” D.O patted Ana’s back soothingly.

                        “No its NOOOOOOOOOT.” Ana wailed, “You’re lucky that you’re a guy Kyungsoo. You don’t have to face this kind of paaaaaaaiiiiiin.”

                        D.O only nodded in response and kept patting her back.

                        “Uh oh if the she devil-“

                        “So I’m a devil now?” Ana gave Kai a dark look.

                        Kai yelped and ran behind Suho, “HYUNG ITS STARTING ALREADY! TAKE COVER. WORLD WAR THREE IS ABOUT TO START!”

                        Suho smacked him on the head, “Who do you think Ana is, Godzilla?”

                        “YES, DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD SHE SMACKS? AND-”

                        “Yah, Kim Jongin.”

                        “Yes mam?” Kai answered timidly.

                        “WORLD WAR THREE IS GOING TO START IF YOU DON’T SHUT THE HELL UP RIGHT NOW.” Ana was about to lunge at Kai when D.O held her back.

                        “Calm down noona. Dealing with idiots is not good for mood swings.-“

                        “Did he just call me an idiot?”

                        “How about I massage you-“

                        “Are you ignoring me right now?”

                        “Would that-“


                        “Kai!” Ana snarled.

                        “Shutting up mam.” Kai sat quietly in his seat.

                        The members chuckled. Ana moaned when D.O worked his massaging skills on Ana’s back.

                        “You sound y.” Chen winked at her.

                        Ana threw him a glare; Chen froze then sat quietly next to Kai. The duo felt a shiver run down their backs as Ana was giving them ice cold looks. They slowly lowered their heads in silence. Ana smirked in approval.

                        “Why cant you guys be like Kyungsoo? He’s like the perfect guy. Kyungsoo I love you.” Ana mumbled as she was absorbed in pleasure.

                        D.O’s cheeks pinked.


                        It was lunch time and Ana was walking down with the two maknaes, more like the two maknaes were dragging her down. Tao was linking arms with Ana while Sehun was just really close by her side.

                        “Do you guys have to stick to me like glue?” Ana tried to wriggle herself away from Tao’s grasp.

                        “Why, you don’t like it jie?” Tao pouted.

                        “No.” Ana bluntly answered.

                        Sehun went a step back while Tao just held on to Ana tighter. Ana sighed, annoyed, and then glared up at Tao. Tao, trying to ignore the hard stare that gave him chills, skipped happily next to her to the cafeteria. *Stupid annoying, gigantic panda!*

                        “Sit at our table again jie!”

                        “Do I have a choice?” Ana grumbled as she was dragged by the tall giant.

                        The three reached the table in a flash.

                        “Sit!” Tao pushed her down on a seat next to Lay.

                        Ana skimmed the room, looking if Inhae was there. But she didn’t see a brown straight haired girl anywhere. Ana sighed and dropped her head onto the table. She felt something growing inside of her. She could feel something bad, but she shook it off thinking that it was probably her period doing something to her.

                        “So you’re coming this week right?” Suho’s gentle voice reached Ana’s ears.

                        “What?” Ana asked, dazed.

                        “This week, hang out?” Lay said.

                        “Maybe, can I bring someone?”


                        “Is she hot?” Kai smiled.

                        Sehun shook his head, “I swear the only thing that hyung’s thinking is girls. Girls this, girls that. STAP IT.”

                        “How long have you guys known each other?” Ana asked curiously.

                        “Since 6thgrade.” Kris answered poking at the rice.

                        “Dang, have you guys been in the same class since then?”

                        “Yup.” Kris nodded his head.


                        They all shrugged.

                        “All we know is that Seoul high is connected with Seoul jr. high.” D.O said.

                        “Well aren’t they creative with their names.” Ana said sarcastically.


                        It was the next day and it was lunch time. Ana was sitting with exo again and Inhae still wasn’t in school.

                        “Hey hyung, what did you get on that biology test?” Sehun asked.

                        “A hundred of course.” Luhan answered a little cockily.

                        “Show off.” Kai muttered.

                        Ana stood up abruptly, making the boys jump, she then walked out of the cafeteria. The boys looked after her.

                        “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon.” Ana muttered hopefully.

                        ‘Hi! This is Yoo Inhae. If I don’t get the phone it means that I either didn’t want to pick up your call or I’m bu-‘

                        Ana sighed, that was her fourth time calling. She was getting worried. She then decided that it was better for her to send a text message.

                        To: Inhae

                        Are you okay? Are you sick?

                        Ana put her phone back into her blazer pocket. 

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caffeinate #1
Chapter 5: im reading everything again because I LURVE IT and did you ever realize how much kevin im resembled chanyeol damn. calling me noona and everything wowowowoww
caffeinate #2
Chapter 35: ugly tall poop and brown potato are a perfect match
i'll take the rainbow unicorn pls
caffeinate #3
Chapter 11: FINALLY
need a poster??
try visit this site
Chapter 34: "Rainbow pooping ugly dragon" GASP. " " GASP. This update was soooo good T.T
caffeinate #6
Chapter 34: YOU GO GIRL

personally I think she should have killed Ilhoon. I know I would have.
Chapter 33: Pwahahahaha Ana is the best. xDDD
caffeinate #8
Chapter 33: fINALLY YOU LITTLe .

man that dukkboki scene. That's exactly us when we eat with other people LOOOL we just split the fried fish and stole it from everyone.
caffeinate #9
Chapter 9: man I just remember where the hell is jung ilhoon that little er
Chapter 32: Lol Kai is soo cute.