Or do they...

The Kims Always Win
The harsh, cold winds of the Winter night banged against Rachel's window as she was trying to fall asleep. It reminded her of the worries that were running around in her head. She groaned into her pillow when she saw it was almost 3 in the morning and she still hadn't gotten a second of sleep.
She grew more annoyed when she heard a big thund on the ground somewhere in the house followed by the small giggles that she constantly heard throughout her day. She threw her thick blankets of herself and stomped her way to her oppa's door.
She rolled her eyes at the angel wing stickers that were probably permanently stuck to the door after being there for years. It was easy to see the age difference between those stickers and the new panda ones that her oppa put all over the door. She banged at the door. The giggles silenced and footsteps came closer and closer to the door.
The door opened just a crack. Her oppa's lovestruck face appeared. She usually was happy for her oppa, but right now that look just irritated her.
"It's 3 in the morning! GO TO SLEEP PABO!" Her annoyance obviously shocked her oppa.
"YAH! I can do whatever I want! I pay the bills in this house don't I?!"
"Don't yell at her Teukie." The voice of her favorite unnie brought all the emotions that she had been fighting against for the past couple of days. She shoved her oppa aside and ran to Sohyeon who was sitting on Teukie's bed flipping threw tv channels. Rachel jumped on the bed, landing right in front of her unnie.
"UNNIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Rachel felt the tears start flowing out of her eyes and pouring down her pale cheeks.
"Teukie. Will you be a sweetheart and go get me some more hot chocolate and don't come back until I tell you to." He seemed a bit annoyed when Sohyeon asked him this, but when he saw the state his little sister was in, he agreed and left them alone.
"Why don't you just call him already? I know you did nothing wrong but I mean, come on, it's already christmas eve. You guys don't want a stupid fight to ruin christmas for you guys do you?"
Rachel just stared at her unnie with sad eyes.
"Also this will be the first christmas party with Teukie and I officially married and I don't want any drama to ruin it!"
Rachel could do nothing but begin crying. She shoved her face into the white comforter of the bed that smelled too much like Sohyeon. She probably took up most of the bed when they slept. Which wouldn't be a huge surprise since she was a crazy sleeper.
She begun to laugh remembering the nights she spent with her unnie and getting slapped around the whole night. Her unnie, who was rubbing her back, trying to comfort the crying girl, suddenly stopped. She hoped her dongsaeng's sudden loss of sanity was just due to being sleep deprived.
"TEUKIE." Sohyeon called her husband back into the room. He came quickly with a cup of hot chocolate with a mountain of whip cream on top. She took the cup from him, and poked at her hysteric 'saeng's side, "Rachel? Drink this. I'll be right back. Teukie will take care of you for a while. I won't take long."
Rachel took the cup and looked up at her unnie. She gave her a warm smile before walking out of the room. Her overprotective husband chased after her.
Rachel heard arguing whispers from them but decided to ignore it and raise the volume on the tv. She away most of the whip cream from the cup of chocolate, and took a sip.
She immidiately wished she hadn't because it tasted exactly how it did when he made it. She wanted to stop, but instead to drank the chocolate down. It burned her tongue and throat. She didn't really care though. It made her feel like he had made it for her. It made her feel a little bit less empty than she had been these last couple of days.
With a bittersweet smile on her face, Rachel laid her head down on the closest pillow to her, and drifted off into sleep.
"YAAAAAAAAAAAAH! LAZY GET UP!" Rachel jumped from the sudden loud scream in her ear. She landed on the floor harshly. She rolled over to see her unnie's tired looking face. She rubbed her eyes and grab Sohyeon's hand which was out, ready to help her up.
"What time is it?" Rachel yawned. She looked around for a clock, but there wasn't any around.
"4 in the morning. I brought your christmas present. Come." Even with no sleep, her unnie was still demanding as ever.
"Where are we going? Shouldn't we-" Rachel stopped in the middle of her question when she saw the man she hasn't talked to in almost a week, sitting on the couch next to Leeteuk.
Her unnie grabbed onto her wrist and grabbed his as she passed him. She opened the door and the cold air came drifting in. The horrible wind had stopped, but the night was still freezing cold.
Sohyeon threw both of them outside, "Fix your problem. No fixing, no entering my house."
They just stood there for a while. Rachel felt him staring down at her, but she didn't make an attempt to start any conversation with him. She had nothing to say to him.
He cleared his throat very loudly, trying to get her attention, but she continued to stare at the ground. He tried grabbing her shoulder, but she stepped out of his reach.
"You don't actually have to try to fix anything. Just say we did and you can leave."
He took a quick step and made her face him, "But I do want to fix this. Do you think I'm happy not talking to you everyday? You think I like knowing that you're upset with me? No. I hate it more than anything! I just don't understand why you got so upset in the first place!"
She shoved him away, "Well if you wanted to know why I was so upset maybe you should've asked ME. Not gone to the person that was causing the problem in the first place! You think I like how every single time we get into an argument you go to Sohee? Would you like it if I spent all of my time with some guy that isn't you Heechul? It's not fun to be alone all the time knowing that my boyfriend is out with different girls everyday! And what makes it even worse is that you think you're doing nothing wrong! In what world is it ok for a guy to abandon his girlfriend to hang out with other girls? And it's not every now and then, it's every single day since... since the night of my oppa's wedding you've been doing that.. I don't like being alone Heechul. And that's all you've been making me feel. Maybe we just shouldn't be together anymore."
"No. Don't say that. Please. I know I can be a complete idiot sometimes.. ok maybe all the time, but that doesn't mean I don't love you more than anyone else on this planet. I realize now that I do a lot of things that make you question my love for you, but I swear I'll make it up to you. I'll do anything to stay with you. You're the love of my life and I don't ever want to lose you." Heechul tried to grab Rachel's hand, but she hid it behind her back.
"You always do this. You say you're gonna do all these things for me, but you never actually do it. Which makes me question even more if all you say is even true."
Heechul grabbed her arm and pulled her down the porch's steps. He made no reply to the questions that Rachel kept asking him as he pulled her threw the empty streets. Eventually Rachel saw the building where she and Heechul shared a dorm together. She hadn't been inside there for a week now and she could only imagine the giant mess that was waiting for her.
As they reached their door, Heechul told her to stay there until he called her in. He sneaked into the dorm without giving Rachel any view of the mess. She heard a lot of running and moving and slamming of doors as she stood outside the door. Her patience was beginning to wear thin.
"Come in." She sighed loudly as she turned the door nob, preparing herself for the mess.   gapped open and she stood under the threshold completely frozen.
All of the furniture was moved out of the way, lined up against the wall so perfectly and organized. Millions of small heart-shaped twinkling light hung on the wall. The beautiful colors of red, pink, and white reflected against each other, making the room look so bright and heavenly. A mixture of white and red roses petals completely covered the floor like a blanket. And against the wall that Heechul had his back to was completely covered in roses that had the stems broken off and only the head of the rose stuck onto it. They were all white. Except for a few red roses that spelled out Will You Marry Me?
Rachel stood there looking at Heechul with tears in her eyes. But this time, it was tears of joy and pure happiness. Heechul smiled widely and walked over to her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the wall of roses. She tried to shake her shock away, but it only hit her harder when she saw a small black box hanging on a single silk ribbon that was between the roses.
Heechul grabbed it and started to go down onto his knee. Rachel felt like she was going to explode with all the feels jumping around in her body. He reached to grab her shaking left hand. A beautiful, bright diamond ring was ready in his hand, "Rachel, I love you more than you will ever understand. Your face is the only thing I want to see every morning when I wake up, and I can't imagine a time that I don't. I'm an idiot and don't deserve to have someone as wonderful as you love me, and I thank God everyday that you do. I make so many mistakes. But I want everyone in the world to know that out of all my lifetime of mistakes, the one thing that I did right was make you my wife. So will you please do me the honor of mine forever?"
He stared up at her, eyes filled with love, curiousity and a bit of fear. As they looked at each other, they could see nothing but their future lives together.
Rachel didn't know how but she managed to get a Yes out of . A huge smile spread across Heechul's face and he slipped the ring onto her finger. It fit perfectly. Heechul stood up and pulled his now fiance close to him. He brushed the tears off of her face. He pulled her face towards his until their lips met. Rachel had to be the one to pull away to breathe.
"I was kind of scared you were gonna say no."
Rachel looked up at Heechul's slightly embarrased face, "Why would you think that?"
"Because I'm a pabo, and you deserve better."
She rolled her eyes, "I deserve you. And at least this time you admitted you were wrong and made it up to me."
"Just don't tell Sohyeon."
"No! That I admitted I was wrong. The Kims always win. That's like our family motto."
Rachel laughed, "Well I'm gonna be a Kim soon so I count in that too."
Heechul kissed her again. His heart pounded at the thought that she was going to be a Kim soon. And that she would be his forever.
He mentally made a note to thank his dongsaeng for making him stop being a pabo and finally ask her. He also made a note to get a bag of ice for all the places that were now bruised due to Sohyeon having beaten him to get his stubborn self out of the house. 
Aigoo Kim women are so difficult to handle.
Rachel cuddled herself closer into Heechul's body.
But this woman is worth it.

Did that or did that Rachel? sdhjsdkhsdkj.

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