Luhan, the Fake Boyfriend


Please note: This fanfic surrounds the reality of relationships, not only in the celebrity world. The ending may be happy or surprising. But I'll try to keep this relationship as realistic as possible, if it makes sense.




1st Poster (01/06/2013)

Thank you so much for the poster! It's created and designed by iluvmyicecream at COOKIE ♥ Graphics Shop 



"No offense, Liyin. If it were up to me, you would still be at the top of the charts. But your popularity is flatlining, and not on a high point. According to the web's biggest 'Zhang Liyin hate''s because people aren't seeing any action. No love life, no relationships, not even . Liyin, you're 19. You need a man." Ahri paused, looking me over.   

"But--" I began.  

"No, listen to me." Ahri help up her pointer finger, signaling for me to shut up. "You're cute as a kick ....and you are extremely charming. Any guy in the nation would kill to date you. But unfortunately, 'any guy' just won't cut it at the rate you're at right now. You're dropping faster than a hot you need someone new, fresh, exciting." She saw I was about to speak again and continued.

"Someone famous. And seeing how you are every guy's dream girl, that being said, you can't get a boyfriend to save your life. So I'm doing the job for you, because if it were up to you, your boyfriend would be a very handsome fellow named Star Bucks." She chuckled, gesturing to her office's waiting room that was easily visible through the large glass window in the door. Six boys were sitting there, leaning against the wall; they hadn't been there when I had walked in. She pointed out the one sitting in the middle with blonde hair, that was busy with his white iPhone. "You see him? His name is Luhan. You see the boys he's with? That's a popular boyband in Korea and China called EXO-M. They make girls go insane, especially Luhan." She looked me up and down. "He is a fresh, quirky, famous, unique young man. He is your first publicity stunt, Liyin. He is your chance back to the top of the charts, past JJ Lin and SNSD again. You want to be number one, right?"  

"Right," I muttered, looking over at the boy.  

"There you go." Ahri beamed.  

Luhan. Luhan of EXO-M. I looked over at him. I knew nothing about him, knew nothing about his boyband, or the --how was he going to...

"You," Ahri announced, "Are going to date Luhan in front of the camera, and even beyond that. Luhan, from this moment on, is your fake boyfriend."  

Well..this was going to be interesting, I thought. 


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Ze_Lay #1
mondaycouplee #2
Chapter 2: Liyion would be crazy to not accept Luhan.
Luhan is like, on of the most popular idol?
viking #3
Chapter 2: Ahaha you're my type. Xiao Lu, you are certainly my type here omgomg
Chapter 2: Omg this became my favorite!!
heymondayyy #5
Chapter 1: HAHA Xiumin is a loudmouth here! Please please show me more LuYin moments >.<
Hehe I made up a name for the couple :)
viking #6
Chapter 2: This is cool ^^
I hope you can make it not so cliche though,
catsdogs #7
I'm gonna give this a shot so please keep updating! :>
Don't be like some authors who only write halfway through.
winter-- #8
Your story is amazing, please update soon!