
Night Time



            Minho hated mornings. He hated how the rays of the sun slip through his window as it successfully touch his closed eyelids. He failed to close his curtains again, just like every single night ever since he entered college.  He wasn’t going to school, he decided. He wanted to doze back to sleep, to bury himself under the soft covers and wait until night comes. A time where he would feel much more alive than now. He feels dead, if the dead were even capable of feeling. Every waking moment he felt like an empty vessel deprived of purpose to function. He lazily stood up and closed his curtains only to have re-opened by none other than Key, his frustrating, interfering flamboyant roommate.

“You’re not ditching class again Minho, I know that you’re a genius but attitude is 10 % of the grading system. So you better get your to class”. He screeched, like a boss yelling at a good for nothing employee. This was typical, before Minho could just ignore Key but he’s gotten more annoying and wouldn’t leave him alone. He is even willing to bathe him if that’s what it would take. Of course, with Key being a bi he would be delighted. It scared the hell out of Minho. Not that he was homophobic or anything, he couldn’t care less whenever Key brings his boyfriend, JongHyun in their room.

      The rest of the day was monotonous and poetic in pacing. Seconds stretch to eternity as he stared at the window, watching passersby fade into view. Minho envied them, they know where they were heading, they have a reason to live but all he had is time he didn’t know how to spend. Watching the world is tiring but it is easier to let it revolve without him. Onew poked him, “Are you buying for tonight?” He was wearing his signature ear-to-ear smile. This guy is impossible, how could he not run out of energy with all the legal not to mention the illegal things that he does? Minho thought.

“Neh, just give me enough to last till finals”.

“Omo, are you sure? I don’t want to get into trouble you know, maybe you should start tapering it off”. Their class president maybe a crook but he cannot help getting concerned.

“No!” Minho shouted. The whole class looked at him, sea of eyes glinting with confusion. Minho didn’t need to shout to gain attention. He got all the attention he never wanted to last a lifetime without even trying. Choi Minho is a head turner, even just the way he walks demanded attention. His presence is hard to miss, the rise and fall of his chest is a fascinating dance that deserves an audience.

     Finally, the dreary day ended; in all honesty, his days are nothing but dull seconds waiting to be over. All he ever did is waiting for something to be over and for the next thing to be over again. He doesn’t really have anything to look forward to, nothing ever stirs excitement to him. He wonders what being alive even mean? Simply breathing? Existing? Surviving? Why do humans need to be alive if all it offers is a lifetime of melancholy? He unlocked his room and saw Key on top of Jonghyun (still fully dressed), he’s used to it now, they didn’t even notice him enter the room until he coughed.

“Yah, why don’t you go wash up and come with us to a club”, Jonghyun sat back up which made Key fall to the bed. Minho ignored him and headed to the shower but as soon as he was out the two dragged him out of the room. He wasn’t even wearing a damn shirt or a pair of pants. This is how his life is with Key.  Jonghyun is half as annoying as he was. Minho might be taller and more built than the two but they managed to pull him into his car. Key gave him clothes as soon as they were seated in Minho’s car.

“Do you want me to get you dressed Minho?” Key looked at him with a erted smile.

      Jong Hyun who was already in the driver seat pulled key’s arm saying, “You drive, I’ll do it. Don’t even think of dressing or undressing another man aside from me Kim Kibum”.

“I can put on these clothes myself you morons”, the almost- man yelled at the two. That is the reason why Minho ended up sitting in a corner, watching wasted hyperactive strangers who seemed to have ingested ecstasy. Was this supposed to be how life is lived? From the ways he sees it, he hasn’t missed much. He took his keys out and saw the blotter paper Onew gave him this morning. Without any second thoughts, he swallowed it and leaned back to his chair.

        He could hear the soft moans behind him, the flirtatious laughter in the bar; the booming music but the mad beating in his chest tops it all. The colors changed their contrast so rapidly, he could clearly hear them whisper to him. He welcomed the vibrant hues that approached him. The fireworks were unending. He could taste the rhythm of the music it tasted like hell. He could smell the sweat as they escape the pores of the skin. He could see souls fly above the crowd; they were bouncing against the wall, the floor, the ceiling. The people who walk pass him took eternity to move, seconds seemed like double infinity. Suddenly soft hands pulled Minho into the dancing crowd. He was being drawn in slow motion, like in a romantic scene in a movie. Everything is in slow motion. Bodies crashed against each other and before he knew it, an angel was hugging his waist. He had a dazzling blond hair that was almost blinding. His milk-like flawless white skin seems too fragile to even touch.  Never in his entire gray life had he seen such beauty. At first, he looked like an innocent little boy looking for shelter but there is something in his eyes that he couldn’t point his finger to. There’s a glint of fierceness in them, like they have seem the most devastating things. He could sense his life, the boy’s body was giving off too much heat that Minho could almost imagine himself combust if he get even closer.


“I’m already melting. Stop burning me with your eyes”, his feminine voice echoed in Minho’s head. He was sure that it would become an earworm.


“I won’t let you evaporate”, Minho replied in return. They were speaking so close to each other, if he just lean forward, he’d land his lips on the boy’s. Why hasn’t he anyway? He was Choi Minho, he can do anything, everything. It’s that blotter, it made it felt like he is capable of conquering the world. Why shouldn’t he start by crushing this boy’s pretty mouth? Minho’s lips landed softly on his. The latter didn’t seem surprised, he must have expected it Minho thought The soft kisses turned to hungry ones, the boy’s taste lingered on his mouth. He couldn’t get enough of it so he penetrated the boy’s mouth with his tongue, the latter did the same thing and before they knew it their own taste were unrecognizable.


“What’s your name?” The boy asked.




“This place is too crowded Minho. I want you, just you”, the boy whispered. They were now in an empty parking lot; Minho searched his pocket but couldn’t find his keys.


“Otoke, my car is unavailable, are you real or is it’s just that blotter way of pleasing me and none of it is even happening outside my head?”


“Albus Dumbledore said that even if it’s happening in your head why on earth should that mean that it is not real. I believe that old man”.



“Yah! Minho! Frog boy” Key was shouting again. Minho threw a pillow at him.


“Aishhhh,  who gave you the permission to ruin my hair”.

“I did! off Key, my head hurts like hell”


“Yah! Watch your language Choi Minho, we are not alone, at least we won’t be from now on”


“As if I’m not already used to Jonghyun’s greeting me every morning”


“Who said anything about that Dino, we got a new roommate so you better get this room presentable before he comes” Then he stormed out of the room.


           Minho didn’t want a new roommate, key is more than enough already. The curtain is open again, of course. He gets up, closes it and drifts back to sleep, hoping to dream about the boy from last night. He hasn’t got a clue if he is even real or if it was just a perfect hallucination.


           He could feel his pants tightening as pair of hands rubs his crotch. He let out an moan, was he having a dream? As far as he knew, dreams happen in your head together with the feeling. He enjoys the sensation but there was no image accompanying it.


“Minho…… you like that don’t you….” Is Key seriously playing with him right now? He got up and pushed the person sitting beside him so that he was on top of him.


“Anneyeong. I am Taemin. Albus Dumbledore is my hero”.


Who would hate mornings? Minho thought.


“I think I just became a morning person”.   


This is my first attempt at 2min fanfic, not really worth reading I know. I used JK Rowling's words through Albus Dumbledore because I miss the HArry Potter series so much. I miss the Weasley twins more than anyone else. 

The drug that Minho used is LSD. LSD can cause users to  be able to "See sounds" and "Taste colors" .

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Chapter 1: that was nice <3