
Love for Dummies

A/N: happy birthday to my beloved iraineycorn! <3 i know you love this otp~




Love for Dummies




Prologue,  n.


Baekhyun met Chanyeol at a crowded coffee shop near his university. It’s all just like
a regular day, his books and notebooks in hand as he  waits by  the  line  to  order  a
large cup of frappe.

Then Park Chanyeol bumped into him, all formal and handsome in his blue polo and
black skinny jeans. His crooked smile is the most  attractive  that  caught  Baekhyun’s
heart off guard.

The next day, he met Chanyeol again. The taller guy asked the other to have a talk and
Baekhyun  agreed. It  happens  the next and the next and the next day till Chanyeol ask
Baekhyun  out  and the next thing Baekhyun knows, they are kissing on his door steps,
just after exchanging confessions and ‘I love yous’.


Aberrant, adj.


Chanyeol surprised Baekhyun in their date. It’s a really romantic date as for Baekhyun’s
point  of view. They’re on a rooftop of Chanyeol’s apartment building. All the bright lights,
colorful lanterns, table set-up and the foods, effort is written all over them.

“I  cant  believe  im  doing  this.”  Chanyeol  says  sheepishly,  scratching his nape with a
bashful smile, “I’ve never done this before, even for my exes.”

Baekhyun  chuckled,  “Well,  it’s  impressing.  Thanks, Chanyeol.” He says with a sincere
smile that melts Chanyeol’s heart in no time.

He smiles like an angel.

“I  have  to  learn  all  of  this from internet,” Chanyeol blabbers on, “for like, three days and
even ask Sehun for help! But its all worth it. I have to see you smile.”

The shorter guy felt his face burn and but smiles, “You’re being cheesy Chanyeol.”

“I’ve learned a lot.” the guy says with a grin.



Encroach, v.


 It’s  really  safe to say that Chanyeol invaded the peaceful space Baekhyun built for himself
to live a rather, normal and peaceful type. Baekhyun is one of the stereotypes and Chanyeol
is not. The taller guy introduced him to c-pop and j-pop, anime and action movies.

Baekhyun  was  never  the  type  to  explore  into  music,  for  the  reason  he  have   sworn  to
university  and  books  to  live  his  life theirs and only theirs. But, he’s thankful he gets to see
everything just by looking in Chanyeol’s eyes.



Libidinous, adj.


Baekhyun  have  watched    for  a  few times, after the video ends, he would think of how
they are.

Having on the floor, table, couch and even bathtub!

But then he met Chanyeol, they ended up doing it on the couch of his living room after watching
007  skyfall.  Baekhyun  thought  that  you  cant  think  coherently  when  hot  hands   and  mouth
touches your skin.


Beguile, v.


It’s one of those times after they had and Baekhyun is the first to wake up.

Baekhyun pulls any clothe that is lying on the floor just by the bed and puts it on. He always wear
Chanyeol’s top, make it be a shirt or polo. It always flatter the  curves  of his  body  that  Chanyeol
wants to stare at every day.

It  sounds  creepy,  Chanyeol  knows it but he just cant stop himself to stare at the perfection just
near him.



Breath-taking, adj.


Everything  is  breath-taking.  Simple kisses,  simple  ministrations  and simple touch of the skin.
Just  every  touch  of  Chanyeol  is  tantalizing  and  Baekhyun  would shiver at that, he never really
thought that someone can do that to him.

For  visuals,  everything  is breath-taking. His hair, his nose, eyes, lips and even those cute round
cheeks, Baekhyun adores them a little too much.

Because he loves that certain Park Chanyeol a little too much.




Posterity, n.


Baekhyun  thinks  of buying a house with Chanyeol, settling down together peacefully and having a
great love life.

Really  adolescent,  he  knows  but  he  just  cant  stop the exciting feeling by just knowing Chanyeol
loves  him,  its  more  than enough to make his heart lurch and his stomach flip with excitement and
nervousness for everything really.



Happenstance, n. and Balk, v.


Baekhyun  and  his  long lost friend – not really long lost, its just that he have never seen the guy for a
long  time – Jongdae,  is  in  a coffee  shop,  reconciling after Chen sends a message that he misses
his friend.

“I’m  happy  you’re finally dating someone my friend, do you have a picture of him?” Jongdae says with
a big grin on his face.

“Oh, sure thing.” Baekhyun responds and scrolls through his gallery to show him a picture of Chanyeol
he adores.

Jongdae’s eyes widen for a moment, his lips pursed and he gulped.

“I  saw him in my store last week,” Jongdae gulps again, “My intern, Miyun, she kinds of… goes out with
him and it has been a week.”

“Maybe they’re just relatives?” Baekhyun offers and sipped on his macchiato nervously.

Last  week,  Baekhyun  recalls,  Chanyeol  has  been  busy  every  night.  Chanyeol  would  always go to
Baekhyun’s  house  and  watch  some  Brad  Pitt movies with him and drifts off to sleep, but the last few
nights, there seems to be a change of schedules.




Corrode, v.


Baekhyun passes by Jongdae’s bookstore at daytime. It’s his day off and Chanyeol says he’s busy with
an assignment his professor gave them, so he lets him be.

“Jongdae!”  Baekhyun calls when he saw his friend standing in between two large bookshelves, reading
a Peter Pan book from the children’s book section.

“It’s  great  to see you here Baekhyun!” Jongdae beams at him and returns the book on the shelf. “This is
my baby.” He says with a small laugh, referring to the store and books.

“Pretty obvious.” Baekhyun playfully he says with a roll of his eyes.

“Hey,  want  to  see  my golden secti—“ his friend pauses and his body froze when the chimes of his store
ringed,  his  smile  faded  and  suddenly  pulls  Baekhyun into a hug, burying his face on his chest. “I really
missed you my friend.” Jongdae says with a quivering laugh.

“Jongdae, what’s wrong?”

“N-nothing. Let me h-hug you for just a bit long.” He lies, but Baekhyun sees through it.

“No,  seriously,”  Baekhyun  struggles  in  Jongdae’s hug and he breaks free finally, he turns around only to
see  a  tall  lanky  guy  leaning  on  the  counter  talking  to  an  attractive girl,  sharing  cheesy   smiles   and
glittering eyes. They’re holding hands on top of the counter as if it’s the most casual thing in the world.

Baekhyun walks to Chanyeol with long strides, “Busy my ing face you ing jerk. We’re over.” He then
storms out the store with watery eyes. The wind blows hard and the leaves from the trees fly away along the
shattered pieces of his heart.



Deadlock, adj.


Baekhyun  stares  at  the blank velvet wall of his bedroom, thinking nothing but the events of yesterday with a
half  finished  ice  cream bowl  in hand and red, puffy eyes. He skipped class today, afraid that his mates will
see his horrible look and he doesn’t feel like going anyway.

As  Baekhyun  stares  at  the  wall,  he  thought  of  their  two  months  relationship and what he did wrong but
nothing comes in his mind, except annoying Chanyeol, changing the channel when his favorite tv show is on
and sometimes jumping on the bed while he’s sleeping. But it doesn’t make sens—

His  doorbell  ringed,  once,  twice,  thrice,  then  goes  dingdingding. He stays still at his spot, not making any
sound  and  even  holding  his  breath,  afraid  that  its  Chanyeol. Then there’s a knock once, twice and knock
knock knock.
But he didn’t budge.

Baekhyun’s phone ringed, not just five times, but beyond ten. It all came from Chanyeol.






Raze, v.


Chanyeol thought that he destroyed everything. Of course I did.




Recant, v.


Chanyeol  wants  to  go  back  in  bed   with   Baekhyun,   weeks   before   the   day  his
boyfriend saw him with the girl.

He wants to take back the wrong kisses and skin touching.

He wants to take back all the wrong looks he gave to that girl.

He wants to go back to the day when Baekhyun asked to watch White Chicks with him.

It would’ve been better.




Halcyon, adj.


Fall,  Baekhyun  thinks.  They’re  walking hand in hand in the park on a Sunday morning.
Smiling  and  talking  about anything, because that’s how him and Chanyeol works, they
can  talk  about  anything,  from  senseful  to senseless.  They  never  seem to run out of
words  to  say to each other. That day of fall where they kissed under an umbrella tree in
a secluded area and cuddles under it till the sun sets.

They just want to everything to last a little longer.





Catharsis, n.


Baekhyun filled his newly bought geometry notebook with ‘I hate you Chanyeol’ and ‘jerk’.
It’s the only way to release everything.




Dumbfounded, v.


Baekhyun  wants  to  laugh  and  cry, finding himself seated in front of Chanyeol who looks
the same but his expressive eyes are blank.

“Let’s  work  this  out.” Chanyeol starts with a pleading voice. His arms stretches forward to
reach  for  Baekhyun’s hand but the other immediately retracts, as if he’s afraid that he’ll get
sick when Chanyeol touches him.

“I don’t know…”

“Please.” He pleads again, his voice quivering.

Baekhyun  wants  to  give in and run in his arms, be comfortable and bring back the days they
wasted. So he does the most unbelievable thing he thought, the thing that he would never do
just after a break up:

Kiss him like there’s no tomorrow and say “Please come back.”

Chanyeol smiled that made Baekhyun cry and the taller guy panics, “Let’s turn things back around.”




Alfresco, adv.



Chanyeol pulls up his car outside Baekhyun’s apartment – the sun is barely seen but early people
finds less traffic -, goes in his house using his spare key and carries the guy out of his bed back to
his car.

“Park Chanyeol, what the hell?!”

“Shush. You’ll wake up your neighbors plus I locked the door behind so don’t worry~”

Baekhyun grunts but does no attempt to get out of Chanyeol’s arm. It’s just so warm.


They  finally  reached  Busan,  the cold air swallows them when Chanyeol lifts up the car roof. It feels
so  free,  feels so good getting out of the suffocating air of past. Baekhyun wants to stay here, start up
a  new  life  as  he  dreamed  of but they cant leave their life in the monochromatic city of Seoul, so he
decides that they can start anew when they get back and probably settle in together.

Love prevails.





Better, adj. & adv.



I  should  be  over  with  the  butterflies~  but  im  into you~ im into you~” Baekhyun sings along with the
radio loudly, Chanyeol chuckles and just continues driving to God-knows-where.

He  gives  himself  a  pat  on  the  shoulder  for taking this trip impromptu, this is the type of Baekhyun he
wants back, and here he is, seating beside him.

Chanyeol pulls up the car at a gas station and closes the car roof.

“Hey Baek,” he starts.

“Yeah?”  Baekhyun  turns  to  look  at Chanyeol  and he is greeted with a kiss, he automatically wraps his
arms around the taller guy to pull him in closer, closer as possible.

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babyasian18 #1
Chapter 1: agree 100% with @sunnysaph.
Chapter 1: Nope. There is only one reason I do not like this story, and it's the fact that Baek forgave Yeol so easily after CHEATING on him. Otherwise, this story was adorable~ <3
Chapter 1: This was just so niceee and sweet! T________T And the way chen was trying to protect Baek from a heartbreak.
Fluffy fluffy! \0/
K-Poop #4
Chapter 1: Oh, my God. That was so beautiful.
menikkey #5
Chapter 1: that's relationship works.
Chapter 1: so sweet..
Love it when they made up ;)
exolenchan #7
Chapter 1: This looks so simple, but actually it is NOT!! My heart hurts coz this is too sweet, authorniiiimm~ *cries*
Chapter 1: GAAAAAAH too much is happening right now!! The teasers, leaked songs and now this- I think this maybe one of the best birthdays I've ever had and thanks for taking part of it wifeu *uglysobbing* CAUSE WAE. ARE YOU MESSING ME UP BY WRITING SOMETHING SO FLUFFY AND BAEKYEOL AND GIFT AND FOR ME AND AHMEGERD RATED M YOU GAVE ME FALSE HOPES LOOOL OTL GAAAH AND WHEN CAN I SEE YOU AGAIN SO I CAN SUFFOCATE YOU WITH A BEARHUG XDDDD FOR NOW ILL JUST SETTLE FOR THIS: *Hugschu* //BTW wae raineycorn
Chapter 1: ohmygod ohmygod this sooooo sweeettttt T^T
Chapter 1: aw this is so sweet <3