Chapter 16 = Way to go!


Taeyeon’s P.O.V

Thanked god it was finally weekends! I was at the park. I was actually waiting for someone to come. Actually, Im a bit excited that’s why I came early. Then he came. I am actually waiting for Siwon. I know that he was always going here. And every time that he went here, he always invites me to their house. But this time it was different. We head to a very far place. Luckily, I was dressed beautifully. We went to a beautiful and very secretive place. I’ve been living here in Seoul for so long but I’ve never seen such a beautiful place like this. I don’t even know that this place even exists. It was like an old market like those were in Italy. It was so beautiful.

Siwon: beautiful, isn’t it? My grandfather found this place. Actually, not many people knew about this. Let’s go!

As we passed by, people are greeting us. WOW! It was like we were royalties. The owner of the flower shop gave me flowers. It smells so fragrant. Then, the vendor of fruits gave me a basket of fruits. The people here were so generous. And the atmosphere here, it’s great. Then, we went to a restaurant. The restaurant looks so fancy. How I wished I own a place like this. Then we went to the corner near to the window and sat on the chair.

Siwon: Sooyoung also knew about this place. When we were still kids, she loves visiting this place with our grandmother. My grandfather gave this place to my grandmother as a birthday gift. This is where he proposes to her.

Me: WOW! I can’t believe this! They build this place?

Siwon: not actually. This was already built when my grandfather found this. The conquerors were the one who manage this and they hurt all the people who don’t pay their taxes to them, so my grandfather bought this place and let the people live here normally.

Me: really?

I was very amazed! I couldn’t believe it! Their family is really indeed rich even before. They can buy lands whenever they wanted. We ate delicious foods served in our table. It was so many. Just looking at it will fill your stomach already. After we ate, he toured me around that place. We went to a park. The park was like any ordinary parks that can be seen in Japan. Cherry Blossom Trees were lined up and there were benches to sit and relaxed. It was like you were in Japan. Siwon told me that the cherry blossom seeds were from Japan. How I wished I lived here.

We went home after visiting all the places there. It was small but the place is really good. The look of the place is like a crescent-shaped like. It was really a good memory to treasure.

Seohyun’s P.O.V

I was at the library for tutorial. I am tutoring a grade school student. While I was tutoring, I happened to look at the people in front of us. I quickly noticed who the guy is. It was Kyuhyun. What is he doing here? And why is tutoring here? He looked at me and waved. They were finally through. He had an appear with a kid and then the kid leaves. He went to our table.

Me: you were tutoring here?

Kyuhyun: Yeah! It’s like a habit.

Me: but, I only saw you two today here?

Kyuhyun: Oh! We mostly do the tutoring at their house but he suggested me to have a tutoring here so that he can also do his assignment.

Me: oh! Really.

I almost forgotten the kid I was tutoring. I went back to him and helped him. Kyuhyun went to the kid to see the paper. He quickly took it away and explained it to the kid. God! I didn’t know that Kyuhyun is smart too. He even explained it better than me. We finally got through and the kid leaves. We went outside and asked me to grab snacks at the fountain near at the library. He gave me a bottle of water and a sandwich.

I was looking at him while he was eating. He looks so cute eating the sandwich. OMG! What am I saying? What am I doing? Could it possibly that…But there’s no way! Im afraid of guys and I will forever be afraid to them. He noticed me still looking at him.

Kyuhyun: do I have dirt on my face?

Me: um… no!

I turn my face away and started eating my sandwich. My heart beats fast. I can’t breathe normally. OMG! Please!!! Make it stop. STOP! Just stop!

Kyuhyun: You know what, don’t be afraid of boys. Boys are not all the same. There are boys that will not hurt you and will protect you no matter what. Don’t close your doors to them.

Well, he’s actually right. Not all boys are the same. Why am I so afraid to them? Is there something to be afraid of? Well, I can actually see my friends crying and hurting because of guys. That’s why I probably became afraid to them. But I have to start opening my heart to them. I have to realize that part of growing up is to be hurt and. I won’t learn if I continue this way.

Me: Do you think it will be ok? Do you think it won’t hurt that bad?

He just nods his head. I smiled a little and put my head to his shoulder. At that time, I feel so comfortable. I feel so relieved. It’s because I trust him and I know he won’t hurt me.

Eunhyuk’s P.O.V

I woke up early. It’s so peaceful today. The atmosphere actually is very soothing.  I went outside of our house and saw Hyoyeon. I quickly went to her. She was doing something. It is probably one of their “girly” things. As I come nearer, I saw her dancing. I stayed outside of the door and just watch her dance. I did not want to interrupt her. She has been improving since the last time I saw her dance. As I look at her dancing, the more I realize everything. Hyoyeon’s love for dancing will never be washed away. She practice hard on her own and does her best to be the best out of all. She noticed me looking at her.

Hyoyeon: Ya! What are you doing there? Aren’t you going to join me here?

Me: of course!

I entered the room and joined her to her dance. She dances a lot better than I expected. We were like kids. I remember our first dance together. We were like fighting through dancing. We both think that we were much better than each other. I was smiling while we were dancing. That moment is like what is happening today. But it was a bit different. Because we were not fighting yet we were showing our love and passion in dancing.

We both end it by looking at each other. I realized that the person I love has been always to my side yet I don’t give her importance. Hyoyeon grew up beautifully. Before, she was like a boy. She doesn’t care about her looks and just wear what she sees in her closet but now, it took her hour to decide what to wear and fix her hair. She is like a princess. A princess that is waiting for her prince charming to come and save her. And the prince charming will be me. I turned my eyes away from her. She starts to giggle and we both laugh. I missed this.  There will never be anyone like her or much better than her for me. She is the one and only. I will always treasure this moment and remember it. And most especially her face. Even if I become blind, I will always remember her face so I won’t long for it.

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soohae15 #2
Chapter 25: fanfic continues soohae more
ever thought about making your fanfics on videos
soohae15 #3
Chapter 25: I loved is the best fanfic I've seen of soohae
Chapter 25: So cuteeeeeee....kkk
kid_little #5
It's soooooooooooo cooollllll. More Soohae yeah?
I read this story for the second time..!!!
It's just so good and touching..
SooHae Forever <3
sungminsunnysunsun7 #7
Wow! Nice Work! I really like it!!! More stories from SooHae!!!! =DD
So cute!!! More SooHae!!!! <3
@ShiningStar13: Yeah!!! Sure!! <br />
Thanks!!<br />
im very happy you like it!!!
hyukjaesays #10
omo~!!! This is super daebak~ X33<br />
More SooHae please? ^.~ kekeke