A Whole New Take On Fate.


Nothing special ever happened to you. You lived your life like a normal teenager with crushes left and right but getting heartbroken every time. All the guys that you knew were either complete s or too busy trying to be cool. If only a drama moment could happen to you. But one day you find yourself living a cliche drama situation as if everything was scripted from the beginning. Wouldn't this be a nice change for you?



Hyemi (you) : You have always been a romantic girl. Pining that something from soap operas or dramas could just happen in your life. 



Luhan: Apparently you're one of the only clueless people that don't know who he is. 




Hi everyone! Um this is my first ever fanfic and i know i'm not the best author so please put up with me! If you guys like it please comment because im planning a series but i didn't know if people would like my style of writing or genre of writing! Please don't be a silent reader! Since I would like to know if i'm actually getting support and if i should actually start on my series! thank you~

Sorry for all the gramatical mistakes. I'm really bad at grammar but I tried my best ^.^ enjoy! 




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Chapter 1: she's so clumsy :P

crazyexotic #2
Chapter 1: accident prone..
InspiritHamster #3
Chapter 1: Lulu is so cute!!
I can imagined myself be that girl ><
Chapter 1: Hey! I loved this story; for a first fanfic it's really good! I can relate to Hyemi because I'm a really clumsy person too! But unlike her, I'm not lucky enough to be crashing into Luhannie all the time:3 We EXOtics can only wish, eh? Kekeke~<3