Chapter 8

Who Are You?

Voice: Krystal~! Wake up~



Krystal opened her eyes to see her sister, Jessica, sitting on the bed looking at her. Krystal sat up and stretched.



Krystal: *yawn* good morning unnie

Jessica: you’ve been sleeping for forever Krys. You never sleep this long

Krystal: what are you ta~…



Krystal stopped talking and looked at her surroundings. The two sisters were in a bedroom, a familiar bedroom.



Krystal: Jess?

Jessica: yes~??

Krystal: how did we get here?

Jessica: huh? What are you talking about? You’ve been in your room sleeping for hours. Mom told me to come wake you up



Krystal and Jessica were at home. Krystal couldn’t believe it. How did they get home? They haven’t done anything yet.



Krystal: *blink blink* what about the war?! Se7en? Rain? Jay? Luhan, Kai?!

Jessica: WHOA WHOA!! Slow down!! What are you talking about?! “War”? and who are those people? Se7en, Rain, Jay, Luhan, and Kai?


Jessica: *confused* what are you talking about Krystal??! You’re really starting to worry me

Krystal: We were just at Se7en’s hous~…



Krystal was then interrupted by the voice of their mom.




Jessica: COMING MOM!!! Come on Krystal



Jessica then got up and left the room towards the kitchen. Krystal slowly got off the bed and followed. As Krystal got to the dining room, she saw her parents and Jessica already seated.



Krystal: OH! I forgot to wash my hands. Let me go wash them real quick

Daddy Jung: *smiling* Hurry up Krystal. Before the food gets cold

Krystal: Ok



Krystal then ran to the bathroom to wash her hands. As she was washing them, she heard some knocking coming from the front door and her parents talking from the dining room.



Daddy Jung: Who’s that at the door?



Krystal dried her hands with a towel and listened to her dad open the door.



Daddy Jung: who are you?



Krystal then heard a gunshot and quickly ran out of the bathroom. She stopped running as she got to the hallway that leads to the living room and saw her dad on the floor. A man came in from the front door while Jessica and her Mom stayed at the table crying. Krystal saw the man and quickly hid behind the wall. Krystal heard another gunshot and quietly ran back to her room. She could hear Jessica crying louder as she was running. Krystal finally got to her room, closing the door, and locked it. Krystal was shivering with fear. Krystal had tears falling to her cheek and slowly backed away from the door. Krystal then heard another gunshot. The house was now in dead silence. Krystal knew that had to be Jessica who just got shot so she fell to the ground crying even harder. She cried hard but tried to keep it quiet by covering with her hand. The house was quiet for a few minutes until Krystal finally decided to investigate. Krystal walked over to her closet and found a Baseball Bat. She picked it up and walked towards the door. She slowly unlocked the door and just stood there with her hand on the doorknob. Krystal stood there to try and hear if the person was still in the house but heard nothing but silence. Krystal was preparing herself to swing the Baseball Bat with her right hand and quickly opened the door. As she opened it, there was a man standing right there looking at her. Krystal froze with fear when she saw who the man was.



Krystal: Z-Z-Zico~!

Zico: *smiling* goodbye Krystal



Zico raised a Bladed Gun up to Krystal’s face with his left hand and pulled the trigger.




Krystal: NOOOO!!!!!



Krystal was sitting up on a bed breathing heavily. The bedroom door quickly opened and in came her sister, Jessica.




Krystal: *breathing heavily*

Jessica: What’s wrong Krys??



Krystal then starts to shed tears. Jessica quickly comforted her sister with a hug. A few seconds later, Sulli came in. Along with the others.



Sulli: what happened?

Rain: something wrong?

Jessica: I don’t know, she was like this when I came in. Im kind of worried



Five seconds later, Se7en came in the room and started pushing the others out.



Se7en: come on guys, let Jessica figure it out. They can tell us what happened when they come out

Jay: But~…

Se7en: Come on~



Se7en pushed everyone out of the room and closed the door behind him.



Jessica: Krys?

Krystal: I…

Jessica: *lets go of Krystal* hm? You what?

Krystal: *sniff* I had a terrible nightmare

Jessica: *wipes Krystal‘s tears* what about?

Krystal: *starts crying some more*

Jessica: *wipes Krystal‘s tears* it’s okay. You don’t have to tell me

Krystal: Mom and Dad

Jessica: what?

Krystal: you too

Jessica: *confused* huh? what about me? And mom and dad?

Krystal: Zico

Jessica: Zico??

Krystal: we were at home. I was in my room when Zico came in the house and~ … and~… *covers *



Jessica looks down to try and figure out what Krystal was talking about.



Jessica: *to herself* Ooh!!



Jessica then turned to Krystal and gave her another hug.



Jessica: it’s okay Krystal. It was just a dream

Krystal: Dad went first. Then Mom…….. Then… *sniff* then you

Jessica: it’s okay, it’s okay. Everything’s alright

Krystal: *sniff*



Jessica then lets go of her sister.



Jessica: come on, lets join the others

Krystal: *wipes her tears away* okay



Krystal picks up her wand off the ground and follows Jessica into the living room. Se7en and the others were just sitting around, waiting for the two sisters.



Jay: so uh?

Rain: what happened?

Jessica: she had a nightmare is all

Se7en: a “nightmare”?

Krystal: y-yes

Sulli: what about?

Krystal: I don’t really wanna talk about it

Sulli: oh, ok



Jessica then whispers what had happened to Krystal to Se7en.



Se7en: oh really now?

Jessica: *nods*

Se7en: Krystal? Jessica? Can I talk to you two in private for a second?

Krystal: sure

Jessica: ok~

Rain: tch~ leaving us in the dark, that’s totally cool



The two sisters then follow Se7en into the room they were sleeping in. Se7en stood by the door waiting for the two sisters to get in the room and closed it.



Se7en: Krystal?

Krystal: yes?

Se7en: what do you fear most?

Krystal: what?

Se7en: what is the one thing you fear most of?

Jessica: im sorry, but where are you going with this?

Se7en: hold on Jessica…. Krystal?

Krystal: uh…

Jessica: Krystal, you don’t have to answer him

Krystal: I know…

Se7en: please, I need to know

Jessica: why?! Why is it so important for YOU to know?

Se7en: Jessica, please~…

Krystal: im afraid of losing my family. My parents…. and Jessica….



Jessica and Se7en then look towards Krystal.



Se7en: and were you in your house when Zico killed your family?

Krystal: y-yes

Se7en: hmm… Krystal?

Krystal: hm?

Se7en: you’ve just been attacked by a Shadow Spirit

Jessica and Krystal: “Shadow Spirit”?

Se7en: A Shadow Spirit is an evil being that causes one to have dreams of their worst nightmares for the rest of their life

Jessica: how do you know this?

Se7en: I was once attacked by one… Krystal? How good is your fighting?

Jessica: What does that have to do with this?!

Se7en: I’ll tell you in a second. But right now I need to know how good she is

Krystal: well…I can evade pretty well

Se7en: what about attacking?

Krystal: I use magic

Se7en: oh…hmm~

Krystal: why?

Se7en: if you don’t destroy the Shadow Spirit that has clung itself onto you, you will have that same nightmare for the rest of your life until it eventually kills you

Jessica: WHAT?!!?!



Krystal sat on the bed speechless.




Se7en: im not trying to scare her. Im trying to help her


Se7en: Im sorry if I did but~…

Krystal: *serious voice* how do I destroy it?



Jessica and Se7en both stop to look down at Krystal.



Se7en: you must go to that abandoned city and call it out

Krystal: what “abandoned city”?

Se7en: it’s just south from here

Krystal: ok. So then what do you mean “call it out”?

Se7en: you hold your weapon out and challenge it to a fight. If you kill it, you are free from it. If you don’t, it will destroy you

Krystal: *gulp*

Jessica: She doesn’t know many spells to defend herself though

Se7en: well~ unless she doesn’t mind living through that nightmare again, she better learn fast

Jessica: …

Krystal: I’ve got this

Jessica: you sure Krystal?

Krystal: yes im sure, I don’t wanna live through that nightmare over and over for the rest of my life

Jessica: y-your right

Se7en: whenever you feel like your ready to face it, the city’s just a few hours, on foot, South

Krystal: am I gonna have to walk there alone?

Se7en: yes



Krystal sat there kind of worried.



Krystal: but what about the Ice Beast?

Se7en: Jessica and I will help the others go take care of it

Krystal: ok…

Se7en: well, I’ll let go the others know of what’s happening



Se7en then leaves the room, leaving the Jung Sisters. Jessica and Krystal sat there in silence.



Jessica: well… you should start training now. Im pretty sure you don’t want to have that nightmare again

Krystal: yea. But where can I train at?

Jessica: the backyard should be fine



The two sisters leave towards the living room to see everyone staring at them.



Luna: *walks over to Krystal* I’ll stay here to help you learn and master any spells~

Krystal: thanks Luna. I really appreciate it



Luna just smiles. Se7en then walks over to the glass case and takes out the mask and hood.



Se7en: *putting on mask and hood* alright then. Gyuri, you and your girls will show the way to DSP. Rain, Jay, Victoria, Amber, Jessica, Taeyeon, and I will go and take care of this beast. The rest of you will stay here and help Krystal train if she needs it

Kai: what about Luhan and I? We’re not going with you guys?

Se7en: I need you two to stay here and help protect the girls in case something happens

Luhan: got it

Se7en: alright then. We’ll try to finish off the Ice Beast fast. You guys stay safe.

Jessica: Krystal~ be careful on your way there

Krystal: I will



Jessica then gives Krystal a hug before leaving. And with that, Se7en and the others left. Luhan, Kai, Sulli, Luna, Tiffany, and Krystal were now the only ones in the house.



Luna: well Krystal?

Krystal: yea?

Luna: *smiles* Lets go train you




Se7en, Jessica, Rain, Jay, Taeyeon, Victoria, and Amber follow Gyuri and the other girls out of the YG village and on the road to DSP. Jessica started to slow down and trailed behind the group.



Jessica: *to herself* *sigh* I hope Krystal destroys that thing



Jay noticed how far behind Jessica was and decided to slow down and wait for her. Jessica was looking downward so she didn’t see Jay when she passed him. Jay continued to walk next to her and spoke.



Jay: Don’t worry

Jessica: *looks at Jay* huh?

Jay: Krystal, she’ll be fine. She’ll beat that Shadow Spirit and be free from it

Jessica: I hope so

Jay: *smiles* I know so



Jessica then looks downward again but this time with a smile.



Jay: well hey, lets catch up to the others

Jessica: ok



Jay and Jessica walked a little faster and soon caught up with the group.


Back at Se7en’s house, in the backyard, are Krystal, Luna, and Luhan. A few hours passed and Krystal managed to master the Fire Ball, Power Shot, and Electricity Wave spell.



Krystal: whew~ that wasn’t so hard

Luna: your doing great Krystal

Krystal: haha thanks. So what’s the next spell I should learn?

Luna: your gonna want to know how to use the Heal spell

Krystal: haha yea… I saw that one in the book when we were out in the forest still coming here

Luna: *smiling* and you decided to learn that Food spell instead?

Krystal: wasn’t enough time for me to actually start learning it

Luna: haha! Ok, ok…

Luhan: you girls should take 5. Don’t want Krystal tired and drained when she leaves

Krystal: no, it’s fine. Let’s continue

Luna: Luhan’s right Krystal. You’ve been working really hard. You deserve a little rest

Krystal: *sigh* fine



Krystal and Luna then follow Luhan back into the house to rest for a little.



Tiffany: how’s your training coming along Krystal?

Krystal: it’s going pretty well

Luna: she’s mastered three spells in just a few short hours. The Fire Ball spell, Power Shot spell, and the Electricity Wave spell. It took me at least two weeks to master all three

Sulli: wow Krystal, your really good

Kai: so what’s the next spell she’s gonna learn Luna?

Luna: the Heal spell

Kai: ah~

Luhan: that’d be a great spell to know. Especially since she’s gonna be fighting alone

Tiffany: haha

Krystal: yup. That’s why I gotta learn it

Luna: well I think we’ve rested long enough. You ready Krystal?

Sulli: your done resting already?

Luna: yup

Luhan: we don’t want Krystal walking back here by herself at night do we?

Sulli: no~



Krystal and Luna then walked back outside, leaving the others.



Tiffany: walking at night is dangerous. Especially by yourself

Luhan, Kai, Sulli: agreed

Kai: well im gonna go out and watch. Anyone coming?

Sulli: sure, I’ll come

Tiffany: Im gonna stay and cook up something for Krystal so she’ll have something to eat when she leaves. If she’s gonna win this fight, she’s gotta have something to eat

Luhan: I’ll stay in here with Tiffany then. You know, keep her company

Kai: alright then. *smiling* Let’s go Sulli

Sulli: coming



Kai and Sulli leave the house and into the backyard.



Luhan: she’ll win

Tiffany: *walks into kitchen* what‘d you say?

Luhan: haha I said “she‘ll win”

Tiffany: *starts to make sandwiches* oh~ haha yea. She better

Luhan: so what do you think of this Se7en guy?

Tiffany: he seems to know an awful lot about a lot of stuff. Why?

Luhan: no reason. Just trying to make conversation

Tiffany: *chuckles* okay



An hour and a half passed by and Krystal had finally mastered the Heal spell.



Krystal: WHEW finally~

Luna: haha you finally got it

Krystal: did I really have to keep cutting myself? Im not emo you know

Luna: well, you’ve gotta heal something right?

Krystal: why didn’t you just cut yourself so I could heal you?

Luna: umm~ … no thank you haha!

Krystal: haha wow Luna

Luna: well lets head back inside for a little bit before you go, ok?

Krystal: yea

Kai: that’s it? She’s mastered it already?

Sulli: *punches Kai playfully* that’s what Luna said



The four went back inside and saw Luhan and Tiffany just sitting and talking at the dining table.



Tiffany: how’d it go?

Krystal: went pretty well

Luhan: haha well that’s good to hear

Krystal: yup. *walks towards the front door* Well I better get going

Tiffany: WAIT!



Krystal jumped a little and turned around to see Tiffany holding out two sandwiches.



Krystal: ooh~! Thank you Tiffany

Tiffany: *hugs Krystal* good luck out there

Krystal: thanks

Luhan: be careful when you get to the place

Sulli: be careful when you fight the thing

Kai: yea Luhan~ haha!

Luhan: …

Luna: you’ll win. We all believe you can win

Krystal: *breaks away from Tiffany‘s hug* thanks guys. I’ll try my best. Well~ I’ll see you guys later



Krystal said her goodbyes and left towards the abandoned city.


On the other hand, Se7en and the group had arrived at DSP.



Rain: so how exactly are we going to lure it out?

Se7en: just wait

Amber: we’re gonna wait for it?!

Se7en: that’s not exactly what I meant

Amber: oh…



Jessica and Victoria laugh at Amber. The group had walked through the village till they reached to a huge fountain. On their way to the fountain, they saw many broken down buildings and people rebuilding.



Victoria: this is terrible

Se7en: *to Gyuri* when does the beast usually attack?

Gyuri: it should attack again soon

Seungyeon: that’s not good

Jiyoung: why’s that?

Seungyeon: how are we gonna melt it?

Se7en: I’ve got an idea

Rain: you know Se7en, it’s not all that hot outside. How do you expect to melt it?

Se7en: just wait

Jay: im confused now



Se7en then walks over to a male civilian. The civilian was holding a box filled with fireworks.



Se7en: hello good sir

Civilian: hello. How may I help you folks?

Se7en: do you mind if we take these fireworks off your hands?

Civilian: for what?

Se7en: to help us stop the Ice Beast

Civilian: Well if it’s gonna help destroy that thing then here you go



The civilian hands over the box of fireworks and walks off.



Rain: what are we gonna do with these?

Se7en: here. Each of you take a firework

Jay: why?

Se7en: just take one



Se7en hands each person a firework and keeps the rest in the box.



Se7en: when it comes, we’re gonna lure the beast into that open field over there. Each of you will make a circle around it. When I give say so, I want all of you to light them up and shoot them right at it

Jessica: how are we gonna light them?

Se7en: use these



Se7en hands out a lighter to each person. A few seconds later, the place started to shake.



Taeyeon: what is going on here?

Nicole: IT’S THE BEAST!!!!



Nicole was pointing at a huge beast in the distance. The beast had arms that looked like frozen roses with fingers that look like vines, wings of a beetle, legs of a rhino but had some kind of armor on them, and a head with a horn on both the left and right side of it‘s head. It already passed the entrance, so now all was left was to lure it to the field. Se7en grabbed the box of fireworks and ran towards the beast.



Se7en: meet ugly and I at the field



With that, Taeyeon, Jay, Rain, Jessica, Victoria, and Amber all ran to the field. Se7en caught the beast’s attention by lighting up one firework and shooting it at it. The beast stepped back a little as the firework blew up a little chunk out of it’s chest. The beast turned to see Se7en and chased after him. Se7en quickly ran towards the field before the beast could do anything. When Se7en arrived at the field, he couldn’t find anyone.



Se7en: tch! Some partners they are



Se7en turned around to see the huge beast looking down at him. Se7en didn’t know if the group had left him or not but he still yelled out.



Se7en: NOWW~!!!!!!!!



After that was said, fireworks shot out from different places. The beast was hit by the fireworks from different directions. Se7en quickly climbed up the beast and climbed up to its head. Se7en had lit the fireworks and jumped in the air, throwing them at the Ice Beast‘s chest. All the fireworks hit the beast at once and soon the monster fell down. Se7en landed onto the ground and saw the group running towards him.



Se7en: I thought you guys left!

Rain: had to hide from the beast so it wouldn’t get distracted by chasing after one of us

Se7en: hmm… *smiles* good thing you guys hid then

Gyuri: so~ is it dead?

Se7en: I don’t think so



The Ice Beast soon got up and started roaring.



Se7en: YES!!

Rain: “YES”???!!

Jay: it’s up and alive! Why are you saying “yes”?

Se7en: look at it’s chest



Everyone then turned to look at the Ice Beast’s chest and saw a red crystal.



Rain: What is~… what was the point in using the fireworks exactly?

Se7en: to break away it’s armor. That red crystal in it’s chest is what’s keeping it alive

Jessica: so if we destroy that crystal then it should be finished?

Se7en: exactly~ BUT QUICK, MOVE!!!!! IT’S COMING!!!



Se7en then started running towards the beast with the others following from behind.






Se7en got to the beast’s legs and started to quickly climb up on it. Se7en reached to the crystal and pulled out a Kunai. Before he could stab at the crystal, there was an arrow shot at it. The beast stepped back a little and roared. Se7en quickly looked down and saw Victoria holding her Bow out.




Victoria: Wasn’t even close to hitting you!!



Se7en pulled the arrow out and started to stab at the crystal with his Kunai. With each stab, the beast roared louder and louder. Se7en was only able to chip pieces of the crystal off. Se7en was about to hit the crystal with all his might but was swept off by the beast’s hand. Se7en flew down to the ground landing on his chest.



Rain: help him up!!! Im gonna give it a shot



Rain then started climbing up on the beast and quickly got to the crystal. He took his sword out of his cane and started to jab his blade into the beast. Rain saw the beast moving it’s arm to grab him so he quickly jumped on it’s arm and jumped down to the ground.



Rain: Oh man! That crystal is touch to crack

Jay: hmm…

Jessica: what is it?

Jay: I’ve got an idea! Taeyeon! Amber! Both of you throw me up!

Taeyeon and Amber: WHAT?!?!

Rain: what are you doing??!?!?!!!




Taeyeon quickly ran to Jay’s left side while Amber ran to his right side. The two girls picked him up and threw him high in the air.



Rain: *gasp* THAT’S WHAT HE’S DOING!!!

Jessica and Victoria: what??!

Rain: hurry!! Jessica!! Come here! Im gonna throw you up there and when you reach Jay, throw him up higher!

Jessica: WAIT!! BUT~…

Rain: NO TIME!!!



Rain picked Jessica up and threw her high up. Jessica reached Jay and threw him higher. Jessica fell back down with Rain catching her and setting her down. Jay was still flying high in the air. The beast was now in Jay’s reach so he pulled out his Great Sword and jabbed it into the crystal with all his might causing it to shatter into millions of pieces. The beast stopped moving and soon fell to the ground.



Se7en: ugh~ … *to himself* that was a good move Jay



Jay finally reached the ground and walked back towards the group. The group stared at the beast for a few seconds until it started melting faster and faster. After the beast had totally melted, the group then heard an applause coming from the village. The group turned to see the townspeople of DSP celebrating. The group smiled and walked back towards the people and celebrated with them.

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abezface #1
Chapter 6: awsome update soon please i like this story
RFShip9389 #2
Chapter 1: cool opening :)