You're still mad at me?

One Shots


It was a warm Saturday afternoon and you decided to spend it in the park. You sat down somewhere on the grass and started reading your favourite book. Some people where yelling behind you, so you turned and saw a group of boys playing football. They looked very handsome, but one especially caught your eye. He seemed to be the oldest. His face had a rough and manly expression. You could spot his abs when he reached to catch the ball. You couldn’t help but stare at his handsomeness. Thankfully you had brought sunglasses, so he didn’t notice it. As you started to feel rather awkward you continued to read your book. Then out of nowhere a ball hit you directly on your head. You glasses fell off as you lifted your hands to support your buzzing head. You felt very dizzy, the whole park was turning. Someone grabbed you from behind, before you could fall to the ground. You felt warm hands touching your shoulders. As you looked up you saw the boy you had watched. “I’m so sorry. Are you ok?” He said worriedly. He grabbed your arm and pulled you up. “It’s alright. I’m fine.” You answered. You looked each other in the eyes. He was so much taller, now that he stood right in front of you. You noticed that he was still holding your hand. A sudden warm and comfortable filled up your body and you started to forget the pain. You smiled at him. He seemed to be relieved you weren’t hurt. “Right. Wasn’t me, by the way. Himchan’s got very clumsy feet.” “Oh, it’s okay.” You said with a giggle. You saw him looking back at his friends and then to you. “Do you mind if I join you?” he then asked shyly. “I think the hyungs can play without me for a while. I’m Yongguk.” The both of you sat down on the grass. As he spotted your sunglasses, he quickly picked them up and put them on. “Well?” he asked. You blushed and laughed. “You look ridiculous!” He smiled. You spent the whole afternoon together in the park. Later on his hyungs joined in and Yongguk bought sandwiches for all. As it was already dark outside he decided to walk you home. At your doorstep, he gave you kiss on your cheek, before he happily walked away.

[Three months later]

You sat on the couch at your boyfriend’s house. Yongguk and you were cuddling while watching a horror movie. Everytime you were scared, he pulled you closer to him, holding you softly in his arms. “Don’t need to be afraid of the aliens, I’m here to protect you.” He said smiling at you. You both laughed. As the movie was over, you looked each other in the eyes. “I love you.” He said your cheek. You blushed. “You still blush, whenever I touch you? You’re so sweet.” he said as he noticed. You giggled. “Do you remember the first day we met? Your cheeks were red like Cherry tomatoes!” he said jokingly. You thought back to your first meeting. Then you remembered. You grabbed a pillow from behind you and hit him on the head. He laughed. “What was that for?” You bit your lip. “Well, babe, that’s how I remember our first meeting.” He shook his head. “You’re still mad at me?” he pulled you closer. “How can I ever make that up?” he said looking you deep into your eyes. You kissed him. “You already did.” You answered. “I can be with the love of my life.” He smiled at you. “Ah sweetie, I will always love you.” He pinched your nose softly. You spent the night cuddling. He kept playing with your hair, holding you in his strong arms, until you finally fell asleep.


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