I Ain't The Girl You Can Play With

I Ain't The Girl You Can Play With


It’s been quite a while since the guys and I had a break. It was really good to hear the manager announce that we are going to have a one-day break. I know its lame but we all need to rest even just for a day. Instead of staying inside our normal dorms, we wanted to be different and stay in a hotel for a day.

“Sir, I am very sorry but we cannot give you three rooms that are beside each other.” The receptionist talked to Suho hyung.

“But, why?” He asked.

“Because the floor you like is already occupied sir. And only two rooms can be occupied if you want to be beside each other. The other one room would be at the end of the hallway.” She explained.

“Guys,” Suho turned to us. “Who wants to stay at the end?” He asked and nobody answered. “Xiumin, Chen and Lay, are you guys willing to stay with me at the end?” He asked and the three didn’t answer. Ah! I can’t take this anymore.

“Hyung, just get one room. Besides, we went to a hotel so we can all bond.” I explained.

“Twelve guys in one room? Kai, are you out of your mind?!” Kyungsoo asked me.

“Well, it’s better than having four apart from the eight.” I defended my side.

“I agree!” Sehun shouted as Suho turned back to the receptionist.

“Just give us one room. The Presidential Suite if possible.”


After everything has been set, we all walked to the elevator and unbelievably, everyone was silent inside. Not until Suho hyung spoke about rules again.

“Since we’re all staying in one room, we should also think about other people, alright?”

“Don’t worry. Tao and I won’t be noisy. We’ll behave.” Kris said in his seductive voice which made everyone look at him in disgust. “What?!”

“Gege! Shut up!” Tao said embarrassed by Kris’ announcement.



After a couple more minutes, the elevator opened and we were greeted by a very long hallway making us all whine. Nobody wants to walk anymore because we are all equally tired.

“Bye guys!” We heard Baekhyun announce. Chanyeol has carried him on his back and walked to the room first.

“No fair!” Luhan shouted as he jumped on Sehun’s back and the younger boy started running after Chanyeol and Baekhyun.


Kyungsoo and I were the last one to enter the room because he still checked all my medicines in his bag before going inside. That’s why I love being with him so much, he care so much for me. When we opened the door, Baekhyun was chasing Chanyeol because he took Baek’s undies and showed everyone.

“Aish! These kids! Seriously!” Suho shouted and we couldn’t help but chuckle.


Luhan and Sehun were cuddled on the couch while watching TV, Chen and Xiumin we inside the bedroom lying down on their chosen bed, Tao and Kris were at the balcony taking pictures, Lay and Suho were organizing their stuff inside the bedroom also. See. Chaos times twelve. Kyungsoo and I headed straight to the bedroom so we can also pick a bed but it seems that the smallest bed was the only thing left.

“I guess this is ours.” He huffed while putting down his bag.

“Hyung! I’m hungry!” Chanyeol pouted sitting beside Suho while tugging at his sleeve. “I grew tired becauae Baek chased me and chased me.”

“It was your fault! Why’d you take my undies and parade it inside the room showing everyone!” Baek shouted.

“It’s not like we haven’t seen it before.” Chanyeol laughed.

“Stop it. Stop it.” He said and looked at Kyungsoo. “Kyungsoo-ah, can you please call the management and tell them we’re gonna get food.”

“I was gonna organize our stuff.” Kyungsoo sighed.

“I’ll do it.” I volunteered.


“Who wants to play with me?!” I asked as I brought out my PS3 from my bag after eating.

“You brought that? Seriously, Kai?” Chanyeol looked at me in disbelief.

“Yeah. So what?” I raised an eyebrow.

“No wonder Kyungsoo’s bag was so huge!” Lay said.

“Wait. Kyungsoo brought all your stuff?” Xiumin asked.

“And you made him carry it?!” Chen followed.

“Stop the nonsense. I’m in, Kai.” Luhan said grabbing one controller.

“I’m playing too!” Sehun followed.

“Count me in.” Chanyeol said grabbing another.


We set the game up. Good thing there was a huge TV hanging on the wall. We’re guys so we’re playing something violent.

“I’ll be the sniper!” Chanyeol announced.


We started the game as just the four of us but then after a few minutes, another gamer requested to join the game. I quickly accepted it and we burst out laughing.

“synteKAI?! What kind of username is that?” Sehun said in between laughs.

“Is that even a guy who’s playing?!” Luhan agreed with Sehun.

“Kai! A guy’s got a crush on you!” Chanyeol joined them.

“Shut up and let’s just play.” They’re stupid for making fun of me.


“Oh no! This guy is good!” Chanyeol shouted.

“Oh no! No! No!” Luhan followed. “I’m dead.”

“Shoot! Someone shot me in the head! It’s up to you, hyung.” Sehun patted my shoulder.

“It looks like this guy want a one-on-one battle with you, Kai.” Chanyeol said.

“I’ll deal with that.” I said as I moved the joystick.



“Who the heck is this guy?!” I shouted as I saw my character’s head on the ground.

“Hey, there’s a message.” Luhan opened it and Sehun read it aloud.

“Let’s play again. You guys are awesome.”

“Is he insulting us?!” I said a bit annoyed.

“One-on-one with, me. NOW. -KAI” Chanyeol said as he typed in using the controllers. “Good luck, dummy.” He said.


Out of 286 matches, I only succeeded eight times. The others already went to bed but I won’t sleep until I beat this guy even just two more times.

“I am the master of this game. I cannot let you beat me.” I mumbled as I looked furiously into the screen.

“Actually you already lost.” Kyungsoo’s voice said but I didn’t bother to look. “Kai, you should go to sleep now.”

“No. go and wake the others up. I want them to see how I kick this guy’s .”

“They are already aslee-”

“Yow! Wake up! Everyone! There’s a fire! Get out!” I shouted causing everyone to come to the living room with us.

“What do you mean fire?” Suho asked.

“Nothing. Just watch me kick this guy’s .” I boasted.

“Dude, he already kicked your .” Tao huffed.

“I’m going back to sleep.” Kris said as he turned his back on us.



Soon, I forced them to watch me play. But the results are all the same. WHY. CAN’T. I. BEAT. THIS. GUY. Who the heck is “synteKAI?!”

“Dude, you really have to stop. Let’s just go to sleep.” Lay said patting my back.

“WHO IS synteKAI?!?!?!?!” I shouted in frustration as I tightened my grip on the controller.

“Yow. Chill man.” Baekhyun said.


I can’t calm down. I can’t go to sleep like this. Someone kicked my in my own game. Never have I tasted defeat in this game. I always frustrate the others because they can’t win over me! Suddenly the door cracked open and a sweet-looking girl peeped.

“Did someone call my name? I think it came from this room.” She said innocently. She’s so perfect! She’s so beautiful!

“What do you mean? Who are you?” Chen asked.

“Why are you here?” Xiumin followed.

“Someone called my name, that’s why.” She answered.

“Wait. W-What’s your name?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“Synteche.” She stepped towards her left and we saw that she was holding a controller.

“Wait. You are the girl who kicked Kai’s in his game?!” Chanyeol asked laughing.

“Was that really Kai oppa?” She asked. “I’m sorry. I really move EXO so much. And Kai oppa is my bias. I didn’t know I was actually playing with him.”

“You’re a girl?!” We all asked.

“Yeah. I’ve played this game ever since.”

“But…you’re so sweet. How can you be that cool in the game?” Sehun asked.

“I may look sweet and I may look gullible. But I ain’t the girl you can play with.” She said and left.


So it was her all along. I can’t believe I don’t feel frustrated at her. In fact, I like to play with her even if she kicks my over and over again. Is this what they call love?

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Chapter 1: Kyaa! So cute hihi. I love it ^^