Duizhang's Diary


It's all written in here, everything.

All my secrets, what did i feel, my condition, anything.

It's all written in this book.

Maybe many people would say i'm old-fashioned or outdated,

but it is a thing that can cheer me up, keep me company until whenever.

I write all my activities every day, and what I felt throughout the day.

Initially I was abstinence to write about how I feel in my romance in this book,

but it all changed since I met her. This diary, each page has loaded about my feeling about her.





Kris Wu

Tall, handsome, cool, but cold, and polite guy. He met his first love by accident in a festival in Cheongdamdong.

He always brought a old diary in his bag. In that diary written many secrets of him, and nobody knows of that.

He never write about his love story in his diary, but because Oh Lia, he broke that rule.


Oh Lia

A sweet, cute, smart, polite, and kind girl. She met Kris beacuse by accident in Cheongdamdong.

She hoped never meet him again later. But, reality said, No, you have to meet him, AGAIN.

In the begining, she was really hate him so much, but who knows, at least, she has a deep feel to him.\






Note: Hey guys, this is my first time to post FF in this site. And i can't speak or write english fluently or i mean, i'm not good in using English. So, hope you can understand it. Thanks. And hope you'll like it. :D ^^


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