

Jinki and Kibum’s Parents are reunited after a long time apart and the two of them are introduced to one another for the first time.

He felt embarrassed being there, he didn’t feel like he fitted in. Everyone was so glamorous and had this… look about them that made him feel ten times smaller than the rest of the room’s occupants.


100 Themes Challenge:
Title: Introductions
Pairing: OnKey
Rating: PG-13/PG-15
Prompt: 1. Introduction
Genre: AU, Romance, Fluff,
Words: 3,600
Disclaimer: I do not own SHINee (oh the shame), unfortunately all I own is the fragments of my over imaginative mind.
A/N: Seriously, I hadn’t planned on this being this long, I had the full intention of writing a drabble, but yeah – CLEARLY this is not a drabble. I fear that it’s probably kind of boring, because not much action happens and the ending is kinda rushed and crappy, but oh well. I hope that some of you will enjoy it at least a little. Thanks. XD~. Taken from my LJ account ; villa_visualkei.


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Chapter 1: Aweee this is really fluffy <3
tomiiself #2
Chapter 1: ahhh... too bad because this could be so much longer > < I always like it when Jinki being the shy one and Kibum being the agressive one, cute finding Kibum shockec when Jinki rejected him... thank for sharing again ^^