That’s Why You're Beautiful


“Baby, that's why you're beautiful…”

The fresh and crisp air that gently ran across Kibum’s heated skin felt like bliss. He sighed and let his elbows drop from underneath him allowing him to lie back onto the warm sand grains, enjoying how they rubbed against his long back through the thin material of his white-rainbow splattered over-sized t-shirt.


Title: That’s Why You're Beautiful
Pairing: OnKey
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Words: 1,648
Disclaimer: I do not own SHINee (oh the shame), unfortunately all I own is the fragments of my over imaginative mind.
A/N: Totally cheesy - so I hope you can all take the fluff-overload. It was supposed to be a small drabble... but I guess I totally failed there, I mean, as soon as I got to a thousand words I knew I was doomed in the drabble department. I am always so amazed by those authors out there that can fit so much into so little and still write the most beautiful stories. Ah! Guess that's not for me. Kekekeke. Oh another thing this fic is kind of based around the song that I named it after; 'That's Why You're Beautiful' by Beyoncé. Anyway please do enjoy! Thanks!<3.


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Chapter 1: Beautiful <3
Chapter 1: I'm enjoy it too much I think... XD
It's so ing sweet >///<
tomiiself #3
Chapter 1: could you...*sigh* this is soooooooo cute and sweet and so onkey hha. it's okay if there's so much cheesiness and fluff and everything because I still can handle it... (by keep grinning and holding my scream because it's just too adorable) ^^;