


·      LESS YOUR OOC PLEASE. If you want to OOC, please brackets () {} [] or #ooc

·         Fantalk & Fanservice. Do it everyday to your fans. Don’t be selfish or arrogant person. Cause you’re just a fake idol, right?

·         Be active please!! If you’re not online within 7 days or hiatus more than 1 month sorry we should unverify you :(. And alsoif you just tweeting once in three days

·         Free Username. No need to change your username.

·         Be Respect. Please be respect to other idol. Be humble and be nice friend.

·         #justparody. Yeah… please don’t forget to put #justparody on your bio/loc before ask verify to us.

·         One person = One Account. You won’t talk with yourself, right?

·         #EnglishZone. Please tweet with English mostly. But if you wanna to talk in your idol language (like Korean, Japanese, French, Bahasa, Thai, Phillipines, etc) it no problem.

·         Be Honestly. Deact, hiatus/semi, changed your chara/username, wanr to ask unverify please TELL ADMIN BEFORE.

·         Be Rational Person. No fights, dramas, scandal, pregnancy, and other else that can make you have an enemy. Wanna do /yuri/ tweet? Its okay but you should know the limit and situation. Don’t disturb another person.

·         Relationship allowed. We allow relationship from everywhere. I mean not only from #justparody agency. U can ask verify if you already get couple.


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