The Plan


Suddenly I was all alone again.


The cold winter wind was hitting my and legs, freezing me. His warmth was long gone. I realized it was just a game of the mind. I sobbed harder as I my knees bucked and I fell into the snow. I hugged myself and tried to make myself feel better. 


I had lost everything. I looked at my hand for the ring when.....



I didn't see it!!!



Where did it go?? I looked at all the pockets in purse and then realized that I lost my ring in the snow. The snowflakes covered the ring as I tried harder than ever to try and find it. 


That was the last bit. I broke into an uncountable number of pieces. The tears that stained my cheeks were cold but the ones forming in my eyes were burning them. My throat hurt and my legs were numb. My arms clawed at the snow, in an effort to try and find the one thing that meant the most to me. I cried and cried and cried and cried......until everything stopped. I looked around. There was no one and the streets were busy. 


I removed my jacket; the cold and harsh wind hitting my body like a whip. I slowly closed my eyes as I lay down on the snow. I watched as the cars shot by and the people on the other side of the road were walking in couples. My body was to weak to get up now. I began to shiver as the snow froze me slowly....I closed my eyes and fell into some deep and long slumber. 






I woke up. 


There was no snow next to me. 


I wasn't in the middle of a park at midnight.


I was in a white room. No. Everything was moving. 


Everything was white and bright.


There was some sound coming from the side.


I saw a lady next to me. She had long pale blonde hair and she was in all white. She looked at me in a worried way.


I looked around and still everything was moving quickly. 


I felt a light breeze move my hair away from my face and I smiled a little. 


I looked back at the woman and she gave me a serene smile. 


The gates opened and my eyes closed. 







I woke up after my long slumber and this time I was in a white room. I looked to my right and found the same woman next to me. She smiled at me and grabbed my hand. That's when I saw it.


The tubes in my hand. 


I was in the hospital. 


My eyes widened and I knew pretty well that I was gonna have to deal with the world now that I was alive. I know, you might be thinking: "Is she crazy to be killing herself over one guy? She should think about it a bit more....." 


I can't. 


I can't think about it.


The more I do, the more I break and hurt. I don't want to be in pain when no one else is in pain. That's it. 


Something burned up inside me. I sat up, making the woman scream out to the nurses. I pulled the IV and other weird tubes that were attached to me. I head to the balcony door, when the woman held my hand. I smiled at her.


"Thank you for making me realize it wasn't the time for me to die then." She smiled a little, but her eyes widened in horror as I jumped off the balcony.


She tried to catch me, but I was determined to reach the ground. I fell into a truck full of flowers as it drove away. I sat up and looked for other ways to get to my house. I paid attention to the direction of the truck and realized it would pass by my house. 


Just as they stopped at the traffic signal infront of my street I jumped off of the truck, onto the hood of a car. The woman gasped and stared at me as I walked away. I broke the balcony door to my house, adding to the blood that was already trickling down my arms, and walked in, switching off the alarm in the process. I opened one of closets and decided I should dress nicely when I got to LuHan-ssi's wedding. 


I looked through my clothes and then decided to wear something pretty and professional. I walked out, tying my hair up in a tight and high ponytail. I grabbed my first aid kit and tended to my , now, dry wounds. I tied my elbows in some bandage and covered the bandages on my knuckles with my leather gloves. I hissed as the gloves fit snuggly onto my hands. 


I grabbed my guns and my phone and head down to my SUV in my garage. 


I sped out of the car at a high speed; determined to get there before my plan would go down the drain. 


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Chapter 22: Such a great one author-nim.
Love it so much
Chapter 23: The last few chapters confused me but i'm happy they got back together.
kangsoohee #3
Chapter 22: I'm very happy that Luhan end up with Nina :D
though Minyoung being a y at first but I'm glad that she realized that her chance was over *evil face*
you write such a beautiful story author-nim :D
I'm very happy that I found this story :3
rudelysweetk21 #4
Chapter 23: really interesting and different story and those sweet moments were just so sweet but i feel like the story was somehow broken? eyo maybe me only but what happened to someone who tried to kill her? there were few missing holes but loved those sweet little moments tho :)
authentic22 #5
Chapter 22: cool! very different from anyother fanfics and obviously.. I like this >< thumbs up!!!!!
Chapter 22: Wooaaaahhhh it's finished!! One of the best complicated stories that I have been read!!! Realli love this storyso muuuchhh! And I hope there's a sequel for nina and luhan married life ;)
Btw, u're jjang author-nim ★
Chapter 22: huhuhuhuhuhu fts. can we some have some moment of silence to this beautiful ending. sht and when i thought they will not be together. omg hihihi thank u authornim
Chapter 21: OMG I LOVE THE ENDING THAT JUST SAYS SNOWFLAKES OMG SUCH A NICE ENDING ㅠ^ㅠ and btw for when luhan say i love you too if you want the chinese to also be i love you too then u should put wo ye ai ni
panda_attack #9
hi sorry for taking space here..anyway, we're currently on our grand opening now~ come and request your poster at our shop ^^
Chapter 19: thank goodness i dont have to kill you tomorrow ;)