dèjá vu roleplay ✾ Newly Opened! {NEED MEMBERS!!! AND MORE BOYS!!!} P.S; WE NEED JONGHYUN, B.A.P AND C-CLOWN YO




Birth marks describes where you were killed in your previous life.

If  you have seen, felt, and heard something you have never been actually experienced before, that was just your another alter.





déjà vu is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced has been experienced in the past, whether it has actually happened, or not.


have you heard about us? no, we're just opened maybe you're on déjà vu.


come and joius! make some fun and might as well meeyour alters!




       [Krystal Jung; Song Juhee; Yoo Ara; Jo Jayoung]

 K r y s t a l      J u n g 


Head Admin & Founder
  Despite the nickname, Ice Princess, she's not icy at all.  She's....so hot /slapped tbh; hyper, and nice /slapped again; etc' (?) ene she's one of a kind. unlike uee, she never do typo. flood the tl with her fangirl's spazz when comes to Junhyung and Kai, she also claimed them so es back off LOL NO, JK.

Head Admin & Founder

She does typo in every tweets she post, caps abuse,
damn high like on drugs when she's actually never does. 
Know everything that rated but she's innocent, really,
innocent. :-) She's very kind and friendly to everyone yet 
she could be freaking scary when she mad. A mutant of
potato, polar bear and power ranger. ES BOW DOWN!

     Yoo Ara

a kind yet charming bambi leader. She loves food so much, because she said she spent her life with food since she was born. Can be cool yet crazy at the same time, you can't predict. A moody person, but she loves to  smile :-----------)


Jo   Jayoung 


Lemme warn you, she is hyper and weird but
yet cute girl :-) She's kind to everyone but once
she's mad she can be extremely rude, but don't
worry,she ain't the type that get mad easily :-)  

p.s: give her pororo and she'll love you.





base account

how to join + rules

girls masterlist

boys masterlist

the soulmates





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UnfoldedStories #1
Chapter 1: name: Choi Junhong Zelo
group: B.A.P
password: celine dion
Chapter 1: ((checked))

Upcoming Soul :: 2NE1's Park Bomi

I dont remember who are the arrived souls lmao /slapped to zimbabwe.

Chapter 3: name: Park Bom
group: 2NE1
password: celine dion
{checked; updated}

upcoming souls; minah
arrived souls; hyosung, raina, hayi, dasom


leejinshe #6
Chapter 1: Name : Bang Minah
Group : Girls Day
Password : Celine Dion
{checked; updated}

arrived: myungsoo, himchan, henry, yuri, bora, nara, rome, t-ae
upcoming souls: lenny


Upcoming souls: SISTAR's Bora

LoveBunnyHun #9
Name: Yoon Bora
Password: Celine Dion