For Me? O_O

Flowers for My Valentine

(February 13)



“Not again…” D.O grunted as he saw the whole kitchen which looked like a shipwreck. Not to mention his previous creation blew up and there was cake batter splattered all over the walls. “This is going to take forever to clean up!” He thought.

“Hyung, are you in there?” Sehun knocked on the door

“GO AWAY!” D.O yelled as he was starting to lose his patience. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and D.O planned to bake cupcakes for the members of EXO, but alas this was his third attempt which came to a downfall.  He felt very frustrated because he dreaded if he’ll have nothing to give the other members, since on Valentine’s Day there is a special event where they give a special present to the other members. D.O wasn’t the only one who was stressed out; even one of the members of EXO also felt the same thing.

           Meanwhile, Kai reached for his cell phone and dialed Chanyeol’s number hoping he would have some answers to his problem. He wanted to impress D.O because he was his favorite, to Kai he’s like a brother which he never had.

“Hello?” Chanyeol answered the phone

“Chanyeol, can you help me? It’s very urgent!” Kai panicked on the phone

‘What is it? There’s a fan that doesn’t love your abs?” Chanyeol asked

“NO” Kai replied

“Let me guess…Did Jjanggu die?” Chanyeol was too busy trolling him

“What do you mean by Jjanggu died?!” Kai was starting to get pissed off

“Yah! Hold your horses! I was joking.. So what problem do you have?” Before Kai could answer, he cleared his throat.

“Do you know what is D.O hyung’s favorite color?” He asked monotonously. Suddenly Chanyeol bursted into laughter.

“BWAHAHAHAHA…… Why would you ask that?” He kept laughing. “Alright, I’ll be quiet now. Let’s see.. His favorite color? Probably blue or white, as long as you don’t give him pink just because he’s the ‘umma’ of the group”

“Of course not, that’s ridiculous” Kai replied

“What are you going to give him anyways?” Kai’s hand shivered and he started to have goosebumps. “Crap! Should I tell him? What if he’ll spill it out? Come on..  Just answer already dammit!” Before answering, Kai took a deep breath and said calmly,” I’m going to give flowers for tomorrow”.

There was a complete silence over the phone. Chanyeol jawdropped at the answer. “You’re not joking, are you?” He confirmed.

“I’m serious” Kai answered.

“Why flowers? WHY? Why not a recipe book?” Chanyeol was still dumbfounded.

“Have you seen his dorm? There’s this bookcase filled with recipes, it’s like the dorm transformed into half room half library. Even if I laid my hands on it he’ll go nuts” Kai explained while putting his hand behind his neck. Then he disconnected the line and plopped on the bed, he ran his fingers through his hair while grunting.

“How am I supposed to tell him about my feelings?” He sighed heavily.

“What feelings? Who is ‘he’? “D.O came out of nowhere and made Kai jumped out of his skin.

“How did you get in here so fast?” He stuttered

“I overheard your complain earlier” D.O said calmly and he sat next to Kai. “So who is this ‘he’ that’s on your mind?”  Kai bit his lip nervously as he tried to think of ways on how to distract D.O

“Well, who is it?” D.O asked him, not a single squeak came out of Kai.

“It’s an old friend. We used to fight but I want to apologize to him” Kai lied. Luckily D.O didn’t ask any further questions as he left the room. But as soon as D.O was about to leave, he saw a bouquet of white flowers sitting on the small table next to the door.

“Hey, you didn’t tell me you’re planning to go on a date!” D.O gasped. Kai was startled when D.O discovered the flowers, not just any ordinary flowers, those flowers were meant to be for HIM.

“Yah hyung, it’s NOT for a girl!” Oh great, Kai! You just blew it! Now it won’t be a surprise anymore! If I had Tao’s time control power I’d rewind time and punch myself in the face for leaving the flowers there! Aishhh.....Kai facepalmed as he grunted.

“Then who is it for??” D.O’s question felt like a gunshot to the chest. Should Kai just come clean and tell him?

“Ehemm... You’ll see tomorrow! I gotta go now!” Kai cleared his throat and then he pushed D.O out of the dorm.

“Jongin-ah, what the hell-” Just before D.O could finish his sentence, the door slammed behind him.

“What’s with all the noise?” The other members came over with a worried expression plastered to their faces.

“It’s Kai, he’s been feeling weird today. I wanted to ask him about it but he just snapped and kicked me out of the dorm. What did I do wrong?” D.O sighed heavily “Probably he’s too nuts because his pet dog ran away again” he added.

“His dog ran away?” Baekhyun asked blankly which broke the silence, and the others were staring at him awkwardly.

“I was joking about that part” D.O said monotonously. The leader knocked on the door and tried to call Kai to talk about the problem and it didn’t work. Even when he got out of the dorm, he didn’t say a word not even glance at D.O; he just gave him the cold shoulder which made the other members even more curious.


(Kai’s POV)

      I was completely nervous when I stared at the bouquet of flowers, I bit my lip hoping nothing will go wrong when I give the flowers to D.O. I took a deep breath as I walked out of the dorm, here goes nothing...I thought.  I tried to look for him, where did he sleep last night? Did he sleep in Suho’s dorm? I asked Sehun if he knows where is Suho’s dorm, he pointed out the way. I followed the directions carefully and it leads me to a door which had a note taped on it,

To Kai,

Please don’t look for me. Don’t you know it pains me when you were so cold to me yesterday? I’m sorry.. I just can’t..


I was persistent in trying to call him, so I knocked on the door.



There was no answer, and I tried to knock on the door the second time. Before my fist landed on the door, it was opened and D.O was standing in front of me with that look on his face...




“What are you doing here?” He asked me while putting his hand behind his neck.

“Hyung..I..” I stuttered and without a doubt I pulled out the bouquet of flowers. “This was actually for you” I grinned sheepishly. There was silence that separated us; D.O froze on the spot like a lifeless statue, he was in a loss for words.

“Really?” He was still in awe with the flowers in his hands, I nodded; and then he placed the flowers inside a clear vase. He turned to me and asked, “B..But... What about Sehun?”

“Don’t you know he already has Luhan? He left me!” My eyes started to water. “Remember during the Happy Camp show you carried Baekhyun? It felt like you’re breaking up with me!” Oh wait, I can't be seen crying in front of him!

“Kai, I couldn’t believe it..” D.O stammered “I never knew you felt that way about me..” He added, I looked down to notice his hand was intertwined with mine and he was fiddling with it; my face turned as red as a firetruck.

“So, you don’t like it?” I asked shyly, instead D.O hugged me tightly. “No, I love it” he said calmly, and it made me smile. It felt like it was a start of a new relationship.

“Happy Valentine’s Day” I grinned

“Happy Valentine’s Day to you too” he replied and then he let go of me. “Let’s go inside, the others are waiting. You should definitely try the cupcakes I made!” We both walked with a smile on our faces until suddenly I heard someone yelling, “YAH KAI WHY DON’T YOU JUST GIVE ME THE DARN FLOWERS! I THOUGHT THEY WERE FOR ME!” I turned around and saw Sehun with a pissed off look on his face, rather than saying anything D.O stuck out his tongue in front of him.

“Sorry Sehun-ah, you have Luhan already. Hands off Kai, he’s mine!” D.O smirked.


A/N : BAM! I'm back again *evil laugh* Finals nearly blew my brains out O_O During the test this fic kept haunting my head for no reason =_=

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Chapter 1: Soooo cutee *___*
Chapter 1: haha...too adorable....kaisoo moments
Chapter 1: this is soooo adorable!!! love it!