
Shanghai Love


A/N: Underlined words are lyrics to Shanghai Love.


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Why don’t I see you when I open my eyes? Without telling anyone, you disappear.


My hands felt through the sheets of bed to be met with cold air. Nothing? I cracked open my eyes, to have it fell upon an empty space on the bed.


“Hannie!” I called out thinking that you’re in the toilet doing your morning routines, however, no reply came.


“Hannie!” I called out a second time while getting up from the bed, however no reply came still.


I got hold onto my phone, which was lying on the table and was about to give you a call when the door to the room opened.


Thinking it was you; I swirled around and shouted “Hannie” but to only meet the swollen eyes of the maknae.


“Hyung…” He looked at me and sniffled. I walked to him and gave him a hug asking what was wrong.


“Hankyung hyung… He… He left…”


“What do you mean he left?” I let go of the hug and glared at Kyuhyun.


“Hankyung hyung left Super Junior…”


Hannie left Super Junior, he left us, he left… Me? I asked myself while the sound of the news blaring outside Super Junior’s Hankyung has confirmed to filing a lawsuit against SM numbing my senses away.


I’ll fly on an airplane to meet you.


“Don’t be crazy Heechul, it won’t work!” Leeteuk screamed at me with tears sliding down his pale cheeks.


“I don’t care! I need to see him, I miss him.” I replied while shoving a couple of my clothes into my bag.


“Hyung, listen to Leeteuk hyung please.” Donghae begged while grabbing onto my arm.


“I can’t… Donghae, I can’t. I miss him, I need to see him...” I pulled my arm from Donghae and continued shoving my clothes into the bag.


“Heechul, listen to me please. You going to look for him now will only create more problems. Not for us, but for him. Listen to me, just stay. Even if it’s not for the sake of Super Junior, stay for the sake of Hankyung’s wellbeing.”


Leeteuk’ve got a point. Why didn’t I think of it beforehand? Pabo Heechul. If I go now, Lee Soo Man will create more trouble not only for Super Junior but also for Hannie too. Pabo Heechul.


“Neh hyung, I’ll not look for him now.” I said as I stopped shoving my clothes into the bag.


Leeteuk came over and gave me a hug, “Hyung promise you. I’ll bring you personally to China one day to see Hankyung. Trust hyung on that.”


I nod against Leeteuk’s chest and broke down yet another time that day.


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“Ah Heechul, you’re done with the lyrics of the song?”


“Neh hyung. Here are the lyrics. The song will be titled Shanghai Love.” I said while passing the lyrics to hyung.


Hannie, I hope you’ll listen to this song. I’ve put all my feelings towards you in this song. Hannie, sarahaeyo, wo ai ni.


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A/N: Hello there! I hope you guys enjoyed reading. But before leaving this fics, please do give me some of your views on this story, feedbacks, criticisms, anything. This is my first fic that I've actually wrote and completed, so I really hope you guys can tell me what' my mistakes are, so on and so fourth so that I can write a better fic next time for you guys. Anyways, hope to see you soon. Bye and thank you for reading.


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Chapter 1: i love that song~~
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D