Personal Experiences

Dancing Forever
dancing forever
hope you liked the chapter~ for some reason it's all in italics and i cannot fix this i am very sorry!
personal experiences
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warnings: talks about and



When I wake up all I see if yellow and black lines. I spring up from my bed and scratch at my face only for a sticky note to fall off my face. It lands by my feet and as I bend down I look to Jongin’s bed and sees that it’s empty. I pick it up and put it in front of my eyes. It read:

How about I take you on that date tonight at ten? How does a movie sound?

I scoff at the three smiley faces at the end of the note and look at the clock. It read eight o’clock and I ponder whether or not I should go back to bed. But my stomach growls so I decide against it.

Out in the kitchen, Jongdae is already digging into a bowl of Lucky Charms.

”Hey, bro, do you want some?”

I look at Jongdae before smiling and grabbing a bowl from the counter. He pours the cereal into it and then the milk, commenting about how they should just make a cereal out of the marshmallows.

”I mean how ing cool would that be?” He continues.

I shrug. “It’d be too sweet though.”

”But that’s the point!” Jongdae whines.

Joonmyun comes in with his hair sticking up in places and limping. Noticing his limping, I arch an eyebrow at Jongdae and he winks at me before turning around and slapping Joonmyun’s hard. He yelps, and grips the counter with his hands.

”Jongdae! I swear to God I will end you.” Joonmyun threatens but Jongdae shrugs with a grin dawning his face.

”What happened?” I ask, batting my eyelashes. I already knew with the purple marks dotting Joonmyun’s not-so-hiddden neck.

”I finally got to top!” Jongdae announces proudly. His grin makes me giggle as Joonmyun carefully sits down at the table, a bowl in his hands. “He was so cute.” Jongdae moves his hands to pinch Joonmyun’s cheeks but he scowls and bites his finger.

”Ow! We’re not Jongin, we don’t bite each other’s fingers!”

”Maybe next time you’ll learn the word gentle,” Joonmyun mutters. He grabs the cereal box and shakes it into his bowl before grabbing the milk.

I finish just before Jongdae says “I could totally go for some morning right now,” and hurry my out of there before it got even weirder. And Hansol, let me tell you, when you get into a conversation with Joonmyun and Jongdae, you’re ending up in a . I know from personal experience.

I didn't know what movie theatre Jongin was taking me nor do I know what movie we were seeing but when he texts me “dress well!” with sixteen emojis after it I knew we were going some place nice (hopefully). I decide against a suit, I didn’t want to seem too formal so I go for an alternative-but-still-hot-and-classy look instead.

Walking out of the house with black jeans, sneakers, and a nice blazer with a t-shirt on, I stand in the elevator next to Kyungsoo. I glance at him nervously, after watching him beat Baekhyun up I was thoroughly scared of him. I hadn’t done anything wrong but still my palms were sweaty.

”S-so where are you going?” I ask him nervously.

Kyungsoo is dressed in all black, even down to the socks. His hair is laying messily on his head, some of it falling onto his dark eyes. His thick lips twitches and whether it was in annoyance or something close to it I wasn’t sure.

”I’m making dinner,” He says simply. His thick voice is even thicker in the uncomfortable silence. There’s no other sound besides the ding from the elevator and the whir of machinery.

”That’s nice, for who?”

The elevator doors reach the second floor and Kyungsoo says “You and Jongin.”

”Oh but I’m pretty sure we’re going to eat at the movies,” I say a bit confused.

The doors slide open and reveal the empty lobby. Kyungsoo says “No you won’t, I know from personal experience,” before he stalks out of the elevator so quickly that by the time I’m out of the doors Kyungsoo is nowhere in sight.

Outside of the lobby doors Jongin is waiting in jeans and a t-shirt with messy hair. Sehun passes me with a smile on his face and I notice he’s carrying Jongin’s school uniform and I’m then reminded I’m going out on a date with a high schooler. Great. At least he doesn't look like one.

”Hi,” Jongin says with a short bow. He then grabs a sticky note pad from his pocket and a pen out of his pocket. He writes something on it before ripping it off and sticking it to my forehead with a smile. I roll my eyes, not understanding why he couldn’t just communicate verbally.

I rip the sticky note off my face and it read:

”You look nice!” with a few happy faces on it.

I motion for him to give me the sticky notes and he hands them over with a smile on his face. I scribble out “Can we go?” in big bold characters. Then I rip it off and slam it against his nose and throw the pen at him.

He reads it and grins before saying “Sure, Lays, let’s go!” I roll my eyes and he throws an arm around my shoulder as we walk towards the main street.

Jongin bought us tickets to see how To Train Your Dragon in 3-D. It was quite childish but I’ll never admit that I had actually wanted to see the movie. Now I didn’t even have to pay! Jongin bought us snacks too, a medium popcorn, candy bars, and two drinks since the two of us fought for ten minutes over Sprite or Dr. Pepper.

We walk into a theatre full of teenagers and little kids. Jongin points to the uppermost row and says “Let’s sit up there, none of the little kids will be up there.”

I arch an eyebrow at him and say “How would you know?”

”Personal experience,” He says with a shrug. That must be code for “I watch a lot of kids movies”. We walk up the stairs and sit in the center. We were a good twenty minutes early which was good so we could claim our seats. Jongin shoves his arm onto the only armrest available and I scowl at him, huffing that he took what I had called dibs on.

I see Jongin glance at me and I try to ignore but it happens again. I look at him with an eyebrow raised but he acts like nothing is wrong. He does it a few times again before finally I see what he’s staring at. My white t-shirt was a v-neck that dipped pretty low on my chest. Jongin’s eyes were trailing my collar bones and down towards my shirt. He seemed to have no problem leaning a little forward to sneak a little more.

I smack him in the shoulder and he flinches and whines. “It’s not my fault you wore a low cut shirt!”

”At least don’t do it in public you !”

”Well I’m not the one that just cursed in front of little kids,” He retorts before crossing his arms over his chest and huffing.

The movie starts and I notice him shift uncomfortably in his seat. I look at him with a stern face and he turns pink in the cheeks and looks away. I’m about to say something before I look down at his pants and see a bulge. He has a in a kids movie. Fantastic.

”I-I can’t help it!” Cries Jongin. “I’m still growing, I can’t control it!”

”Oh my God, Jongin,” I whisper incredulously. I put my face in my hands just as the previews starts and the light dim. “If you think I’m helping you with it than you’re out of your mind.”

Jongin whines but doesn’t say anything as he scurries out of the seat and to the bathroom.

By the time we get home, Jongin is tripping over his own feet from being so tired and I myself could use some sleep since I had practice tomorrow. When we walk through the door, Joonmyun and Jongdae are fighting about what brand was better before Jongin says that they’re men and they can’t get pregnant (which Jongdae quiets down for once and Joonmyun can’t help but raise an eyebrow at him).

Kyungsoo, as he said he would, had steaming rice and bul-go-gi waiting for them at the table. He’s still in the kitchen, cleaning dishes which neither of us offer to help. He chuckles as we both sit down tiredly and wordlessly dig into the rice.

”Had fun you two?”

Jongin mumbles something and I roll my eyes. “Is Jongin getting a in the middle of a hundred kids count as fun?”

”Sure!” Says another voice. All three of us see Sehun standing in the doorway to the kitchen with a smile on his face. “You better get used to it, Jongin can never control his .”

”Shut up, Sehun!” Jongin cries while smacking him in the stomach as he passes to go get a drink of water. He pretends to be hurt and he laughs.

”Yeah whatever,” Sehun says. “I’ve had personal experience with you and your damned boners and I must say, Jongin, I’m sure you can get by a wall.”

Jongin chases Sehun out of the kitchen and Kyungsoo complains about the mess of rice Jongin made before cleaning up. I hear Sehun’s laughter and Joonmyun’s yell of “Don’t run in the house!” before I laugh to myself and head towards the bathrooms to get ready for bed.

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Happy 2 years with this story!


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shantt #1
Chapter 1: KAIXING ♡♡♡
shane00 #2
Chapter 1: You have a very awesome story, but I'm confused in chapter 1 it says hyunsu is jongdae's son then in chapter 8 he is luhan and xiumin' son.
anneai #3
Chapter 7: Who is bottom actually? Sounds like lay is bottom but their child is that is mean lay is top and jongin is bottom.
camie05 #4
I read every available chapter in one go, this is very entertaining. Can't wait for next chapter :)
Chapter 8: I like it better without layout
Chapter 8: Poor Luhan tho but he got Minseok. There's more yixing? Oh yeah! Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 7: this is so sweet and awesome and cute and fluffy and amazing T^T
shane00 #8
Chapter 7: Update soon please. I can't wait to find out how zhang hansol came into their lives.
gagigu #9
new reader! and it's awesomeeeeeeeeeeeee. anyway the poster you got there is so prettyyyyy i DIE *_*