Chapter 1. 1

Whistle of the Wind

It was morning, and they sunlight peaked through the curtains of my bedroom. Today was the first day of high school and last night I met my new roommate Moon So Yung. Honestly I was afraid that my roommate would be one of the girls I would hate with all my guts by only looking at her. But that wasn’t the case. Actually we got along pretty well, and I think I’ve never felt so close to somebody that’s not even my own flesh and blood. She was one of those down to earth girls, just like me, shy, but at the same time confident. Her hair was long and dark and reached to the back of her shoulders; she was skinny, but not too skinny. The most mesmerizing thing about her was her eyes. They were light chocolate brown and warming. She had this so called eye smile. She didn’t need to make any movements with her lips, if she was happy, you would notice by looking at her eyes.  


I felt someone move around me, and I slowly opened my eyes. Soyung was sitting on the bedside my legs.

“you’re awake.’’ Soyung said, without looking at me.


Last night, we had slept in the same bed, because Soyung didn’t like sleeping alone. At first I thought it was a bit awkward, since we just had met, and I actually assumed she was making a move on me. But that thought gently passed by and was soon forgotten when she told me she had a boyfriend. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against lesbians or gay people, but I didn’t want to cause any confusion or misunderstandings with my new roommate.


She stopped caressing my legs and went to the cupboard and got dressed. She had already taken a shower, as I could see her hair was still wet. The air was lingering with the smell of citrus fruits and the mirror was covered with a thin layer of steam. I took a quick glance at the clock and went to get a shower.When I finished showering I pulled on my uniform and sat down by the breakfast table. Soyung had already prepared breakfast, a meal consisting of instant ramen and boiled eggs. Actually it was pretty yummy to be instant noodles.


"I think we’re already living like a married couples." I said as I swallowed down one of the boiled eggs.

She laughed and poured some milk into a cup.

"We should. After all, we’re gonna spend most of our days together for the next three years."


"Won’t your boyfriend be jealous." I teased. Soyung looked at me for second, and tilted her head closer to mine. "Well, he should be. I don’t know how much longer I can contain myself after touching your smooth legs." We both burst into laughter, and went to the kitchen to wash the rest of the dishes. This was exactly the kind of friendship I was looking for. A person I could trust, and joke about anything without feeling unsecure or burdened.

We didn’t have any lessons today, since it was the 1st day of school, and we were free to walk around the campus. Soyung’s pocket was vibrating, someone was calling her. She looked at the caller ID before she accepted the call.


"Hello, where are you?" Soyung asked. I didn’t know who she was talking to, so I looked at her with a question mark on my face.

“It’s my boyfriend, he attends the same school as us. He’s in the second year though." She whispered as I nodded my head slightly. She went back to her conversation.

"No, I’m not cheating on you, I was talking to my new roommate – which by the way is a girl! " She exclaimed and giggled before she hung up. She then turned around to look at me…

"He’s in the schoolyard, want to meet him?" 

"Yeah, sure." I said. "What’s his name?"

"His name is Tao."







A/NSo how was the first chapter? boring? I know,'s just an introduction though ^^'  the next chapters will be better, and longer...hopefully kekeke

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