Blood Red

Blood Red







You couldn’t discern the difference between the thumping of his heart and the steady patter of his feet anymore. The pain was tearing you apart and you started to take ragged gasps, clutching tighter onto him as you tried to relieve the torture you were going through.

“Hang in there, please. We can make it. I’ll bring you to safety.”

You can feel the rumble in his chest as he gasped out the words, drawing you protectively nearer to his chest as he sped through the dark corridors. His grasp on the back of your knees and over your shoulder tightened as he took a running leap over some spewed rubbish. His breaths were getting heavier now, and you knew it was because of you.

“Kai… Please. Put me down and run away.”

He barely glanced down at you and paid absolutely no heed to your words. Guilt started to build up in your chest as you felt his heartbeat quickening and the once steady strides he had been taking falter. He was one of the fastest people you knew, and he would definitely be able to get away if not for the extra weight that occupied his arms.

“Kai.. Please.”

“God dammit, shut up!”

He hissed, taking a sharp left turn as he continued to run into the night. You caught a glimpse of his eyes as he ran past a street lamp, and determination shone through them, just like always. For once, you wished he was a little more selfish, so that he would dump you somewhere and take off into the night. You even wished he was more cold-blooded, instead of retaining emotions that they were trained not to have.

Finally, over his heavy panting, you heard muted footsteps approaching.

“They’re coming.”

Kai cursed under his breath and sped up, but you knew it was no use. They would always catch up. The searing pain in your shoulder was becoming more and more unbearable and you gasped in pain, unintentionally wriggling in his arms.

“Stay still.”

His sharp retort made you freeze. You looked up at his face once more, trying to etch it deeply into your memories, and you prayed that you would still be able to remember it after your death. Tears unconsciously poured down you cheeks and you snuggled into his heaving chest for the last time.

“This is Kai. Please send back-up to where I am now. We are in immediate danger. I repeat, please send back-up.”

His breath was short and you knew he was reaching his breaking point at the moment he chose to ask for back-up. You smiled bitterly.

“It’s no use.”

Kai furrowed his eyebrows, ducking into another alley.

They are the back-ups.”


Kai nearly shouted, almost teetering off balance. His movements became more frantic as he scrambled to get his footing.

“What do you mean they are the back-ups?”

“I am the target.”

He skidded to a stop, looking at you incredulously. You took this chance, to jerk and roll out of his arms, huffing as you hit the ground. You tried to ignore the pain and instead looked up to the frozen Kai.

“So go, run. Save yourself.”

Kai just kept staring at you. You could hear the footsteps coming closer and you panicked.

“Kai, please-“

“Don’t call me that.”

You looked up in surprise at him, and noticed his clenched fists. He turned around and drew out his sword, much to your horror.

“I am no longer Kai. I am Kim Jong In.”

You wanted to run up to him and beat him up so that he would run, but your strength was diminishing rapidly. All you could do was try and talk him into running, but you knew that by now, it was impossible for him to budge.

“I’ll protect you,” Kai looked over his shoulder and you caught a glimpse of the smile that scampered across his lips. “I won’t let them hurt you.”

A shadow flickered and someone jumped at Kai, but Kai flashed his sword and blocked the attack. With a roar, he swung his sword down harshly but the person had jumped away.


Kai shouted, fending off yet another attack. You saw the pain in his eyes as he stared into the eyes of his comrade, who simply kicked the back of his leg and caused him to fall. The attacker finally stood back, nodding to the rest of his team.

“I got this.”

The team shifted back automatically.

“Kai, give it up. You know that I am leagues ahead of you. Let us finish her and we’re done here.”

The attacker removed his mask and you saw the familiar face of one of your best friends.  Kai’s eyes glimmered in anger.

“Tao… How could you? HOW COULD YOU?”

Tao simply shifted on his feet, moving into a defensive posture.

“Orders are orders.”

Suddenly, he lashed out but Kai swung his sword and the both of them clattered together. Kai struggled to push Tao’s sword out, but Tao easily overpowered him and forced Kai down on his knees. You shut your eyes helplessly as tears poured down your cheeks, your heart screaming in pain as you watched the two people you had grown up together with fight.

Tao frowned and finally spoke,

“Do you see? I am much stronger than you. I can still spare you, since you are not our target. But if you choose to get in the way, I will have no choice but to kill you.”

Tao flung his sword, causing Kai to hurtle back and hit the wall, groaning in pain. Tao signaled to the team and they approached you slowly, their swords glinting in the moonlight. You shut your eyes, saying your last prayers as your heart clenched.

“I-I won’t let you do that.”

The team spun around to see Kai struggling to stand. Digging his sword on the ground for support, he stood up tall and stared straight at Tao.

“I will beat you. I will beat you, because I am going to protect her. I will protect everyone that I love.”

In front of your eyes, Kai readied himself, aiming his sword at Tao. His stance was shaky, but his eyes were determined, and you knew, deep down, that there was no more chance. You regretted letting him find you injured and wished you had run down another alley instead.

“Just kill me,” You gasped, suddenly realizing the amount of pain that shot through you when you tried to move. “Let him go.”

Tao glanced at you before drawing out his sword,

“Come on, Kai, let’s see what you can do.”

Your vision was getting blurry as pain shot through you again, and you looked down, realizing you were sitting in a pool of blood. The world started to spin, but you could still hear the heart-wrenching cry as you saw the silhouette of Kai being overpowered easily. Tao whipped out something and you could hear the muffled voices of the duo,

“Tao,----guns-----—only swords.”

You tried to strain your ears to listen but could only catch a few words.

“----won’t mind-----easier-----clean up.”

Your head started to spin and you shook it frantically, trying to keep awake. But you could feel the blood pouring out of your wound, even if you tried to place your hand there to stop the bleeding. Suddenly, you heard a loud bang and you saw a body dropping to the ground.


That sound seemed to knock the breath out of you.

You let out a strangled cry and tried to move, but pain rendered you immobile. Tao turned to you and you could barely see him as he walked closer.

Your eyes flickered to the unmoving body and you let the tears slide down your cheeks.

“----cry----top agent----weak—“

You heard Tao’s voice as you saw a glint of his sword. Thoughts suddenly flashed through your minds, full of what ifs. If you three had not joined that cursed organization, if you guys had not given in to the burning desire to kill, the outcome could have been different. But for now, this was the path you, Kim Jong In and Huang Zitao had chosen; the path of blood and fighting.

The three of you had walked down the path of assassination, supposed cold blooded people with no emotions, with the only wish to eradicate whoever was chosen.

And that was how it would end.

Tao raised his sword and you saw a glint in his eyes. Was he crying? Could he feel the pain that they had been trained not to feel? Perhaps, somewhere in the depths of him, could he still retain the love for his childhood friends?

“I’m sorry.”

Now, those two words you could hear as clear as day. You smiled, with relief and with acceptance, your eyelids fluttering close before you felt a sharp pain.

Blood red stained the walls of the alley. 





*hides in embarrassment* 

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chocolatelove00 #1
Chapter 1: OMG I love hitsugaya as well. And this story is so heartbreaking yet I like it <3 Thanks for this wonderful story ^^