Intertwined Destiny


Ryu - The older son blessed with power, He has healing gifts, and is naturally skilled in holy magic and ice control he is considered very attractive for possessing such holy abilities but deep down Ryu has never really looked at girls other then his sister who he cares and loves very deeply Ryu doesent tell anyone but he can also preform a ressurection spell to temporary ressurect anything he wishes for he does this in secret for his little sister to make her happy. He despises anyone who makes fun of his sister for wearing a eye patch to cover her eye.

Ria - The younger sister, She is cursed with magic a Demons eye that can immobilze anyone who looks into it if they stare at it to long the eye will cause the person to go insane and kill themself. As a result Ria keeps her eyepatch on at all times though cursed with power and feared by everyone Ria is never negative she will always be optimistic and cheerfull towards everyone. She love her brother very much



(This story is on hiatus)


Young couple forbiddenly but deeply and stubbornly in love your heritage is of opposite descent.

Heed my warnings for if you countine to love the result will bless you two children A girl and boy

The Boy be first The girl be second  Older then younger

one shall be blessed with power  the other will be cursed with power

Do not let them seperate

They are the new balance to the world

Together they will be harmony

Seperated will be destruction

Heed my warnings young couple in love


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