Don't Leave Me In The Cold

Outcast: A New Light

Tiffany opened her eyes, her body felt like all the energy had drained from her just by waking up. She did her best to look around, and saw nobody in the room. Tiffany managed to sit up, but her body was still weak, she stood up, using the wall for support, and walked into the livingroom. She put one hand on her stomach and saw the members getting ready to leave, Key gave her a death glare, along with everyone else. But Jonghyun didn't even bother to look at her, instead he almost started crying.

Key walked over to her, "How could you do this, right after you started dating him."

"But I-" Key put his hand up to her face, which meant that he wasn't going to listen to her any longer. She desperately tried to hold in her tears as she watched them leave, with Key consoling Jonghyun along the way. She finally let the tears fall, breathing heavily, too.

"I don't want to do this, but, I think I might have to do this, for the sake of myself." She did her best to run into the bathroom and grab the steel blade that laid on the bathroom counter. She shook as she brought the blade to her arm, making a big slash all the way down her forearm. She dropped the blade and smiled as the blood rushed down onto the floor.

"Drip, drop, drip." She repeatedly said as she slid down the wall and watched each drop trickle onto the floor. She let out a big long sigh, along with a chuckle, until she heard someone open the door. "."

She could hear footsteps coming toward the bathroom door as her vision started fading, she wanted to stay awake longer to see who was at the door, but she honestly didn't care at this point. The door opened, and what was in the man's vision startled him,

"Tiffany!" His voice sounded a lot like Jonghyun's, but she couldn't make it out. "Tiffany, stay with me. Guys! Come in here now!"

"Jonghyun," She whispered, he leaned in closer, tears running down his cheeks. "I might be.."

"You might be, what?!" He started to scream, he heard the other members footsteps running down the long, endless hallway. 

"I might be...pregnant." She finally said before losing consciousness.


"Look, she's regaining consciousness." A voice said, Tiffany was sane enough to realize the voice was Key's. 

Jonghyun ran over, holding her hand as he got there. "Tiffany, why?" 

She blinked a few times as she adjusted to the light, "Where am I?"

"You're at the hospital," Key said, "I'm sorry we did this to you."

"No, It's my fault. I should've called the cops before Siwon me-"

"Wait, he you?! Why didn't you tell us?" Key exclaimed,

"You didn't sit your down long enough so I could!" She screamed, holding back the tears, much better than she did before.

"Also, what about this 'I might be pregnant' thing?" Jonghyun looked into her eyes,

"It means what I said, smart one." She said, starting to doze off again, Jonghyun looked worried that something was going to happen again,

"Are you okay? Do you need me to get the doctor?" He asked, 

"No, I'm just tired." She said, "Hey, from now on, promise me something."


"Never leave me in the cold,"

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Chapter 1: I'm excited to read more! Keep updating and I'll subscribe ^.^