Chapter 11

Love Me Again

Dear readers,

My apologies for this very very late update... I had been very busy and I finally had the time to finish this chapter.

Enjoy and again, thanks for your support!





That night, Somin was tossing, turning and couldn’t sleep.  She decided to text Hyun Joong.


2007-07-28 11:41 PM
Are you up?


Kim Hyun Joong
2007-07-28 11:41 PM
I was waiting for your call.


2007-07-28 11:42 PM
We can’t talk right now, my mom is still up she might hear me. My parents found out about you and me.


Kim Hyun Joong
2007-07-28 11:43 PM




Ten minutes had passed and Somin did not reply.  He waited another five minutes still no response.  He decided to call her but her voicemail came up.  He became more worried and restless after he tried calling her again a couple more times.  He held his phone and lye down on his bed and suddenly fell asleep. A couple hours later his phone rang and woke him up.  It was Somin calling.


He answered the call. “Somin?”


“Hey, I’m sooo sorry!  I had to turn off my phone, mom was hawking me all night!” She whispered.


“Where are you?” Hyun Joong asked.


“In my room! I made sure they’re asleep so we can talk.” She whispered.


“So… how did they find out?”


“My sister!  She’s a big blabber… she slipped and mom end up interogating her.”  She sighed. “Min Yun was here.. they called her in too! I’m glad she covered up for me.  I’m getting nervous about this and I feel  that something bad is going to happen.”


“Hey, don’t say that… Come on Somin, I’m here for you… You know I’d do anything to protect you.”


“I know…” Somin was silent for a minute.


“You're making me worried.  You okay?”


“Yah…” She sighed heavily after responding.


“What’s wrong?”


“I can’t see you tomorrow… I’m afraid someone might see us again and I just want to avoid issues before we leave…”


“Wait, did I just heard you right? Before “WE” leave? Does that mean you’re really coming with me?”


“Yes, I’ve decided to go with you…”


He felt relieved after hearing her revelation. “So I’ll see you at the airport then?”


“Yes, let’s meet there instead.”


“Somin, thank you! I really thought you will refuse my offer… It’s too bad I can’t see you tomorrow.” He sighed.


“It will only be a day okay?  Anyway, I will let you go… sleep now and don’t call me… just send me text messages okay?”


“Okay…” He replied sadly.  “Good night honey!”


“Honey?” She asked. “Tsss… honey…” then she giggled.


“Why you don’t like it?”


“No! Umm.. yah… I do…” So min continued to giggle.


“Anyway, good night Somin and I love you!” Hyun Joong said it again.


“Love you too…” She replied back while giggling.


They ended their call and went to sleep.




The next morning, Somin spent her entire day at the flower shop with her mother to help out.  She can’t stop thinking how she’s going to miss being with her family after she leaves.  That afternoon, her father called the store and asked for her to join him for a late lunch together. They end up at a restaurant nearby his office.  As she sat down, her father noticed Somin is a bit uneasy and nervous.


“Nervous?” Mr. Jung asked.


“No… Why?” She let out a big sigh.


“You should be…”


“Is this why did you called me in?”


“Yes, and you disappointment me because I know about your plans with Hyun Joong…” Mr. Jung said sounding very serious and upset.


“Appa? How?”  Confused. Then tears started trickling down her cheeks.


“You can never fool me Somin.  Did you know what mess you put me in right now? I have the Kims and the Parks calling me. How could you possibly assume these people can’t track and trace you two? We wouldn’t be here if they didn’t!  So I am going to put a stop to this right here… right now!” Exasperated.


“What do you mean appa?” Somin retorted.


“I’m flying you to Australia tonight - no ifs or buts Somin!  You will be going to school there and you better stop talking nor seeing Hyun Joong moving forward!  FOR GODSAKES HE’S MARRIED TO THE PARKS!”


“… and by doing this you think it will solve the problem?” She asked. 


“I will do everything in my capabilities to make you stay away from him!”


“But I love him!” Somin responded.


“Love? What do you know about love?  You’re too young to think about love… You better start thinking about the future.  Our family’s future!” He said firmly.


Somin just cried silently.  She can’t find words to depend herself especially now that the families are getting involved.


“Everything has been arranged for you… your school and your apartment. ”


Somin cut him off.


“NO! I’m not going appa! NO!” Somin was sobbing.


“Somin, all I’m trying to do here is to protect you!”  The tears pooled in Mr. Jung eyes. “WETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, YOU’RE GOING… AND IF I HAVE TO DRAG YOU MYSELF TO THE AIRPORT, I WOULD!”


Somin was silent and could not stop crying.  After the meeting, two men in black suit and tie appearedin front door of the restaurant.


She looked at her father in disgust and said, “Do you really have to do this appa? Like REALLY? Bodyguards?”


“I’m sory Somin, but I’d rather be safe than sorry! I’m doing this for your own good!”  Mr. Jung handed Somin’s passport and ticket. “Your flight is at 6:00pm so you still have 2 hours to go.  I’ll see you in two days…”


Somin didn’t pay attention and grabbed the passport violently.  The bodyguard escorted her to a white van and as soon as she open the door, she saw her mom and sister.


“What is this all about?” Somin asked as she enter the van.


“We’re all moving to Australia Somin…” Mrs. Jung responded with disappointment.


“All you fault!” Min Ah cried.


“Your father has decided to leave Korea because the Jungs and the Kims are getting involved.  They’re planning of pulling out their shares because of your situation with Hyun Joong.  You know what impact will that be for our business?” Mrs. Jung said in anguish.


Somin was speechless. She sat in silent and fishes for her phone in her purse…




“UMMA!” Somin cried in pain.


“Somin, you’ve caused this family a BIG problem, PLEASE ENOUGH already….”


Korean Air took off at exactly 6:00pm and the Jungs were all heading to Australia to start a new life.




The next day, Hyun Joong found himself on his bedroom floor.  “What the f$%^ am I you doing here? Arrgghhh… my head!” He got up and headed to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water.  He went out drinking the night before as his friends gave him a farewell party. Minutes later, his mother barge in his room..




“Umma? He sigh. “What’s with you? It’s too early to get hyper!”




“Why do you care?” He responded irritated.


“YOU BETTER FIX YOUR PROBLEMS WITH SHIN HYE OR I’LL CUT EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE!” Mrs. Kim yelled out in her angry tone while walking back in forth in front of him.


“What else is new….. I hear this everytime you’re upset at me… Don’t worry mom, I will!” He responded cooly.


Mrs. Kim stop her tracks, she was about to say something about Somin but she paused herserlf instead…


“What time is your flight tonight?”


“Why do you need to know and since when did you start caring?”




“As if you and dad respected me and my whole being! I wouldn’t be surprise if you sell Eun Jo when you put yourselves in another hole.” He responded while putting on a fresh white shirt.


Mrs. Jung was about to slap her son but she stopped.


“Go ahead mom, slap me… you’re more than welcome!  You can hurt me all you want, I don’t care anymore!“ Hyun Joong added as he stood face to face with his mother.


Mrs. Kim was speechless, she sighed deeply and walked away from his room thinking… “Your dad and I didn’t mean to put you in this situation! I’m really sorry Hyun Joong!”


Hyun Joong ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration. “Great!  That’s where you’re good at mom… walking away from our problems!”


He then started packing all his clothes but suddenly his phone beeped.


Jung Somin
2007-07-30 1:38 PM

 See you tonight.


Kim Hyun Joong
2007-07-30 1:39 PM

 Where were you? I’ve been texting you all day yesterday. I missed you very very much!


He waited for her reply but didn’t hear back from her.  He thought she might be busy packing so he decided to put down his phone.


When it was almost time for him to leave, he was wondering why Somin hasn’t text him yet. He headed to Incheon Airport 2 hours early hoping to see her there but no Somin can be found.  Instead, he saw Shin Hye sitting at the lounge looking at him while sipping a cup of tea. be continued....




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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 11: Pls update it author..
Amazon34 #2
Chapter 11: oh plsssssss update soooonnn I love this story please:(
flowerrose #3
Chapter 10: Update soon please i love this story
baek_hani #4
Chapter 11: Oh...poor HJ and Somin..their family separate them...thanks for update...waiting for the next chapter.
Chapter 11: Too bad..:(
Chapter 11: oh no! poor hj. he'll be waiting for nthing
Chapter 11: Seriously hate shin hye. She did what she threatened. Why can't she leave him alone. I mean if he is not in love with her, it's better for her to be separate from him rather than forcing him to stay with him.
Chapter 11: poor them T.T
160Mhel #9
Chapter 11: Too bad.....
lotus16 #10
Chapter 7: Thank you for this story. They are like romeo and juliet but hope not a sad ending for them. I beginning to hate shinhye. Wow im so attached to the story. Pls update.