
Because It's Complicated.

Hwa jeom naejima~ Hajima~ Jebal geureojima~

Who the is calling at this hour…. I thought to myself.

I picked up my mobile phone after my hand fumbles for it, which was at the side of my pillow. Half awake, I answered the call by sliding the virtual answer button on the screen, with both of my eyes are half opened.

“Good Morning, Princess~” a husky voice greeted me, that husky voice which I know the most. A cheerful husky voice.

“Oppa… why in the world did you wake me up during this hour….? Waeeee?” I grunted with my left hand punching the mattress. It’s Saturday, for goodness sake!

“Why? Because you, DaeHyunie and me are going for a jog this morning, so I want you to get ready” his voice sounded cheerful. Something must’ve gone wrong somewhere.

Sheesh. Has he out of his mind? Did he sleep last night? Is he drunk?

This is so not him.

“Oppa, are you drunk? Did you sleep last night?” I shot him with questions as I sat up on my bed, with my back against the wall and still, my eyes are half opened.

“No and Yes. Yah, cut the crap and get ready all ready. I’ll be there in fifteen with DaeHyunie~”

“MWO?? 15? BUT I HAVENT SHOWER YET! HELLO? OPPA? HIMCHAN OPPA!!!!” I screamed through the phone but there is no use. He already hangs up on me.


Just because he’s older doesn’t really mean he can order us around. I’m pretty sure that DaeHyun is suffering as much as I am. He hates waking up early in the morning.

I got off from the bed and began to undress myself before reaching the cream coloured towel with was hanged cloth hanger next to my bed. I took one quick shower after brushing my teeth. The cold water drizzled on my body has made me alert with the surrounding and also has made me learnt that it wasn’t a dream when HimChan called me.

Once done, I got out from the shower, shivering, and made my way straight to the wardrobe and picked out a green pair of three-quarter track pants, a white t-shirt and a green velvet hoodie. After getting ready, I got out from my dorm and found HimChan was waiting for me with DaeHyun sleeping inside the car. HimChan stood by his car, leaning against the build of his silver Hyundai.

“What took you so long?” HimChan nagged, he caught me by my neck and pretends to perform a head lock on me. He playfully grinds his knuckle from his other hand on my head.

“Yah~ Geumanhaera~” I tried to push him away but he is too strong for me. I guess he has been working out lately. Once he loosens the grip, he opened the door to the passenger seats for me and he tilted his head, beckoning me to get in. He chuckled as I stuck my tongue out at him.

DaeHyun occupied the front seat which was lowered to the back and his head was slanted, resting his head on the seat belt base. HimChan then got onto the driver’s seat and ignite the engine before the car accelerates swiftly.

I bent forward so that I could wrap my arms around DaeHyun, just to wake him up, just for the sake of mocking about. He grunted as he grabs hold onto my clasp which I thought he’d try to pull it off but his hand remained on my hands.

“Johun achim, hwangja-nim~” I cooed as I press myself harder against the backside of the front passenger seat.

“Good morning to you too, gongju-nim~” DaeHyun greeted in a coarse voice with his eyes were still fully shut. I could sense the unwillingness of DaeHyun to wake earlier than his normal wake up time just to go for an unexpected jog with HimChan.

HimChan sneered in disgust since he was driving. The traffic that morning was fine that the pointer on the accelerometer moves further up compared to normal days in Seoul City and with that, the atmosphere inside the car felt into silent, when DaeHyun had fallen back asleep, HimChan concentrating with his driving and me, listening to the music from my iPod quietly.


It took us ten minutes of driving to get to the park. Although it’s still early, there are quite a number of cars parked at the car park by the park. After warming up, the excited HimChan was eager to start without waiting for DaeHyun and me. He was meters away from both of us and sooner, HimChan can’t be seen in front of us.

“What makes him asking us to go for a jog with him?” I asked.

“I don’t know really but I think it’s because of the coffee he had last night…”

“But I thought he had some sleep” I said, recalling the conversation I had with HimChan earlier before we got into the car.

“He tried though. I mean, we’re talking about five cups of coffee.  He knows you’ll get worked up by this so he keeps himself shut” DaeHyun explained. His eyes were on his untied laces on his left sneakers but he did not bother to stop and sort the lace out.

“Ah, I see. No wonder he eagerly dragging us to jog with him. Well, he’ll get it from me” I threatened and DaeHyun chuckles as he watches me.

I stopped jogging abruptly. DaeHyun stops too.

Something is not right. Although it’s too early for DaeHyun to wake up, he wouldn’t still be sleepy after he wakes up.

“And you…” I eyed him suspiciously before continuing.

“What makes you like this?”

“Like what?” DaeHyun was confused. Maybe I need to rephrase the previous question.

“You being a sleepy head, why’s that?” I know I’m being nosy, asking him questions like this but that’s what I usually do, he doesn’t seem to bother and plus, its fun.

“Oh…” he chuckles. His pale cheeks are starting to show the rosy colour or simply, blushing.

“Had drinks with JiEun Noona. I got back quite late and that’s how I know HimChan Hyung was on caffeine” he claimed.

JiEun Noona?

Somehow I can feel a lump stuck in my throat.

Why is that?

“Yah, mind helping me?” he asked.

“Go on…”

DaeHyun seized my wrist and dragged me to the park’s nearest wooden bench. He pressed my shoulders, beckoning me to sit. “Don’t move” he said before taking a seat next to me and rested his head on my shoulder.

“Yah! Jung DaeHyun! Who do you think I am?” I poked his cheek with my index finger. He then chuckles, still decided not to lift up his head from my shoulder.

“Let’s just stay like this for a bit, huh? I’m tired” he claimed.






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