Confessions and Dirty Tricks

The Swap

6 months later

“Yes mom, he sleeps all through the night,” she laughed, “I’m just as surprised as you are,” she looked at Luhan holding Julian, “Ok well I’ll send you the pictures. Tell Dad I love him. Bye,”

Evangelia hung up the phone and sat on the couch with Luhan as he looked at her 1 month baby. He had dark curly hair and was a mixture of their skin tones. Luhan kissed the baby’s chubby cheek as he yawned big and tried to open his eyes. He didn’t though and Luhan laughed.

“He’s so little,”

“Does he look like you when you were a baby?” she played with Luhan’s hair

He stared at the baby close, “No he looks like you,” he smiled at her

“Well maybe he’ll look like you when he gets older,” her phone ranged, “Hello?”

“Hey stranger,”

“Kyungsoo Oppa!” Luhan quickly looked at Evangelia, his heart squeezed a bit when she called Kyungsoo Oppa. He knows they don’t have romantic feelings for each and he knows Oppa is a term of endearment but it’s still hard to hear her say it to Kyungsoo.

“Why are you calling me that?” he chuckled

“Because I know you like to hear it from time to time,” she giggled

“Well someone has had too much Kool-Aid,”

“I can’t wait till you guys see him. He is so cute. Is everyone coming?”

“Everyone but Sehun but he sends his love in awesome gifts he and Natalie got for Julian,”

“Aw that’s sweet. Are your nieces coming?”

“Just Christina. Sloane and Madison are staying with my mom,”

“Well let me know when you’re plane arrives so we can come pick you up,”

“No we’ll just come to the apartment. Gotta keep little man safe,”

“He’s safe always. One drive to the airport won’t matter,” she smiled

“I know but I don’t want to stress you out ok?”

“Ok, Oppa. See you soon,”

“Bye,” she hung up the phone and sighed loudly as she sat next to Luhan, “Everyone’s coming. I’m so excited,”

Luhan smiled at her then looked her straight in the eye, “Since when did you call Kyungsoo Oppa?”

“Only from time to time. When I first met him he used to get mad at me because I never addressed him as Oppa. I never got the big deal til he told me that’s what younger girls call Korean men. I told him he’s not in Korea and he just pouted for days. Then one day I just called him Oppa. He turned bright red and then babbled on about how I didn’t need to call him that but I knew he liked it,” she smiled at Luhan

“You guys are still close, that’s good,” she noticed he was a little sad

“Are you scared?”


“Are you scared to tell them about us?”

“I just don’t want Kyungsoo hating me more than he already does,”

“He doesn’t hate you,”

He gave her a look, “Come on now. He hasn’t been that friendly to me. He only tolerates me because of you. I was hoping to be friends with him,”

“He’s just a little territorial and he doesn’t like change and it takes him awhile to accept change. The only reason why he accepted me being pregnant so fast was because he only had 9 months to accept it. With you it may take longer but I think he will come around when he sees how you treat me and how much you care about us because Luhan you’re a great man,”

She pulled his face towards her and kissed him slowly savoring the moment. Luhan moaned slightly in as he opened with his tongue. They kissed for what seemed like forever. When they finally pulled away, Luhan said, “I love you,”


Yuri had her 8 year old daughter Christina by the hand as Kris, DO, Kai and Chanyeol got their luggage.

“Seohyun sleep well,” she raised her eyebrows as she looked at the younger girl

“I didn’t mean to drool on poor Chanyeol,”

“I’m sure he didn’t mind,”

“I wanted to sit next to Kai but he switched his seat so he could sit with DO Oppa. Trust me I’m a little bummed,” she looked at Chanyeol carrying her luggage, “I have it Oppa,”

“No let me,” he smiled big for her

“I think you have a crush on the wrong man,” said Yuri


“I think Chanyeol likes you,”

“I think so too,” said Christina

“Listen to the child. She knows her stuff, partly because I’m her mother,” she caressed her daughter’s hair as they started walking towards the taxi cabs

“Chanyeol likes me? No he’s just being nice,”

“Well he’s not nice to me,”

“It’s because you’re married to Kris and Kris would probably rearrange his face,” she laughed

“I think during this trip you should keep an opened mind,”

“Ok Unnie, whatever you say,”

“So who is going to ride with Chanyeol in the first car?” said DO

“Seohyun will,” Yuri pushed the younger girl towards the gentle giant. She tripped over her own feet but Chanyeol caught her around the waist. She blushed when she realized how close their faces were to each other.

“Sorry Oppa,” she fixed her clothes as she quickly looked at Kai as he held his two thumbs up stating that he approved. She slightly frowned as she got into the taxi with Chanyeol

“Real smooth sis,” DO whispered to Yuri

“Was it that obvious?”

“Just a little babe,” smiled Kris

“I do what I can,” Christina, Kris and Yuri got into the next cab and Kai and DO go into the last one


A million things were running through Evangelia’s head as she got ready for her guest. Chances are they were going to their hotel first to freshen up and then come to her condo so she had plenty of time to make some food and clean her house a bit.

Luhan put Julian in his crib, kissed the baby’s forehead. He then thought back to how Evangelia reacted to his confession; a confession he didn’t mean to make so soon.




“I love you,”

Evangelia pulled away as she stared at Luhan, “What?” he blushed as he realized what he had just said and he couldn’t take it back. It was out now, floating in the air.

“I um…um…well I mean it but um…I…didn’t mean to say it so soon,”

“But you mean it,”

“Yea I do. I love you,”

“Wow I don’t know what to say,”

“You don’t have to say anything,”

“Usually when you say that you really want the person to say something,” she chuckled as she played with her ponytail. She had never said those magic words to anyone. Well she did say them once to someone special a long time ago but nothing came of it. And it was strange how she thought of that person when Luhan said those words. She shook her head and stood up.

“No really you don’t have to say anything. I just wanted you to know. I know we just started this relationship but I feel as if I’ve known you my whole life,” she looked at him shocked, “Cheesy I know but it’s the truth. I feel so close with you,” he walked towards her and held her, “Even though we’ve never seen each other ,” she laughed as she looked into his eyes

“Do you want to see me ,” she

“Oh gosh don’t say stuff like that to me,” he laughed, “I want us to be honest with each other,”

“I’m glad you are so honest so I have to be honest too. It’s too soon for me to say I love you to you but I really, really, really care about you and I adore you and I like spending time with you,”

“Same here,” he kissed her lips



“Wow this hotel is nice,” said Yuri as they all stood in the lobby and Kai and DO went to get the keys to the rooms

“Very fancy,” said Chanyeol

“Wow Dad look at the pool,” said Christina

“Well we know where you will be later young lady,” Kris hugged his eldest as she smiled

“So how the ride?” Yuri asked Seohyun

“That was a dirty trick Unnie,”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

She pulled her shades off as she glared at the older woman who laughed at first then frowned like she getting punished as a kid.

“He wouldn’t stop smiling about it,”

“Chanyeol is a sweet dork who I think would be good for you. Kai is so not right for you. He’s nice but he has had way too many partners. Wouldn’t you rather be with a man who is so innocent and pure?”

“Don’t pull that crap with me. Chanyeol was very promiscuous in college. He didn’t have that deep voice for nothing. The honeys used to flock to him like he was candy and he didn’t turn any of them away either,”

“Well he stopped all that but Kai is still doing that. I’m not saying he won’t treat you right. We are all friends here but I just want the best for you and Chanyeol is such a lovely man now. Like I said before keep your mind open,” she nudged the younger girl

“Well we have some bad news,” said DO

“What?” asked Kris

“Well they booked really fast because of the Star Trek Convention in town and someone accidentally gave two of our rooms away,”

“Which rooms?” asked Seohyun

“Yours Seohyun and yours Chanyeol but they have accommodated us with an upgrade room. It’s really nice too but you two will have to share it,”

“What!” they said at the same time

Once everyone settled into their rooms they were off to see Julian and Evangelia.

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sevixx #1
Chapter 22: Totally forgot about this story. That brawl was a long time coming but hopefully Luhan will eventually listen to what actually happened.
Mianeyo #2
Chapter 3: Nobody will ever call this a run of the mill story
Mianeyo #3
Chapter 2: insemination party, dont hear that everyday
sevixx #4
Chapter 21: Oh my glob oh my glob oh my glob!!!! I feel anxious.....
Kyungonmexxx #5
Chapter 20: If it bothers you I guess, but I don't really see a reason to put the story on hiatus. I don't think the story is hurting anyone, but it's whatever you want to do. ^^
sevixx #6
Chapter 20: It's cool to break from it if it bothers you, I don't mind. It still hasn't fully sunken in that Kris is really leaving.
Chapter 20: I already made a comment on your other story, but again...please don't go away forever. lol :(
twinrlw9 #8
Chapter 20: I think a break is good for now. This situation has everyone messed up.
Just like the movie,but better