Hoodie and The Wolf (And The Raging Dragon???)

The Couple Next Door (Sequel To Ahjumma Next Door)




Hoodie and The Wolf (And The Raging Dragon???)








''How's noona?'' Seungri asked Jiyong who was busy reading the files on his table.



''She was still asleep when I left. She was really drunk.'' Jiyong said as he yawned.



''Still sleepy?''



''Isn't it obvious?  What the hell are you doing here again, anyway? You're not supposed to be here.'' Jiyong stopped reading for a while to face the maknae.




''But it's boring at home. Besides, CL's off to work too.'' he said as he pouted and settled himself on the chair before Jiyong's desk.




''Yah! Where's Dadoong? Where did you left him this time?''



''I left him at the guard ahjussi. Yah! Am I really demoted to being Dadoong's cat-sitter? I hate you hyung!'' Seungri grumbled and looked away.




''Aigoo... What are your free meals for? Pschht! Be thankful to your Dara noona, she finds you adorable. But I doubt it now that you harassed my baby girl last night, you ert! I haven't forgiven you yet!'' Jiyong snapped at him remembering how Seungri grabbed Dara's by her waist.




''I'm sorry hyung, I didn't know it was her. Do you think I'd do that had I known it was noona? I have high respect for both of you, you know!''



''Respect my ! How come you asked Se7en hyung to invite some girls? What if we were caught in the act? We're all probably floating dead bodies on Han River by now, you idiot!'' Jiyong slammed the files on his table.









''Bro, Tablo hyung is looking for you. He needs you to see this.'' Youngbae said as he peeped through the door to Tablo's office.



''Alright bro.'' Jiyong stood up before turning to Seungri. ''Yah, go home. You'll be back to work next week. Why can't you wait a bit longer?''



''Aisht. You know I can't just stay at home hyung! Let's have lunch together, neh? I'll wait for you and the boys.''



''Sorry. I still have a lot of things to do. You find someone else to pester, arasso?''



''Yah!'' Seungri called Jiyong but the latter already disappeared through Tablo's office.



''Aisht...'' Seungri sulked but before he could sit down, his phone rang.



''Yoboseyo? Neh... Hyung! Now? Sure! Sure! Hehehe... You know I'll always be free and I'll be most willing to dump my sched for you... Neh... See you.''



Seungri smiled as he ended the call. ''Aigoo... It feels so good to have a lot of hyungs.''









''I'm sorry sir, but Ms. Lee is still in a meeting right now.''



''Oh... I'll just wait for her here, then.'' He said as he settled himself on the couch at the waiting area. Having nothing yet to do since his appointments will start next week, Joongki decided to pay a visit to CL... Besides, he's really curious to meet someone. Someone he's been looking forward to see after a long time.




''Hyung!'' Seungri came running in, panting, as he reached Joongki. ''Sorry, I'm late. Where are the girls?''



''They're on a meeting right now. Bet we should wait a bit more. You hungry already?'' Joongki asked him.



''Hmmm... Jiyong hyung brought me breakfast this morning. But now my stomach is already rumbling actually. I asked hyung to go out for lunch but he's busy.'' Seungri said as he sat beside Joongki.




''Aigoo. Just call me if you need someone to be with neh? CL's too busy to take me around Seoul. Maybe you can accompany me some time. I've been away for too long, it's hard to remember the places. A lot has changed.'' Joongki said matter-of-factly.



''Oh sure, hyung! No prob---''





''Yah rat! What are you doing here?''




Seungri looked back and saw CL along with Minzy heading towards them. Dara was far behind the two, cradling a phone to her ear, as she was instructing something to her assistant Krystal.




''Hey, Chaerin... Is that how you treat your boyfriend? Aisht you little brat!'' Joongki stood up and went towards CL. He eyed his cousin and pinched her cheeks.










''Oppa! Why are you here? Are you going to treat us for lunch?'' Minzy asked.



''Ani! He's here to bully me!'' CL answered as she glowered at Joongki.




Dara was startled with the noise not too far from her. She turned to her side, where Minzy and CL's giggles can be heard along with two manly laughter. Immediately, she let out a gasp when she saw a tall man with that dazzling smile so familiar, memories from her childhood came flooding her mind.



The boy in their greenhouse.


The boy who used to sneak inside her secret playground.


The boy who was her only playmate back when she's still young.



So he's back. He's really back.








''Op-pa...'' she thoughtlessly said.








Her thoughts were only interfered when she heard Jiyong's voice on the other line.




''Aigoo. Did I just hear you say oppa?'' Jiyong chuckled on the other line.






''Yah, are you okay?'' Jiyong asked her while still laughing at her.






''You sure?''



''O-of c-c-ourse.'' she stuttered more when Joongki turned to her. She looked away uneasily and tried to calm herself.



''Say it once more, I like it! O---p-pa. Ppalli!'' Jiyong told her as he put a stress on the word oppa.



''No! No way!''




''Yah ahjumma, say it.''




''Stop it Jiyong!''






''Aigoo... Baby girl's shy. Hahaha! What is it that you want us to talk about, by the way? Let's have lunch together. Wait for me. I'm on my way.''



''A-r-rasso. I'll tell you about it later. I'll just wait for you. Neh... Bye.''











''Oh come on. Let's all have lunch together!'' Joongki said with excitement sparkling in his eyes.



''Yahoo! I'm starving! Ppalli ppalli ppalli!!!'' Minzy said as she went beside Joongki.



''Unnie, join us too neh?'' CL said, trying to convice Dara.



''A-A-ni... I'm waiting for someone. You go ahead.'' she said briefly.




''Oh... Is that so noona? Or you're just staying away from me?'' Seungri asked as he pouted his lips. ''I'm sorry for what I did last night. I really didn't mean it.''



''Aigoo, Seungri-ah... Let's not talk about it anymore, neh?'' Dara said as he patted the boy's head before accidentally switching her gaze to the man beside Seungri.



''I thought you'll never spare me a glance.'' the man said as he showed her his infamous innocent smile while wiggling his brows.



Dara could just bat her eyes as she struggled to find the appropriate word to say.



''O-o-ppa...'' she blurted out.




''Unnie, Joongki oppa has been asking about you since the other night.'' Minzy informed her.



''Oh... Is t-t-hat s-s-o?'' she said and she just wanted to bang her head on the wall for feeling this awkward with him around.



''Aigoo... You haven't changed. Stop acting like that!'' the man said as he chuckled. ''You still stammer so bad.''



''That's the worst habit she couldn't ever let go.'' CL said.



Joongki looked at her with a smirk planted on his lips and she just needed to shake away that familiar feeling. She didn't like the way he smirks for she knows, he's planning a prank in his head.



Well that was back when they were still kids. Things might be different now.




''Aigoo... Nothing's changed. It's nice to know that some things are still the same.'' he said as he went closer to her. ''Like you stammering and being awkward... It's just that, you're dressed properly now. And who would've thought you'd grow up prettier than I expected?'' the man chuckled as he bent down a bit and leveled his gaze to hers.







''Aigoo, Dee...''



''Dee???'' Seungri, CL and Minzy repeated in chorus making Joongki turn to them nonchalantly.



''Wae?'' the man turned to the three. ''This girl, I'm fond of calling her hoodie! Dee for short.''



''I didn't know you became that close...'' CL told Joongki as she tilted her head.



Dara could just purse her lips as she tried to keep calm. She knew it. He's gonna spill all her hidden childhood secrets.



''Y-y-ah... Stop it, will you?'' she told as she blushed in embarrassment. She doesn't want to remember her childhood. It's pure of bitterness and pain being locked and kept away from the world.



''Omo, they didn't know?'' Joong ki asked her before turning to the three who just answered with their eager shaking of their heads. ''Oh, they were still toddlers back then.''



''S-top it.''



Joongki draped an arm around her as he pointed at her while telling his story to Seungri, CL and Minzy. ''She used to wear a lot of cloaks and hoodies back then, aigoo! She looks like little red riding hood! You girls thought she just stays in her room all day long? You're wrong! She sneaks out of their house thinking no one's gonna see her. And she gets a lot of scolding aft--- OOUUCCH!!!''




''I told you to stop, you big bad wolf! Yah!!!''









The girls and Seungri just stood frozen as they switched their gaze from Dara to Joongki who's now rubbing his tummy after earning a nudge from Dara.



They didn't think Dara could be this quick tempered. Never in their wildest imagination.



''Yah, what's wrong with you? I was just sharing our childhood memories!'' Joongki snapped at her.



''Y-ou... Y-ou... You're embarrassing me! I don't want to go back to that part of my life! Especially because there's a bully like you!'' she said as she pointed at him.



''Oh, so this is how you welcome me?'' Joongki squinted his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest as he bent forward, leveling his face on hers.



''Who says you're welcome here in the first plac----''





''What's going on here?''







''Jiyong oppa?''














My eyes turned into tiny slits as I focused my attention to the man who's busily blabbering nonsense about the childhood s he shared with my baby girl. That bastard. How dare him shove it to my face that he knows my girl well?

And did i just saw him wrap an arm around my girl awhile ago back at DB & Co? The nerve of this man!!!


I know I should respect him the way I respect Teddy and Se7en hyung. But dang! I don't even understand why I find him too good to be true. He acts innocently but talks with these people playfully. I could just stab my food with the fork I'm holding.




''You always try to annoy us because Teddy and Se7en oppa always gang up on you and you're just trying to get back by bullying me.'' Dara said as she pursed her lips and focused on her food.



''Aigoo, hoodie's really slow. You only realized that now?'' Joongki said as he reached out across the table and shuffled Dara's hair earning him a smack on his arm.



Haha! Good for you. That's right jagiya! Ahjumma FTW!


Wait, yah!!! Why is this ahjumma acting comfortable with him? She can even easily fight with him? Talk to him? Argue with him?


And they look... Close? NOOOO!!!



''Stop it, oppa! Aisht!'' Dara said as she moved back then closer to me. I could just wrap my arm around her protectively and fix her hair.



How dare him!



Wait a sec.... OPPA?






I cleared my throat before speaking. Aisht!



''Hey hyung, your food's getting cold.'' I told the man. He keeps on teasing Dara over lunch and it's just so annoying.



''Oh... Sorry. She's really funny.''


Pscht. Laughing at the expense of my girl.



''Oppa, don't you have plans of going on a vacation? You can't just keep on going around Seoul. There are lots of great places to visit.'' CL said as she munched on her plaTe.




''Aigoo.. I don't have much time. I'm actually here for work.''



I smirked internally upon hearing it.


At least he's here for work. Hah! We won't get to see him much.


 I don't quite comprehend it but there's something about this man that makes my blood boil.


Probably because he's really touchy with Dara.


Screw him. It took me a lot of hardships just to make my girl feel comfortable in my presence... In my touch... She faints almost all the time before and bangs her forehead on mine I even suffered a lot of bumps on my forehead while he's practically showing me right now he can do it anytime.


Oh get lost!


But... He's older. He's probably just like Teddy and Se7en hyung. Yeah, that's how it should be. So I tried to act casually.



Must keep calm.

















''Hyung, what are you doing here by the way? I thought you said you're busy?''




Damn this babo! Can't he just shut his mouth?



''Omo, Jiyong-ah, why didn't you tell me so? We might be disturbing you.'' Dara said apologetically.




''Aisht. I need a lunch break too, jagiya.'' I said as I smiled at her.



I glanced at the man who's now silent on his seat. Finally. I sighed in relief. I started digging into my food. Finally I can eat peacefully.


''Where's Daesung and Youngbae, Jiyong? Well, just wondrin' why you're here and they're not.'' Joongki asked Jiyong while slicing the meat on his plate.



I let go of my fork and knife with a clank. This man's seriously draining my patience.


And I am not a very patient person to start with.



''Youngbae and Daesung went to check on a bank robbery incident in Mapo-gu. I wasn't able to join them coz I had to study some old cases' files along with our head.'' I said with a blank face. ''Besides, those two aren't my bodyguards hyung. You can't expect them to follow me everywhere I go.'' I said with a sarcastic smile on my face.



I was waiting for his reply but he never gave me one. Instead, he just nodded and went back to his food.


''Omo! That's why oppa isn't answering my calls. I hope he's fine.'' Minzy said.



''Don't worry Minzy-ah... They're okay.''



I made a mental note to ignore his question next time he asks me the way he almost ignored my answer a while ago. I looked at Dara beside me whose busying herself with her food. Aigoo, my baby's probably so hungry working so hard. She must have felt my gaze on her and immediately looked my way. I winked at her and she almost choked on her food.



Can I squeal at her cuteness?



Ehermmm. Forget it. That's not cool. I'm the great Kwon Jiyong.



''Y-y-ah... Eat Jiyong.'' she said and I can just go back to my own food.



The whole meal at least became normal with the man being silent and all but his glances didn't escape my eagle eyes.



I was about to ask him about his work here when my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and the . It's Tablo hyung.



''Excuse me.'' I stood up and went to a corner.







''Yah! Where are you! What's taking you so long?''



''Hyung, I'll be back in 15 minutes.''



''Make sure about that. We need to work on this case.''


''Arasso.'' Heol. I could just say that with a heavy heart.




I walked towards our table and sat beside my girl.


''Jagiya, I need to go.'' I said as I held her hand.


''But you haven't finished your food yet.'' she complained.



''I'm sorry baby, something came up.'' I told her before turning to the girls. ''You keep safe on your way back to your office.''



''Neh oppa.'' the two nodded.



''Yah, rat, you wanna go with me to the HQ?''


The rat looked at me then at Joongki hyung.



''Ani, I'm going out later with Joongki hyung.'' he grinned proudly, I could just send him meaningful glares.



Ahh... So he's getting close to that sickly pale looking guy.



As if I care.


''Arasso...'' i said before turning to Joongki hyung. ''I'm going hyung.''


''Oh, keep safe. I'll bring the girls back to their office later.'' he answered.



I glared at him for a while before nodding. If it's just Dara he's driving back to DB & CO, I won't agree. Definitely I won't! But she's with the girls and Seungri, alright so I guess that would be fine. I ce more to Dara who was sipping her juice. I kissed her on her cheeks making her turn to me.



''Bye baby. See you tonight at home.'' I told her but before she could nod, I held her face and kissed her full on her lips making the other people gasp in surprise.



That's... That's a few seconds in heaven. Gaaaah...



I chuckled at her blushing face. I stood up and waved a hand at everyone before walking away.



''Omo... Jiyong oppa is so sweet.'' I heard Minzy say.


Hahaha! Hell, I am!



Take that, Song Joongki!!













That... That was...




Urghhh! That bastard!


Hey, why am I reacting this way? I came here to see the people who became part of my childhood in Seoul. To meet my real friends... My family.



Buy to top it all, I'm really curious about the most unique girl I've ever come across with.


My little Dee in a hoodie... How cute could she get?


Ani... She's not the weird little girl anymore. She's now a woman. A beautiful woman as I expected she would be.



I was glad somehow, she's still the same quick tempered girl I used to know. It's easy to make her mad... and happy at the same time.


Well, only with me. But... that Jiyong!Aisht... What was I even expecting after so many years?


I came back to surprise everyone especially hoodie but I think I was the one surprised this time.



Memories of our childhood came flashing in my mind the moment she nudged me hard in my stomach.


Nothing's changed much. But definitely a lot has happened.








''Hyungs, I don't wanna play hide and seek anymore!'' I whined as I sat on the lush grass in the Park's garden. It's become our habit to play here every weekend and when we have time after school.



''Yah!'' Teddy hyung lifted me up. ''What is wrong with you giving up this early!''



''Come on! Let's play once more!'' Se7en hyung jumped in excitement.


''But you always get to find a perfect hideout! I could just spend the whole day looking for you and still I couldn't find you! I don't want to play anymore!''



The two exchanged glances before straightening up to talk to me.


''Arasso,'' Teddy hyung said. ''You go hide... I'll be the seeker.''



''Ch-ch-incha?'' my eyes literally glistened with tears of joy! Haha! Finally!


''Neh. Make sure to hide well.'' he pointed out as he turned to the tree and leaned on it, covering his eyes.



I looked at Se7en hyung and he's already running away. I felt so excited I couldn't thinK of a good place to go. It's our rule though that we can't go inside the house and hide there. We wouldn't want to break expensive furnitures and feel the old Park's wrath.



I ran and ran, trying to find a good place to hide. My feet finally screeched into a halt upon seeing an old greenhouse by the corner of the yard. It was old, yes, but I can see it's still full of plants and flowers inside. And so I looked around before slowly walking in.




I gasped in awe when I saw the interior of the greenhouse. It looks abandoned outside but inside, it’s so alive. I marveled at how beautiful the flowers were and I almost forgot about hiding if not for the sudden creaking of the door. My eyes rounded and I immediately ducked down. Aisht! Teddy hyung’s really a genius! How come he sensed I was here!



Joongki, you babo kid!



I could just bang my head to the post as I shook in fear and excitement.


I waited and waited but I couldn’t hear any noise, save for the footsteps that slowly going my way.


I am doomed. NO!!!


I’ll forever be the looser Joongki!



I took a peep and tried to even out my breathing but then I heard a sweet voice humming so softly as the footsteps went nearer.


I furrowed my brows in confusion.


Who the hell was that?


Slowly I went leaning back down on the flower pot stand as I wait for this unexpected person but I must have lost my balance making the stand shake a bit. Then I heard a gasp.



“I-i-is there anyone  there?” It took me a while to process that voice. I haven’t heard that before. It’s not Bom’s…


“Bommie?” I heard her calling out. Now I’m sure it’s not Bom. I closed my eyes and when I opened it, a pair of slippers met my eyes. I slowly looked up and…











We both shrieked in horror upon seeing each other. The doll she was holding fell on the ground along with a piece of pencil and sketchpad.



God, the girl looked like she’s some sort of part of a cult. Wearing a black cloak around her, I couldn’t even make out her face. She kept shrieking and trembling and before I could even think of the most appropriate thing to do, I pulled her down and covered . I held her tight so as to stop her from moving. Oh Lord, tell me Teddy hyung didn’t hear our screams!


The girl stiffened in my arms. I looked down at her and that’s the biggest mistake I’ve ever done that day. Having nothing in defense, she quickly moved her head forward and banged it on my forehead making me loosen my grip on her as I moaned in pain.


“YAH!!!” I yelled at her as I rubbed the bump on my head. Her hood fell back and finally I saw her face.


Oh boy… She’s… she’s pretty. It’s just that it seems like fear was forever etched on her face. And I felt sorry about it. I scared her.


She tried to scramble away but I was quick to yank her back.


“Let me go!!! Let me go!!!” she said as she tried to break free from my grip.


“Shhhh… Keep quiet, riding hood!” I told her as I stretch my neck out, wondering if someone’s heard us and was on his way here.


“Please, let me go! Don’t tell harabeoji! Please! I promise I won’t go out of my room anymore!”


I felt my strength seeping out. The girl was crying.


Oh God! I made a girl cry! I feel like I’m little red riding hood’s enemy- the big bad wolf. But I didn’t mean to! I’ve never made a girl cry in my 8 years of existence except only when I was born and my mom cried in joy… Apart from that… Oh… I just made a girl cry. NOOO!!! I’m not a bad boy!



Who is she in the first place?


Harabeoji, was she pertaining to the old Park?


“Y-ah… Calm down…” I managed to say. “What’s your name? Don’t worry I won’t tell the old Park.” I said as I tried to comfort the girl and she slowed down from crying.



“Y-y-you won’t?” she asked as she wiped her tears.




She tried to overcome her sobs as she bent down to pick her things. “You sure y-y-ou won’t tell anyone?”


“I p-promise…” did I just stammer? Seriously, her stammering sickness is contagious.



“T-t-hanks.” She said and turned around to run away.


“W-w-ait!” I tried to call her and she stopped. “What’s your name?” I asked and the girl stiffened.


“I’m sorry… I am not allowed to tel---”



“We can be friends…”



“I am not allowed to make friends.”  She said, making me tilt my head as I wondered why.


“Aisht! Then I’ll call you hoodie! You want that? Tell me your name at least!” I just to get her name.


“C-c-all me whatever name you want I’m sorry I can’t really tell you mine.” She said before running away.


Since then I would purposely drop by the greenhouse everytime I’m at the Park’s manson playing with Teddy and Se7en hyung. Hoodie is such a mystery, and I want her solved. I never did ask Teddy hyung about her because I promised her I won’t tell anyone about that incident. I waited everytime but she won’t come.



We were at a party one time inside the Park’s premises and my parents were busy talking to other guests. CL and Minzy was just toddlers back then and Bom kept going upstairs with the servants trailing behind her. My instincts told me something was off here. Why isn’t she playing with other children her age?


I sneaked in the mansion and followed her upstairs. She looked around before pulling the  skirt of a servant.



“Open the door or I’ll ask omma to fire you!” she yelled at the servant. Aisht! Bom is really an brat!


“I’m sorry Agassi, but your grandfather instructed us to lock Dara-ssi’s room.”



Dara… I mentally took note of that name.


“Open the door!” Bom  trashed and pulled the maid’s skirt but to no avail.


“Bommie!!!” I heard a faint cry from inside the room.


“Dara!!!” Bom screamed as she banged the door.



So she’s Dara… and she was locked inside her room.



Why? I wondered and before I realized, I was pulling Bom downstairs already.


“Yah, oppa! Let me go!”


“I’ll help you see hoodie!”


 The next thing I knew, I was already positioning a garden ladder towards the balcony to her room. Bom was hesitant at first but I can feel she wants to see hoodie so much.


“You go ahead, Bom-ah…” I told her.


“Kamsahamnida, oppa.” The girl said before ascending the ladder. When she reached the rails, she effortlessly hopped on it and slid herself down in.


She was about to push the door in when I called her once more.








“Tell her I already know her secret…” I told her with a proud look on my face. “Tell her the big bad wolf already knows her secret.”






Since then, I found myself getting attached to her story. Bom told me everything and eventually, Teddy hyung too. I felt sorry for her. I wish I could do something for her. I’d find myself staring at her bedroom window from afar. I even follow her everytime I catch a glimpse of her in her ever-so-loved black cloak while she’s sneaking out of the mansion to her favorite spot, the greenhouse. She was awkward at first but then she grew comfortable around me. I taught her some new lessons at school for the poor girl was homeschooled. And she shows me her drawings of her Barbie and friends. She even drew me…But I felt disappointed when she showed it to me and laughed at me coz it was a stick man and she said it’s because I was stick thin. Oh well, that’s when our teasings started. She’s quick tempered. She would nudge me and stomp on my feet whenever I laugh at her. I bullied her but that’s because I want to see another expression on her face aside from that forever etched fear on her face. I would always crave for her laughter and yells and I didn’t mind anymore if Teddy and Se7en hyung would catch me with her in our favorite spot.



I was already 11 when my family decided to leave Seoul and go to US… I felt bad that time… Because she’ll be left all alone again. Good thing Bom always looks after her. But I know the girl was just as helpless.


And I was helpless back then…


I wasn’t even able to bid her goodbye.


end of flashback...



I looked at the stick figure on the almost yellowed piece of paper and chuckled at it.

I've been to a lot of places already but I have to admit.


I've never found a girl as mysterious and unique as her. Was I too late?


I decided to take a shot and come back without any hopes whatsoever. But I felt affected the way she smiles and blushes just by the mere glance of that guy named Kwon Jiyong.


Those used to be mine. 


I heaved a sigh and started to read the contract I signed. 


Is working with her all worth it? Should I take a risk on something I know might be impossible now?


I chuckled at my stupidity.


That's why it's called a risk. It's either you win or lose.


There are two possibilities.


And I'm aiming for the first one.













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Chapter 24: ♥️♥️♥️
Beemie #2
Chapter 24: Thank you for sharing this story. I didn't realize how mesmerizing this ship is IRL. I enjoyed every bit. Absolutely hilarious!!! <3 I can imagine Jiyong saying "juseyo," as well as Dara being outwardly shy to others yet morphs into a succubus with Jiyong.

Cheers and good vibes to all of us in this trying times. ????
ParkBoGumxxi #3
Chapter 24: If the story is good i will not finish it in one reading i will took my time and this, this is a one darn good story i love itttttt. Thank you authornim for sharing this to us. Keep writing ?
Lette1022 #4
Chapter 24: Thank you sooooo much for this wonderful story ❤❤❤❤
Fr0zenMus1c #5
Chapter 24: Awww!! I love the sequel too ❤️❤️❤️
Fr0zenMus1c #6
Chapter 5: Damn. That was hot.
geeydeeykwon #7
Chapter 24: Hey authornim.. Thanks for acknowledging me again.. I was able to read the sequel and finished it because its my rest day.. Hoping for more DARAGON story...Fighting...
Hyorin23 #8
Chapter 21: UUGGGHH!!! I love this fanfic but ugggggggh this part!!!!!.......... SONG JONGKI I LOVE YOU BUT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL THAT TO JIYONG!
Chapter 24: All is well for our couple and also their friends.. Aigoo I feel sad it's finally ended..
Heol!!! Author-nim special chapter, juseyo.. :-)
Chapter 23: Kyahhhhhh.. Where can I find a man like Jiyong oppa??? I want my own man too.. Aigoo it's very hard to find a man like him who do the things his woman wants..